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Re: Sex within marriage

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 3:53 pm
by zoegirl
Are you saving yourself for your wedding night? The Devil wants you to fail, that's why he puts stumbling blocks in your way. But God wants you to succeed, and that's why he has given us an alternative to intercourse before marriage: anal sex. Through anal sex, you can satisfy your body's needs, while you avoid the risk of unwanted pregnancy and still keep yourself pure for marriage.
TO be honest, no I hadn't, but this disturbs me more because of the idea that it still perpetuates the idea that you will automatically lose control of yourself and fall and so therefore let's do somehting because of the old argument of "you better release all that pent up deasire or its unhealhty"...

First, this argument has been recycled over and over again with various "acts" substituted....oral sex is the current rage among teens because of course "that's not really sex". For awhile it was the idea that petting is ok since of course there is no penetration...."that's not really sex"

Secondly, it perpetuates the idea that we cannot develop discipline. As the movie I use in my anatomy calss states "You're yes to sex and my yes to sex doesn't mean a thing if we can't say no to sex" The discipline we show in our lives before marriage is a pretty good indication of the discipline we will show during marraige.

What are we, the family pet? that can't control his urges?!? There was once a concept in society of discipline, of controlling our bodies. And if we can't, that's why gentlemen of honor did not let themselves be alone with the woman he loves and honors. Asnd that's why ladies were told NOT to be alone with a man. And that's why chaperones were used....

Yes, God want's you to succeed, but not by replacing one body part with another. Having sex is not simply a matter of inserting one organ into another (and conversely, substituting this body part with another does not make it innocent) The same thoughts, desires, lusts, and physical responses are the same.
Although the anus is used for elimination, in reality it is not as dirty as you think, especially after a shower or bath. Elimination is also a natural process of our God-given bodies, so our conception of the anal area as dirty has more to do with our own psychological hang-ups. If the idea of direct contact with this area is still distasteful to you, the male can wear a condom as a barrier
Ummmm, absolytely wrong?!?!?! The shower or bath can clean the outer area, the reactuma dn anal canal still contain millions upon millions of bacteria. Look, I'm all for recognizing the beauty of even this area and recognize the design of God, but if the area was this clean, we wouldn't have to worry about washing our hands after the bathroom visits would we?

I could potentially see this as "not as dirty" if we are talking about a monogamous relationhip....but not really.
If you're going to have sexual contact before marriage, why not just go the whole nine yards and have regular sex? There are many good reasons for having anal sex instead? The first reason is practical: having conventional vaginal intercourse can lead to unwanted pregnancies
Dumb, Dumb, DUMB logic!!! Same logic to rationalize oral sex before marriage. petting before marrage....etc, etc, etc If it is good to wait, it is good to wait.....period
Second, for a young woman who has never engaged in sexual intercourse, having anal sex allows her to preserve her virginity (i.e., maintain an intact hymen) until marriage. There is no greater gift that a bride can give than to offer her pure, unsullied maidenhead to her husband on their wedding night.
Oh my...for crying out loud...."Gee, honey, we;ve had oral sex, anal sex, petted for many times, but I'm still technically a virgin....Happy wedding night Honey....take me, take me now, make me're the first....well, you're the first... down there, of course I've had one there and there ...but you're my first, well except for that time anbd that time and that time" Wow, how special y#-o y#-o :roll: 8-}2
Finally, anal sex allows both partners to save the most intimate and powerful sexual act, that of face-to-face vaginal intercourse, for their mates in marriage. This type of sexual relationship represents the most powerful union between a man and a woman, and so it rightfully should be reserved for one's life partner. Fortunately, you can engage in anal sex prior to marriage and still be able to share the deeper, more meaningful act of consecrated love through vaginal intercourse with your wedded spouse
Ok,. so the implication is that, although vaginal intercourse is the most special and a woman should save herself for the one she is going to commit to, she can go right ahead and do all of the other things with the OTHER PARTNERS, as long as she saves her vagina for her LIFE PARTNER. Uh-huh

I am more upset by the stipuidity and misuse of scripture with regards to purity befroe marriage, ND i WON'T EVEN GO INTO THE RATIONLIZATION BETWEEN the bondage and the threesomes, and although I thing they serously misuse and abuse the meanings of scripture elsewhere, I wouldn't debate the rightness of oral sex within monogamous marriage. But overall, I think they take scripture too loosely at best and completely mislead at worst.

