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Re: shaving, sabbath and such

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 12:38 pm
by Jac3510
No he didn't. Point out to me one place in Galatians where he says anything about the Sabbath. I seriously doubt that the gist of Paul's letter was because they were taking a day of rest.
And there is absolutely no way you can say there weren't Jews in the galatian church. More than likely there were. And that was what created the point of contention that Paul is dealing with. No? Circumcision is a much more central theme of this letter.
The Galatian church was made up predominantly of Gentiles. If there were any Jews, they were the minority. There no debate about that. Paul wrote the letter because certain people had come in after Paul and were telling those Galatians that they had to keep the Jewish law, not to be saved, but to be perfected in their salvation--what we would call sanctification. Paul condemns that. He points out that you do NOT have to keep the Mosaic Law. You are NOT under it, and anyone who says otherwise is anathema (cursed) for preaching a false gospel. Bear in mind that "gospel" means a lot more than "what you have to believe to be saved." The Gospel leads not only to salvation, but also to fellowship with God.

These Galatians were putting themselves under the Sabbath law. They were trying to keep the Mosaic Law, from Sabbath-keeping to circumcision to the dietary laws to everything in between. Paul calls them fools for it. He says to get over it. The Mosaic Law, which included the Ten Commandments, has been done away with. To say otherwise is to be accursed.
That doesn't mean they aren't seperate. In fact the text is very clear in doing so. It is obvious in the reading that there is a distiction from the 10.
And that would require ignoring Deut 5:22 "These are the commandments the LORD proclaimed in a loud voice to your whole assembly there on the mountain from out of the fire, the cloud and the deep darkness; and he added nothing more. Then he wrote them on two stone tablets and gave them to me."
You should read the whole passage:
  • 23 When you heard the voice out of the darkness, while the mountain was ablaze with fire, all the leading men of your tribes and your elders came to me. 24 And you said, "The LORD our God has shown us his glory and his majesty, and we have heard his voice from the fire. Today we have seen that a man can live even if God speaks with him. 25 But now, why should we die? This great fire will consume us, and we will die if we hear the voice of the LORD our God any longer. 26 For what mortal man has ever heard the voice of the living God speaking out of fire, as we have, and survived? 27 Go near and listen to all that the LORD our God says. Then tell us whatever the LORD our God tells you. We will listen and obey."

    28 The LORD heard you when you spoke to me and the LORD said to me, "I have heard what this people said to you. Everything they said was good. 29 Oh, that their hearts would be inclined to fear me and keep all my commands always, so that it might go well with them and their children forever!

    30 "Go, tell them to return to their tents. 31 But you stay here with me so that I may give you all the commands, decrees and laws you are to teach them to follow in the land I am giving them to possess."
Notice - the people got the Ten, then were afraid and said, "Get the rest of them for us, because we can't bear to see God!" Does God go on and say, "What? The rest? Those fools! That's all I intended. Fine, then, they want more, I'll give them more. Here's 603 more!" No. He says, "What they ask for is good." Those people got it. God commends, not condemns, them for it.

As far as the statement that they are separated, assertions require evidence, my friend. While the passage in Deuteronomy shows the continuity, more importantly, there is nothing in Ex 20 that would lead us to believe that the people were getting two separate laws, one eternal and one temporary. More on that distinction below. Unless you can show me something that says, "These first ten are permanent, and the next 600+ are temporary" then all you have is a separation by narrative. But by that standard, there are dozens of different sets of laws, all separated by narrative. I'm sure you don't hold to that, so in the interest of consistency, I'd like to see what you use to braek the 10 off in Exodus 20 from all the rest.
And then the Lord specifically states in v. 30 and 31, " Go, tell them to return to their tents. 31 But you stay here with me so that I may give you all the commands, decrees and laws you are to teach them to follow in the land I am giving them to possess." That being the civil, etc.
Wait, wait . . . civil, ETC[]b? Well let's test that hypothesis:

