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Re: Having children

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 11:41 am
by Harry12345
rodyshusband wrote:
Harry12345 wrote:
Jac3510 wrote:I don't see anything to be surprised about, Harry?
I do!!! y:O2
Now nice! :)
I'll try. :oops:

Re: Having children

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 11:09 pm
by ageofknowledge
Attention. Line up in formation and dress right. My thread. Back to the topic. Just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should. Especially bringing new life into a world where most perish and suffer for eternity. That's one you might want to think about first in some detail.

Re: Having children

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 3:39 am
by Echoside
I agree completely, bringing up a child is for many people an unreasonable thing to attempt. Just because someone wants to have a kid doesnt mean they should, the child's future needs to be considered.
Does this mean we can ban people from having sex? Of course not, and age isn't debating that. While legally it would be impossible (or at least highly unlikely) for this scenario to happen, that doesn't mean people dont have a moral obligation to avoid risks they shouldn't be taking

Re: Having children

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 9:34 am
by ageofknowledge
Echoside wrote:I agree completely, bringing up a child is for many people an unreasonable thing to attempt. Just because someone wants to have a kid doesnt mean they should, the child's future needs to be considered.
Does this mean we can ban people from having sex? Of course not, and age isn't debating that. While legally it would be impossible (or at least highly unlikely) for this scenario to happen, that doesn't mean people dont have a moral obligation to avoid risks they shouldn't be taking
That's correct Echo. I remember a pastor telling me once the reason why God had to bring a flood to wipe the wicked from the earth is because as they rose up they had murdered and killed off allmost the entire rightous population from the planet! A hard reset was needed.

Unfortunately the adults who carefully plan their families and bring their children up in the path of rightousness are a small minority compared to the larger population. It is the lost and the wicked that populate the earth enmasse with angry violent bitter sinful masses of humanity.

Re: Having children

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 10:48 am
by jlay
I would prefer that she pick one than I give her one.
Man I could have a field day with that.

Let me give you a personal example. My family was one of those that said, sex before marriage is wrong, rah, rah. But, my Dad kept dirty mags (which I found), and ended up having an affair and abandoning us.

Telling your children something is a lot different than modeling it for them in the way you live your life and run your household. I knew anytime my Dad said, "sex was for marriage" that this was not a conviction of his heart.

it is a true act of God that I am a Christian. I grew up in a hypocritical home. many people in my place reject Christ, because of phonie Christians.

Re: Having children

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 11:32 am
by ageofknowledge
Good point jlay. Reminds me of that scripture which talks about the form of religion rather than a saving relationship with God. I'm watching The Dark Ages on the History Channel right now and omg. What misery those people endured. I would rather just not be born than to go through that! Obviously I don't expect most people to agree with me on that point... lol. But my point is that life was brutual, painful, steeped in ignorance, often evil, and usually short.

Now take my survey :) Peace.