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Re: Interacting with the world and actions vs. faith

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 11:17 am
by AndrewK
YLTYLT wrote:Byblos is correct, salvation has nothing to do with works. Grace and works don't mix (Romans 11)
This, along with what Fürstentum Liechtenstein said about goals, is pretty much what I thought.
YLTYLT wrote:But our works do affect the rewards we will receive in heaven.

And back to the first Post:
AndrewK, I used to have confustion over this paradox as well. But I have since learned that the phrase "inherit the Kingdom of God" is not about salvation, it is about rewards. Those that use their spiritual gifts and finish their race will rule and reign with Christ. But those Christians that do not finish their race will have regret for not having served God as they could have. In other words not all that are saved will Rule and Reign with Christ in the Kindom of God, only those that finish their race.

I think if you research this phrase: "inherit the Kingdom of God" and keep in mind Romans 11 that Grace and works don't mix, then you will see that will help to clear up the apparent paradox.
This part I think I understand, but I just want to clarify to make sure I am not mistaken. So you are saying that first of all there is the initial saving from hell, which we all deserve due to our sin, by belief in Christ. Then after that there are further rewards to be gained in heaven based on how one uses their spiritual gifts in this world. Thus, the experience in heaven will not be the same for all who are saved, since those who are just saved by faith will "enter" heaven, but those who believe and made use of their gifts will "reign" in heaven ("inherit the Kingdom of God"). Is this alomg the lines of your point, or am I totally missing something?

Re: Interacting with the world and actions vs. faith

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 12:34 pm
AndrewK wrote:
YLTYLT wrote:Byblos is correct, salvation has nothing to do with works. Grace and works don't mix (Romans 11)
This, along with what Fürstentum Liechtenstein said about goals, is pretty much what I thought.
YLTYLT wrote:But our works do affect the rewards we will receive in heaven.

And back to the first Post:
AndrewK, I used to have confustion over this paradox as well. But I have since learned that the phrase "inherit the Kingdom of God" is not about salvation, it is about rewards. Those that use their spiritual gifts and finish their race will rule and reign with Christ. But those Christians that do not finish their race will have regret for not having served God as they could have. In other words not all that are saved will Rule and Reign with Christ in the Kindom of God, only those that finish their race.

I think if you research this phrase: "inherit the Kingdom of God" and keep in mind Romans 11 that Grace and works don't mix, then you will see that will help to clear up the apparent paradox.

This part I think I understand, but I just want to clarify to make sure I am not mistaken. So you are saying that first of all there is the initial saving from hell, which we all deserve due to our sin, by belief in Christ. Then after that there are further rewards to be gained in heaven based on how one uses their spiritual gifts in this world. Thus, the experience in heaven will not be the same for all who are saved, since those who are just saved by faith will "enter" heaven, but those who believe and made use of their gifts will "reign" in heaven ("inherit the Kingdom of God"). Is this alomg the lines of your point, or am I totally missing something?
That is pretty much the gist of things, except that the Kingdom of God will be on earth. It will be a new earth, but it will still be earth. Those that do not finish their race will not rule and reign and will therefore regretfully remain in heaven during the 1000 year reign of Christ.

Matthew 5:5
Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.

This verse is a similar reference to inheriting the Kingdom of God. So the Earth is where the future Kingdom of God will be.