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Re: Inhuman Holiday Shopping

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 1:48 pm
by cslewislover
Harry12345 wrote:The pregnant woman who was sent to the hospital after she got trampled by the mob has now had a miscarriage.

I have no words.

Neither do I.

Re: Inhuman Holiday Shopping

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 2:00 pm
by BavarianWheels
Pictures of the crowd that killed Jdimytai Damour. ... tures.html

Re: Inhuman Holiday Shopping

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 2:27 pm
by Cactus
Sounds like the sort of activity involved in storming a castle rather than going shopping. I wonder if any of the shoppers was armed in case they got in a fight over a certain last-in-stock item?

Re: Inhuman Holiday Shopping

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 2:34 pm
by harth1026
Cactus wrote:Sounds like the sort of activity involved in storming a castle rather than going shopping. I wonder if any of the shoppers was armed in case they got in a fight over a certain last-in-stock item?
I'm guessing you haven't heard of the shooting at the Toys R Us last Friday. Someone did bring a gun and two people died there. My question is, "Who needs to bring a gun to Toys R Us?!!!"

Re: Inhuman Holiday Shopping

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 2:43 pm
by Cactus
Well if it was in America I doubt I would of heard of it. I live in England you see?

Whoever that was sounds like a total mentalist!

Re: Inhuman Holiday Shopping

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 3:50 pm
by Harry12345
Cactus wrote:I live in England you see?
Hey there fellow Englishman! y>:D<

Re: Inhuman Holiday Shopping

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 9:40 pm
by cslewislover
BavarianWheels wrote:.
Pictures of the crowd that killed Jdimytai Damour. ... tures.html
How can people act like that just to save a little money? :crying:

Re: Inhuman Holiday Shopping

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 2:56 am
by Cactus
Probably take the same mentality to build a Killdozer

nah... maybe not that extreme, he was to determined to be classified an animal.

Re: Inhuman Holiday Shopping

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 7:34 am
by Cross.eyed
FFC wrote:
Cross.eyed wrote:
FFC wrote:
harth1026 wrote:This just in...,2933,460924,00.html

The family of the victim is suing Walmart. While they believe that the mob was more responsible for the incident, they believe that Walmart could have done more to control the mob. While I agree that Walmart could have done more, I don't see them being at fault at all. There was additional security for that event so it wasn't like there weren't preparing for some extra craziness. And I seriously don't agree with suing Walmart while letting the unapologetic mob itself get away with murder. That is completely wrong and it send the wrong message.
I agree, but unfortunately Wal-Mart is liable for anything that happens on their property. It is a shame that people had to act like animals. In defense of Wal-Mart who could forsee that...well maybe they should have.
Yes they should have and so should any other who promote black Friday with special sales in "limited" quanity.

The barbaric crowds have going on since the invention of black Friday but no company (that I've heard of) has taken precautions against injury.

But still, it is a shame Wal-Mart has to take the punch, when clearly the mob should be held culpable.
I would love to see the mob be held culpable, but where do you begin and where do you end? y:-?
I wish I knew, but I think of how our society has been changing for the worse for the last several decades, and I'm not so sure it is retrievable.

People have forgotten (or were never taught) why they should care and how to love.

This all seems to be growing exponentially.

Re: Inhuman Holiday Shopping

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 9:57 am
by harth1026
Here in NJ, I just heard the story of the girlfriend's mother (Joan) and her adventure on Black Friday. I wonder if this could change a person...

Earlier in the morning, Joan snatched a Wii Fit from another customer's cart at a local Target. And later in her shopping excursion, Joan was hunting for a portable DVD player and she spotted the one she was looking for in yet another customer's cart. In fact, this other customer had two. Joan asked her if there were any left. The lady said to her that she took the last two, but she believes that they were restocking the shelves with more. The lady said that she could go and get her one so long as Joan watches her cart. Surprised by the trust that this stranger had in her, Joan didn't steal the DVD player. She just waited patiently until the other one returned. And when she did return, she had a portable DVD player in hand just Joan.

Now the girlfriend's mom is a good person usually, but she does make a lot of questionable moral decision in my opinion. This incident proves to me that not all of the obsessed bargain shoppers have fallen into greed. And hopefully this will have a positive affect on Joan.