B. W. wrote:Sadly The USA is now an Obama Nation,
Yep, lets just pray for the possibility that he might govern from the center, but I'm not gonna hold my breath.
It appears the Left wing - I'll say it Marxist elements - have swept into power by swindle and successful trickery.
I have to agree that it looks like socialism at least on the surface, but I do think there will be more opposition than we think.
...And yes it does have the bad taste of trickery.
I am not a prophet and never claim to be. Now is your turn to chime in on what you think will happen in the future based on your best guess. So please chime in on what you think will happen under the heals of an Obama Nation?
I don't things can happen as fast as they think and in four years, people may reopen their eyes to the realities of having doctrine pushed in our face whether we like it or not.
Here is my best guess…
Be prepared for a rough ride the first hundred days after Obama is sworn in January. There will be political reprisals as well as the sad silencing of free speech in America so that any dissenting voice against the ruling powers is silenced. Internet commerce will be taxed and any blog or website that opposes the Obama will be forced to close.
Certainly they'll move as fast they can, but its going to take a while to get the agenda moving at all, think red states and the dissent that will be generated by various forms of media and I'm not talking MSM.
Our taxes will be raised, people will see the mistake they made while others will chant with extended hand — Obama ,Obama — the Messiah - the savior - the One - the Leader!
Bull's eye on the taxes- even if he doesn't raise taxes below a given income level-we will get the fallout from increased prices from the companies/corporations. You could call it camouflage taxing.
Many Businesses will leave this country to avoid paying large taxes. Expect increasing Gas prices and fuel oil increases by spring. Expect abortion on demand, Bill Ayers type educational policy to be enacted, parent rights stripped, no school choice, and Schools becoming propaganda learning centers rather than schools.
No disagreement here, I think we half way there already.
US Sovereignty will be dissolved. US Armed forces brought to its knees. Russia, Cuba, and Venezuela will exploit US weakness — form a pack and plant missiles and may launch such a missile attack against us in the near future.
A pretty dim picture and certainly very possible, but I'm wondering if mideast terrorists may be planning a surprise for the new President.
Obama's true beliefs about Israel will be realized and Israel maybe abandoned by the US very soon,,,
It's not just Obama but many of the liberals who have also voiced opposition to Israel for decades -I think Obama will be getting pushed hard on this.
Watch the news and see Hamas and militant Arab Factions happily parading in the streets over the Obama win.
Just as much as they did the day after 911, there are too many in our higher office' who chant "We can all get along, we only need to set up dialogue with these people!".....unhuh, get along to our graves is what they want-Christians first.
I guess the Christian Church in America needs awoken through a new form and type of persecution to gets its act together to come together. This is really a sad day for America — we were once a great nation but now the nuts run the show.
Yes, and an awakening needs to happen to the rest of the nation as well. Historically, liberalism has never been sucessful for very long in any country. If it didn't fail on it's own principle, then it has usually morphed to socialism, marxism, degraded communism, etc. We are now seeing the beginning of Europe edge into the trap.
I tend to blame the declining culture of our nation as to how we got started in this direction.
Even though abortion is my number one issue, it doesn't seem that any of the issues will be the downfall of this great nation but rather the mindless following of the masses-(sheeple).