"Do not take advantage of a widow or an orphan." ~Ex. 22:22
"Do not blaspheme God or curse the ruler of your people" ~Ex. 22:28
"Do not spread false reports" ~Ex 23:1
"Do not follow the crowd in doing wrong" ~Ex 23:2
"Do not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds those who see and twists the words of the righteous." ~Ex 23:8
"Six days do your work, but on the seventh day do not work" ~Ex 23:12
"Do not invoke the names of other gods; do not let them be heard on your lips." Ex 23:13

So, I figured I would stop at 7, since it is a poetic number, and because I didn't want to go further than those two chapters. After that, we get another narrative, and I'm not sure if the laws after that narrative would continue to be civil or not . . . I'll need to get you to clarify that point.

In any case, so those seven . . . are they ONLY civil? No moral laws in there? I see a few repeats from the 10. So what makes these different? Why are we not under these, but we are under the 10? How can you make the distinction, considering that these are, by your own words, part of the civil law?

Now you are putting words in my mouth. And actually its colossians regarding those scriptures.

No, it wasn't. If you look back at the discussion, you'll see that this goes back to your stating "You must remember that the observence of these "special days" involved something. SACRIFICE." The only verse in which I mentioned "special days" was Gal 4:10. Colossians says nothing about it. And the point I made on that passage still stands, which I'll quote again here for your convenience:

  • Is the Sabbath not a special day to be observed in the OT law? Were these Gentiles not keeping the special days (Sabbaths, feasts, etc.?), and does Paul not rebuke them for it? But if keeping the Sabbath is no longer necessary (sorry BW!), then what about the other Ten Commandments. Should we talk abotu The Nine Commandments?
Your defense that Paul was castigating them for sacrificing on the Sabbath is incorrect, for the Galatians never sacrificed anything (they had no Temple!). Thus, Paul is castigating them for keeping the Sabbath law in general, which is, as you well know, part of the Ten Commandments (and apparently, part of the civil law, too!)
Paul includes the issue of food, right there in the mix. The observances of special days included setting asside offerings and tithes. What did they do with those? At the proper times, they would go to the priest to present them. Some for sacrifice, some for consumption. Not to mention the issue of food would relate to what was permitted in the levitical laws.

So I assume by "special days" you are referring to Colossians here and NOT to Galatians (though Galatians is the verse that uses the phrase). Now, you'll have to tell me where you get thi notion of going to a priest at the proper time and presenting tithes and offerings for sacrifice according to the levitical laws. Here is the passage in its context:

  • When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross. And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross. Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. 17These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.

I don't see anything about the levitical law there. What I do see is a statement that the whole law was put on the cross by Christ, which includes the Sabbath laws.

I'm still not sure what theological point we are debating. And am definately not clear on where you think my statements contradicted those scriptures. I have never stated that "keeping" the Law earns salvation.

No, of course not. But you responded by ratgibson's post by talking about some parts of the law being done away with and others remaining. Presumably, he is still under the parts of the law that are still in force. And that is the part I am questioning you on. The Bible says that the LAW, not PART of the Law, was cancelled. I am pointing out that you can't separate it. James says you can't--the person who keeps ONE part must keep ALL of it (written to a JEWISH audience about the JEWISH law); Paul never distinguishes between parts of it. He says it is all gone. Paul says we aren't under the Sabbath Law, which was specifically regulated in the Ten Commandments, a part that you wish to keep enforced.

Bottom line: if you place yourself under the Ten, then you are obligated to keep the WHOLE law. All 613 commandments. If you tell someone, like ratgibson, that they are under the Law, in part or in whole, Paul says you are preaching a different Gospel than he is, which he says is anathema. So I'd say we are debating a very important theological point.

