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Re: Love, does it exist anymore?

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 12:42 am
by megacab64
I now know why you are so hail from God's favourite state.....or at least mine....!!! Kentucky.....home of fine....fine...bourbons.

My ONLY weakness........well maybe not only.

Re: Love, does it exist anymore?

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 7:08 am
by jlay
The reasons Kentuckians drink so much bourbon is because they are depressed that they are not from Tennessee.

Re: Love, does it exist anymore?

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 7:22 am
by megacab64
Them's fightin' words I bet....!!!!!!!

Re: Love, does it exist anymore?

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 9:21 am
by ageofknowledge
jlay wrote:The reasons Kentuckians drink so much bourbon is because they are depressed that they are not from Tennessee.

Re: Love, does it exist anymore?

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 11:08 pm
by Cross.eyed
megacab64 wrote:Cross.eyed,
I now know why you are so hail from God's favourite state.....or at least mine....!!! Kentucky.....home of fine....fine...bourbons.

My ONLY weakness........well maybe not only.
Yea, years ago, one of my many weak points was Maker's Mark.

Thanks for the kind Kentucky complement, I like it here too!

Re: Love, does it exist anymore?

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 11:11 pm
by Cross.eyed
jlay wrote:The reasons Kentuckians drink so much bourbon is because they are depressed that they are not from Tennessee.
Yes that's right, we wanted to be the home state of Al Gore.
...And I wanted to be his veep Rain Man. :shakehead:

Re: Love, does it exist anymore?

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 9:09 am
by megacab64
My lovely wife brought me back a bottle of Makers from Bahamas........damn fine Bourbon. I personally enjoy Knob Creek. It's damn expensive up here.

Re: Love, does it exist anymore?

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 5:35 pm
by ageofknowledge
megacab64 wrote:My lovely wife brought me back a bottle of Makers from Bahamas........damn fine Bourbon. I personally enjoy Knob Creek. It's damn expensive up here.
" Let us walk properly, as in the day, not in revelry and drunkenness..." Romans 13:13

Re: Love, does it exist anymore?

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 11:44 am
by Imperial
Gabrielman wrote:I speak not of God's love, that has always existed to me, rather the love between a man and a woman. To me it seems that love has died in this sad world we live in. Maybe I am horribly wrong, or at least I hope I am, but it seems to me that all people care about any more is sex. Having sex with some one does not equal loving them, however people seems to think it does. A vast majority of the people I know brag about having sex with a girl they just met today! It makes me angry just thinking about it, especialy for someone in my situation. However I am straying from my point, or questoin... Anyway, does love exist anymore? I would like answers from all sides (Christian/Athiest/Other...) You get the picture. I would like some answers, and I want to be proven wrong. Please help.

"In the end we tend to think of how it began. I could never explain the picture it painted or how it made me feel. Now the celing is in motion, the light centered and overlooked. You wanna see me disapear? Well so do I, well so do I!"- Underoath: There could be nothing after this.
This.. is very true. True love in movies or other media, really is nonexistant, and it's kind of sad when you think about it. Honestly there's not many girls at the school i go to that i would even consider dating because of how they act. And most of the guys in the school barely seem to care about their girlfriend like they should (with a few exceptions). They're just in for a chance to "score"... its disgusting. I always wonder if i'll ever be in a relationship where we both truly love eachother.

Re: Love, does it exist anymore?

