Re: Bacterial Flagellum not irreducibly complex?
Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 11:35 pm
Sorry for my lateness...
As far as anyone can tell, those are the only possible scenarios. I have mentioned this several times over and nobody has been able to refute it, would you like to be the first?[*] He says there are two possible explanations for any given entity; it is the product of "mindless natural processes" OR it is the product of an "intelligent agent".
If nothing caused the effect, then nothing will be. As far as anyone can tell we don't see nothing causing anything. We can say for a great deal of things that what caused the effect was intelligence.[*] He specifically rejects the concept that "nothing caused the effect" (the third possible explanation being that nothing caused the entity).
Then you don't understand that ID is about design detection or you just don't understand design detection. No pun intended of course. Design detection is not designer detection.So then where did the designer come from? (I know, it's a cheap shot , but he was presenting a scientific analysis.)
[*] Most of his presentation addresses the probabilities of reproducing a specific, predetermined result, namely what has already happened. That is only valid if the target result is the only possible result.
Well, the target result IS the only possible result. What is variable is the method used to get there (sometimes there is only one method). For example, there are various types of sorting algorithms, one more efficient or faster then the other, but the result is identical (ie: to sort a set of objects in some ordered fashion). Searching algorithms search for some specific things, some require that the set of things are already sorted beforehand making the subsequent search faster. Radio receivers can demodulate predefined amplitude and frequency modulated signals from a carrier wave, the target result is the same overall. In some cases there is only one way to achieve a desired effect depending on the context of the system itself. What is taken into account is the possible configurations to achieve the effect itself. In the case of biology, it isn't just how you achieve the effect, its how you achieve the achieved effect. For example, since a sorting algorithm sorts, we have to take into account how the sorting algorithm came to be, how the sorting algorithms "sorted itself out sort of speak". There are probably hundreds if not thousands of these types of layers of "origination" we need to account for in biology.Consider a specific make and model of an automobile (say a 1960 VW Beetle). How likely is it that an independent design team, working without access to or knowledge of the target model could produce essentially the same design? The same wheelbase, the same weight, the same drivetrain, the same horsepower, ... obviously the probability is negligible.
Like was said, the target result is the same because we are working within a predefined context. That is how all designs operate, cars travel on roads, can drive at certain speeds, can carry certain capacities, it is within that context designers create cars. Biology operates as well within its own context. In each given context we have problems and we have solutions (keys or access codes that can "open" the safe) to those problems, they are not infinite. This is an interesting topic nevertheless.To be a valid indicator of design in the way he is trying to do, he would need to use the number of possible workable "designs" and use that to calculate his probability of design. In the case of the automobile, the number of workable designs is nearly infinite, so the probability that our design team could produce a car is quite good. However, the probability they would reproduce a 1960 VW is virtually nil.
The diversity in life shows in fact common solutions to problems at the core (or molecular level). DNA (as well as transcription and translation) for example is common to all biology as it implements a base 4 system, unlike a base 2 system which natural selection for some odd reason (since it works by step-by-step gradual processes) skipped over to use a more complex base 4.[*] He completely avoids the pertinent parameter, how many possible workable solutions are there? Biology isn't Grandfather's safe, there are many solutions to any problem (witness the diversity of life).