Re: shaving, sabbath and such

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 12:50 pm
by BavarianWheels
Jac3510 wrote:Bottom line: if you place yourself under the Ten, then you are obligated to keep the WHOLE law. All 613 commandments. If you tell someone, like ratgibson, that they are under the Law, in part or in whole, Paul says you are preaching a different Gospel than he is, which he says is anathema. So I'd say we are debating a very important theological point.
Still stuck on Law being a "false gospel" being promoted here, are you Jac3510?'s not. It's not "kept" as such. It's "kept" because it is God's holy and righteous Law. This is the law that is eternal, not the sacrificial and ceremonial laws that pointed at Christ. The Sabbath isn't a point towards, but a pointing BACK at creation. It's not that difficult to see in the command itself. sinner can keep the law wholly or even in part. It's not about that at all. It's about the law telling the sinner what sin is. Anything that goes against the law is sin...I think you'd agree. So then NOT remembering THE Sabbath, by not a sin. If there are degrees of sin, then willfully going against God's law is worse than endeavoring to "keep" God's day...the day that was SET over and over in scripture.

Logic says if one part is ok to disregard then the rest is ok...I don't know anyone happy about murders. And you can't give me the "its not legal to murder in society...that's why we don't murder..." routine. If it's not part of God's EVERLASTING Law...then there's nothing wrong with it and therefore not sinful.

Re: shaving, sabbath and such

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 12:52 pm
by BavarianWheels
Keefy wrote:I think it's a question of the heart. I endeavour to keep God's law (commandments and teachings) because I love God and want to obey him. I find myself in a position where I don't want to disobey the law or go against the teachings of the bible because I know to do so would hurt God and be a real source of emotional pain for myself. I find that the desire to not disobey or hurt God drives me to learn more about him and to align my views to his. Obviously I fail, and I'm sure that my lifestyle frequently goes against God's will without me even realising it (but hopefully a little less as each day goes by).

The more I get filled with the Holy Spirit and the more time I spend focusing and submitting to God, the more I find myself wanting to stick to his laws and wanting to remove the habits and behaviours in my life that go against his will. To attempt to keep the law without loving God is the same as being in a loveless marriage. You stay in it out of duty, but your heart wishes it could be free of it and your vows become a chain round your neck. In a loving marriage, however, you choose to keep your vows because you love your partner and want them to be happy. Your vows then becomes a source of joy for you because you know that keeping them brings joy to the other partner.

Re: shaving, sabbath and such

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 1:31 pm
by Jac3510
BavarianWheels wrote:
Jac3510 wrote:Bottom line: if you place yourself under the Ten, then you are obligated to keep the WHOLE law. All 613 commandments. If you tell someone, like ratgibson, that they are under the Law, in part or in whole, Paul says you are preaching a different Gospel than he is, which he says is anathema. So I'd say we are debating a very important theological point.
Still stuck on Law being a "false gospel" being promoted here, are you Jac3510?'s not. It's not "kept" as such. It's "kept" because it is God's holy and righteous Law. This is the law that is eternal, not the sacrificial and ceremonial laws that pointed at Christ. The Sabbath isn't a point towards, but a pointing BACK at creation. It's not that difficult to see in the command itself. sinner can keep the law wholly or even in part. It's not about that at all. It's about the law telling the sinner what sin is. Anything that goes against the law is sin...I think you'd agree. So then NOT remembering THE Sabbath, by not a sin. If there are degrees of sin, then willfully going against God's law is worse than endeavoring to "keep" God's day...the day that was SET over and over in scripture.

Logic says if one part is ok to disregard then the rest is ok...I don't know anyone happy about murders. And you can't give me the "its not legal to murder in society...that's why we don't murder..." routine. If it's not part of God's EVERLASTING Law...then there's nothing wrong with it and therefore not sinful.
The fourth commandment is not part of God's everlasting law. God blessed the Sabbath prior to the Law. He LEGISLATED it in the law. Paul himself, in the previously quoted verses, says that the whole Law, including the Sabbath, POINTS TO THE CROSS. Hebrews makes that evident. The Sabbath laws pointed, as a type, to the rest a Christian has, not in salvation, but in fellowship with the Lord.