Awful...HOW AWFUL THAT THIS IS ON THE WEB and that some teens and young singles are reading this and potentially using this to rationlize their actions. To be honest, I am burning with anger that this website is up. Not, frnakly, because of all they say. If a married couple want to do some of these things then....I person;y don't onvbiously agree with them, some of them are absolutley prhibited in scripture, but others are left alone....

HOWEVER, this website is full of absolutely pathetic interpretations of scripture, vile, vile, interpretation and vile descriptions of Christ. I am more disgusted by that. that some people are reading this about our Lord and Savior.

Let's bring back the era of chaperones, lighted porches, discipline, and honor

:shakehead: :shakehead: :nunchaku:

Re: Sex within marriage

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 5:33 pm
by rodyshusband
I hope I never make zoegirl mad at me :shock: !!! :ebiggrin:
But I can understand your anger and frustration and you made some excellent points...

The "sex in christ" website is the result of post modernism and moral relativism.
There are no defined limits. What is wrong for you may not be wrong for me. Truth is relative, with no absolutes.
Of course, the only "barrier" to total hedonism is the Christian worldview, so it will pervert the worldview to fit theirs.

Re: Sex within marriage

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 5:49 pm
by zoegirl
Just as frustrating is their misuse of scripture in order to rationalize a behavior.

It's one thing to say....hey, the scripture is silent on this matter and its between a loving mature Christian married couple. It IS silent on a lot, so hey, go for it. (except I still think scripture point to sin for the bondage and premarital junk)

It's quite another to make ridiculous interpretations in order to make the scripture support what you want.

Yeah, guess I kinda lost it....still mad and disgusted at their presentation of Christ.

Re: Sex within marriage

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 4:41 am
by Harry12345
zoegirl wrote:Just as frustrating is their misuse of scripture in order to rationalize a behavior.

It's one thing to say....hey, the scripture is silent on this matter and its between a loving mature Christian married couple. It IS silent on a lot, so hey, go for it. (except I still think scripture point to sin for the bondage and premarital junk)

It's quite another to make ridiculous interpretations in order to make the scripture support what you want.

Yeah, guess I kinda lost it....still mad and disgusted at their presentation of Christ.
Yeah... Christ came to do many things... giving us fabulous sex tips was not exactly a priority of his! :pound:

Re: Sex within marriage

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 1:46 pm
by Daniel
rodyshusband wrote:
Harry12345 wrote:Have any of you looked at that site. :lol: :pound:
I took a look through some of the topics.
It's the usual "Well, God didn't specifically say we can't..."-type of reasoning.
Little thought or rationale applied.
I see nothing wrong with that stance, and I don't think that much thought is necessary to avoid legalism. I will agree that such a response might oversimplify it. Such actions could be a stumbling block for some believers (i.e. where Paul says that eating meat might be sin for some but not for others.)

Also, I do think that it is wise and biblical to consider health risks, as zoegirl mentioned.

Re: Sex within marriage

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 3:33 pm
by cslewislover
I thought I might add a bit on anal intercourse. I have a women's health book written by a gynecologist. In there she says that anal intercourse can lead to fecal incontinence. (Is that the right spelling?) Who wants to not be able to hold their bowel movements in when they're older just for some possible pleasure/pain now? Oooh, that's just too yucky to think about. :(

Re: Sex within marriage

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 9:07 am
by FFC
Exit only. That's all i'm saying. :oops:

Re: Sex within marriage

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 3:21 pm
by Joshua
cslewislover wrote:I thought I might add a bit on anal intercourse. I have a women's health book written by a gynecologist. In there she says that anal intercourse can lead to fecal incontinence. (Is that the right spelling?) Who wants to not be able to hold their bowel movements in when they're older just for some possible pleasure/pain now? Oooh, that's just too yucky to think about. :(
You're absolutly right. Ask any doctor and they'll tell you how bad for your body that act is.