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 3:56 pm
by imoneru?
Gabrielman wrote:Hey I hope I am not offending any one. I am just in a state of concern for our world. From what I see it all seems to be crashing down moraly and it is frightining to me. I don't know if I believe in love anymore, maybe it is just the youth where I live that is acting this way. If you can show me an exaple of love in your life that may help me a little. Sorry if I offended anyone. Thanks and God bless you all! :)
Believe me I for one am not offended by your post, and it does remind me of when I was your age (yes I was once) and like a good many 21 year males (I peaked at your profile) was preoccupied with sex, but I never hopped from bed to bed (not that I had all that many oppertunities)When I finally met the girl I chose to marry and she felt the same way about me, I was 23 at the time and she was 22, we dated for about a year [not lived togather] when I proposed at Christmas ,she accepted, and we were married Aug.2nd 1948. Sex became second to Love and our interest became more of doing the things that pleased each other rather than being as self centered as I was when I used to pride myself in my sexual conquests and brag to my friends about it. Our wedding night was special as at 22 she was still a virgin ,something that is seldom heard of today. Oh I must admit we have had our differences over the years, thats normal, but the thought of divorce never entered either of our minds [to my knowledge ] As we have grown older through the years we have found that sex becomes replaced by something much more important, A loving relationship, we have become so close that we actually finish each others sentences at times.

We have had a loving relationship for over 61 years as of Aug.2, 2009 And I would be willing to live it all over again.

Yes Love is still alive it is just harder to find....God Bless...Ray

Re: Love, does it exist anymore?

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 4:37 pm
by zoegirl

Re: Love, does it exist anymore?

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 7:06 pm
by Gabrielman
You looked at my profile, lol, and I published it too. Thanks for your story, I know I said I wouldn't post on this thread anymore, but I had too. :D You see that's what I have been looking for, a virgin to marry (I wouldn't expect that if I weren't one myself.) Before I came here I just kept getting discoraged. Everyone said there was no love and they were (are) obsessed with sex... okay so maybe I live in a bad area, but these are people my age. They actually openly brag about having casual sex, and they didn't care who it was with. They didn't want a long relationship. I am happy to hear that you have found love and it lasted :D that does shed some hope. Thanks!
God bless!

Re: Love, does it exist anymore?

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 8:03 am
by imoneru?
Gabrielman wrote:You looked at my profile, lol, and I published it too. Thanks for your story, I know I said I wouldn't post on this thread anymore, but I had too. :D You see that's what I have been looking for, a virgin to marry (I wouldn't expect that if I weren't one myself.) Before I came here I just kept getting discoraged. Everyone said there was no love and they were (are) obsessed with sex... okay so maybe I live in a bad area, but these are people my age. They actually openly brag about having casual sex, and they didn't care who it was with. They didn't want a long relationship. I am happy to hear that you have found love and it lasted :D that does shed some hope. Thanks!
God bless!
Don't give up and don't settle for casual sex, believe me that is only a temporary thrill, it may not seem like it now when your young and the harmones are racing, and your buddies accuse you of being gay if you don't follow their life style, but when you find that right girl your looking for and you will you will find it was all worth waiting for. I'm sure you know some friends who settled for sex, got their girlfriends prignant and married them (or not) and then simply left or got a divorce and both lives were never again what thay had planned them to be. so be patient and you will find Ms Right, she is out there and is probably looking for the same things you are....Good Hunting...God Bless...Ray

Re: Love, does it exist anymore?

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 12:49 pm
by Gabrielman
:ebiggrin: Thanks Ray! God bless! That is very helpful. You are right about those around me, but I won't give up hope!

Re: Love, does it exist anymore?

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 2:58 pm
by mksimms
Love does exist. Many of those people who brag about having sex are immature or are insecure about something. Sex is an expression of love, but it does not equate to love. I believe there is not a difference of certain kinds of love. I believe there is only one kind of love, the kind of love where you care about someone, forgive them through the thick and thin, like God teaches us to do. I pray that the people on this website will look around the website and realize that God is real. I pray for those who don't believe, and I love them. If I had one million dollars I would give it to people, believers and non-believers, because Jesus loved everyone too. Love is genuine. Love does not boast, envy, nor is it proud. It is slow to anger, amongst many other things. The Bible shows us how to live our lives to the fullest and I just want people to know the love that can be known through Jesus Christ who is EVERYONE'S Savior, whether they know it or not. God bless you all,