You can struggle against Paul and James all you like. They say it clearly. If you keep one part of the law, you are obligated to keep it all:
  • Again I declare to every man who lets himself be circumcised that he is obligated to obey the whole law. ~ Gal 5:3
    whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it ~ James 1:10
You try to keep people under the Law, and thus, you put people in bondage to the whole Law. Paul says that those who preach such a gospel are under a curse (Gal 1:8-9). Really, Bavarian, I have GREAT news for you! YOU ARE NOT UNDER THE MOSAIC LAW! NOT ANY OF IT!!! Rejoice in that. You are free in Christ. Now, go serve Him, not under the Law of Moses with its rules and regulations that lead only to death, but under the Law of Christ, which is only this: to love one another as He loved you. Go and be free. Stop living under a curse.

Re: shaving, sabbath and such

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 1:53 pm
by BavarianWheels
Jac3510 wrote:The fourth commandment is not part of God's everlasting law. God blessed the Sabbath prior to the Law. He LEGISLATED it in the law. Paul himself, in the previously quoted verses, says that the whole Law, including the Sabbath, POINTS TO THE CROSS. Hebrews makes that evident. The Sabbath laws pointed, as a type, to the rest a Christian has, not in salvation, but in fellowship with the Lord.

You can struggle against Paul and James all you like. They say it clearly. If you keep one part of the law, you are obligated to keep it all:
  • Again I declare to every man who lets himself be circumcised that he is obligated to obey the whole law. ~ Gal 5:3
    whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it ~ James 1:10
You try to keep people under the Law, and thus, you put people in bondage to the whole Law. Paul says that those who preach such a gospel are under a curse (Gal 1:8-9). Really, Bavarian, I have GREAT news for you! YOU ARE NOT UNDER THE MOSAIC LAW! NOT ANY OF IT!!! Rejoice in that. You are free in Christ. Now, go serve Him, not under the Law of Moses with its rules and regulations that lead only to death, but under the Law of Christ, which is only this: to love one another as He loved you. Go and be free. Stop living under a curse.
Thanks for the Good News Jac...I already have understood the free gift of salvation through grace, by faith. Not anything I do, but all of Christ! It is through Christ that my rags are seen as pure because He kept the law perfectly as the Lord of the Law/Sabbath. Thank you, God, for not applying my filthy Sabbath keeping against me! I have understood AND accepted the gift, but thanks nonetheless, Jac.

Now let me give you God's words that I take as the base of the context of Paul and James' words.
God's Own Finger on Tablets of Stone wrote:Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your manservant or maidservant, nor your animals, nor the alien within your gates. For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.
Paul and James would never put aside God's holy and righeous law. If it is good enough to keep a perfect person saved, it is good for ETERNITY. None of us are perfect so the law is death to us, but now a righteousness APART FROM know the rest. The law still points to sin in the's just not a manner in which the sinner is afforded salvation.

You won't be arguing with me on the basis of the Sabbath...just God Himself.

Re: shaving, sabbath and such

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 1:58 pm
by Jac3510
Bav wrote:Thanks for the Good News Jac...I already have understood the free gift of salvation through grace, by faith. Not anything I do, but all of Christ! It is through Christ that my rags are seen as pure because He kept the law perfectly as the Lord of the Law/Sabbath. Thank you, God, for not applying my filthy Sabbath keeping against me! I have understood AND accepted the gift, but thanks nonetheless, Jac.
Who said I was talking about salvation? I am talking about your fellowship with God. You are putting yourself under bondage to the Law and then not keeping it. It is Paul, not me, who says taht is accursed.
Now let me give you God's words that I take as the base of the context of Paul and James' words.
Paul and James would never put aside God's holy and righeous law. If it is good enough to keep a perfect person saved, it is good for ETERNITY. None of us are perfect so the law is death to us, but now a righteousness APART FROM know the rest. The law still points to sin in the's just not a manner in which the sinner is afforded salvation.

You won't be arguing with me on the basis of the Sabbath...just God Himself.
The LAW you quote is part of the Mosaic Law. That's hardly news. That is what Paul says was put aside. Further, I've already dealt with this. The blessing of the Sabbath was a type of the rest in Christ. Now, EVERY DAY is the Sabbath for the Christian at rest in Christ. You insist on binding yourself to one part of the Law, and therefore, you are obligated to the whole of it.

So, whereas I am resting in Christ, you have the yoke of the Law upon you, which you choose not to keep. That is your problem, my friend, not mine. I only wish you would come out from under it and rest, not only for salvation, in Christ, from your foolish works.

God bless

Re: shaving, sabbath and such

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 2:09 pm
by BavarianWheels
Jac3510 wrote:from your foolish works.
I'll keep my "foolish" works and be saved inspite of my foolishness because I don't keep them FOR salvation but because God said it...and I believe it...and that settles it for Would you die to keep God's will?

Again...the 4th Commandment is God's words which interprets itself.

The Command gives the What, the How, the Why, and the Who...plain. I'm sorry you're too blind to see this.

"If you love me, keep my commands" Christ didn't mention taking the Lord's name in vain, but I'll bet you and most Christians would be offended if I threw the "gd" bomb out here and there in posting. Ever wonder why?

Re: shaving, sabbath and such

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 2:42 pm
by Keefy
From reading your discussion it appears you both agree in regard to the law except on the issue of the sabbath. I think Bavarian believes that we should adhere to the sabbath and keep it holy whereas jac says we don't have to. Am I understanding you both correctly?

Re: shaving, sabbath and such

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 2:53 pm
by BavarianWheels
Keefy wrote:From reading your discussion it appears you both agree in regard to the law except on the issue of the sabbath. I think Bavarian believes that we should adhere to the sabbath and keep it holy whereas jac says we don't have to. Am I understanding you both correctly?
How can both agree when one says it's foolish to keep God's law?

In simple terms, yes. It's God's will as He wrote out for us. If the law is death for the sinner...then what is it for the person that is able to keep it perfectly? The bible tells us it's holy and righteous. It points AT sin...then logically it is sinful to disregard God's holy, righteous law.

As a means for's useless to the sinner. As a guide into God's will and a closer's the schoolmaster.

Re: shaving, sabbath and such

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 4:38 pm
by zoegirl
Keefy wrote:From reading your discussion it appears you both agree in regard to the law except on the issue of the sabbath. I think Bavarian believes that we should adhere to the sabbath and keep it holy whereas jac says we don't have to. Am I understanding you both correctly?
The main issue, keefy, is whether we are *bound* to keep the law. Jac's premise (and really it is mainstream Christian doctrine) is that Christ's death freed us from the law and we are no longer captive to the law.

this doesn't mean that we don't do things that please God (which is what you had stated in your previous e-mail) and which I entirely aagree with. the issue becomes one of what pleases God? Many of the things that please God do align with much of the law (respecting parents, pure of speech, avoiding lust,e tc) and we do these things out of love for God, but as Jac has demonstrated from his scripture, the sabbath is not something we are bound to, esepecially to one specific day of the week.

Really it comes down to this, Bavarian, what happens if you don't keep the Sabbath. What happens if you are a doctor who must be in the emergency room on Saturday?

Re: shaving, sabbath and such

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 9:26 pm
by BavarianWheels
zoegirl wrote:Really it comes down to this, Bavarian, what happens if you don't keep the Sabbath. What happens if you are a doctor who must be in the emergency room on Saturday?
What happens? Nothing. Nothing happens if you're a bartender and work on the Sabbath. There are no lightning bolts that come down from heaven for breaking the Sabbath. The Sabbath isn't a do or die issue*. It's simply a respect for God's will and since He was very specific, there is no excuse for disregarding it. Once again, like Jac3510 it seems you're equating Sabbath keeping with salvation as legalism would say, but it's not legalism when God's will is followed by the heart of the gratefulness for His salvation apart from the law, which is impossible.

If the law points at sin...what does that say about the 4th Commandment?

Why is it so difficult to take God at HIS written word? Why do we dismiss one, but not the other 9 as things we should do/follow?

*While at the moment it isn't an issue of "do or die", I believe that like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego (sp?), at some point it will. I believe it will be a point of separation.

Re: shaving, sabbath and such

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 11:30 am
by zoegirl
While at the moment it isn't an issue of "do or die", I believe that like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego (sp?), at some point it will. I believe it will be a point of separation.
Care to elaborate

Re: shaving, sabbath and such

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 11:50 am
by BavarianWheels
zoegirl wrote:
While at the moment it isn't an issue of "do or die", I believe that like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego (sp?), at some point it will. I believe it will be a point of separation.
Care to elaborate
Simply put...the 4th Commandment is the only Commandment that Christians debate over and draw lines and get all bent out of shape over. Is there a right day that God made holy and made it His Rest day? If not, then you wont see any controversy and it will be moot. But if so, then the controversy will just grow and be a subject of dissention. Blue laws will become more and more popular as time goes by with importance of making it a "family day"...little by little the Sabbatarians will be pressured more and more to give up the Sabbath and join the masses. Pretty soon the religious liberty that we Sabbatarians enjoy now, will be gone.

Boy...I hate to sound like that, but It won't be much different from the Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego account.

Re: shaving, sabbath and such

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 5:59 pm
by Jac3510
BavarianWheels wrote:
Jac3510 wrote:from your foolish works.
I'll keep my "foolish" works and be saved inspite of my foolishness because I don't keep them FOR salvation but because God said it...and I believe it...and that settles it for
1) I believe that God's saying something settles it whether you believed it or not. I just wish that you would believe what God said. He said you are no longer under the Law, and you reject that. Yes, my friend, that is foolishness.
2) No one has said you are keeping the law for your salvation. I've said just the opposite. I said you are keeping it for sanctification, which Paul condemns as a false Gospel. See Gal. 3:2-5.
Would you die to keep God's will?
Of course. But I would not die to keep a legalistic religion's laws that are based on a rejection of God's revelation.
Again...the 4th Commandment is God's words which interprets itself.
Yes, it does. And we are no longer under it. It's part of that whole "not under the Law" thing.
The Command gives the What, the How, the Why, and the Who...plain. I'm sorry you're too blind to see this.
I see it perfectly well. I also see that we are no longer under it. I am sorry you are too blind to see that. Gal 1:8-9.
"If you love me, keep my commands" Christ didn't mention taking the Lord's name in vain, but I'll bet you and most Christians would be offended if I threw the "gd" bomb out here and there in posting. Ever wonder why?
Because most Christians don't know what it means to take the Lord's name in vain. Go ahead and drop the gd bomb. Wouldn't bother me a bit. In any case, the verse you cited comes from Ex 20:6, and Deut 5:10, speaking, of course, to the Jews under the Law. Jesus repeats it to His disciples in John 14:15 and several other times in that passage. And that command: "My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you."

Do you not understand the whole of Jesus' law is only that, that we love one another? He nailed ALL the regulations, including those related to the Sabbath, to the Cross. He only leaves us with this: love one another. That's all, Bav. Just love people. In humility, consider others more important that yourself--give yourself for them. Rest in that, Bav, and EVERY day is the Sabbath. You can stop toiling to keep these regulations--not for your salvation, but for your fellowship. You don't have to keep the Law--not any of them, including the 4th--to be in a right relationship with God. All you have to do is do what Jesus said to do: love people.

You, though, are not loving them. You are putting them into bondage. You are condemning them to a yoke that no one, except Jesus Himself, has ever been able to bear. You are denying them the freedom that is in Christ. You are keeping them from grace. Bav, it is GRACE! It is UNDESERVED favor! Just as God freely gave to you, so you freely give to others EVERY day. That is what the Sabbath was about in the Old Testament. That is why God blessed it. It was about rest and restoration, not just of they physical body, but of our emotion and spiritual bonds, both with ourselves and with one another. And all that has now been completed in Christ. Can't you see that? Why are you appealing to the law when the grace of Christ has been laid before you? Stop snubbing it, and reach out and take it freely, and live in it.

Freedom is a beautiful thing. I beg you, let go of your adherence to a dead law and rest in God's grace--everyday.

Re: shaving, sabbath and such

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 6:28 pm
by zoegirl