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Re: English Gematria: Integrates with AKJV Bible

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 3:55 pm
by Ed J
Byblos wrote:
jlay wrote:I've seen Chuck Missler give a talk on this. Of course from the original Hebrew. He shows some interesting things that appear to be much more than mere coincidence. But I would handle all of this with EXTREME caution.
That's what I was trying to say all along. Thanks J.
Hi Byblos,

1) “Dust of the Earth”=170 (Gen. 13:16)
2) “Stars of Heaven”=153 (Gen. 26:4)
3) “Sand of the Sea”=117 (Gen. 32:12)

These are the English Gematria values A=1 B=2 ...Z=26; I have also been interested what these values are in Hebrew.
But as an English-speaker myself, it is hard to tell where these phrases start or finish in Hebrew to be able calculate.
The bulk of my research in the free e-book called "HolyCityBibleCode" has been in English, dealing specifically in the AKJV Bible.
But with tools such as the Strong's Concordance individual words are easy to both define in the original languages as well as to calculate the Gematria values.

God bless
Ed J

Re: English Gematria: Integrates with AKJV Bible

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 4:09 pm
by Ed J
jlay wrote:I've seen Chuck Missler give a talk on this. Of course from the original Hebrew. He shows some interesting things that appear to be much more than mere coincidence. But I would handle all of this with EXTREME caution.
Hi Jlay,

I'm familiar with some of Chuck Missler's work. I have heard how he gave the definitions of all the Biblical names of Adam down to Methuselah.
This word study paints quite a complete mini version (a fractal) of the Bible message.
Could you please explain to me what you mean by: 'I would handle all of this with EXTREME caution'?

I also noticed you had questions at the bottom of your post.
Are these rhetorical questions?

God bless
Ed J

Re: English Gematria: Integrates with AKJV Bible

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 9:34 pm
by ageofknowledge
BC=Bible Code

1. The BC can be explained naturally in light of probability factors and human manipulation.
2. The BC makes the Bible into a secret mystery document that contains esoteric truths (in some ways similar to the ancient heresy Gnosticism). The Bible, however, condemns the pursuit of secret mysteries and esoteric messages (Col 2:3-9; 1 Tin 6:20).
3. The BC alters the literary nature of the Bible. Instead of containing esoteric truths, the Bible actually contains historical documents which are interpreted according to their literary genre.
4. The BC associates the Bible with a mystical and even occult-like methodology (in some ways similar to the Kaballah).
5. The BC is a distraction from the central teaching of the Bible. The message of the Bible centers on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ (which are historical and factual events in nature), not on esoteric speculations.
6. The BC confuses the intent of Scripture. Scripture is a record of redemptive history, not a search for esoteric codes. "But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name" (Jn 20:3 1).
7. The BC changes the focus of the Old Testament. The Old Testament is ultimately about Christ, not esoteric codes: "Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms" (Lk 24:44).
8. The BC changes the focus of biblical revelation. The Bible is not a mystery book, but is rather a direct revelation from God which speaks with simple clarity concerning God's will for mankind (2 Tm 3:15-16).
9. The BC contains some predictions that have not come to pass (Dt 18:20-21). It is therefore disqualified as divine prophecy.
10. The BC represents an unsound apologetic method. If you are looking for evidence to validate Christianity that is biblically based, prophetic in nature, and statistically sound, turn to the Messianic prophecies fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ. This method was used by the apostles.

There are serious mathematical, biblical, and theological problems associated with the Bible Code theory.

Re: English Gematria: Integrates with AKJV Bible

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 3:27 am
by Ed J
ageofknowledge wrote:BC=Bible Code

1. The BC can be explained naturally in light of probability factors and human manipulation.
2. The BC makes the Bible into a secret mystery document that contains esoteric truths (in some ways similar to the ancient heresy Gnosticism). The Bible, however, condemns the pursuit of secret mysteries and esoteric messages (Col 2:3-9; 1 Tin 6:20).
3. The BC alters the literary nature of the Bible. Instead of containing esoteric truths, the Bible actually contains historical documents which are interpreted according to their literary genre.
4. The BC associates the Bible with a mystical and even occult-like methodology (in some ways similar to the Kaballah).
5. The BC is a distraction from the central teaching of the Bible. The message of the Bible centers on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ (which are historical and factual events in nature), not on esoteric speculations.
6. The BC confuses the intent of Scripture. Scripture is a record of redemptive history, not a search for esoteric codes. "But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name" (Jn 20:3 1).
7. The BC changes the focus of the Old Testament. The Old Testament is ultimately about Christ, not esoteric codes: "Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms" (Lk 24:44).
8. The BC changes the focus of biblical revelation. The Bible is not a mystery book, but is rather a direct revelation from God which speaks with simple clarity concerning God's will for mankind (2 Tm 3:15-16).
9. The BC contains some predictions that have not come to pass (Dt 18:20-21). It is therefore disqualified as divine prophecy.
10. The BC represents an unsound apologetic method. If you are looking for evidence to validate Christianity that is biblically based, prophetic in nature, and statistically sound, turn to the Messianic prophecies fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ. This method was used by the apostles.

There are serious mathematical, biblical, and theological problems associated with the Bible Code theory.

Would you have us to believe these facts are mere coincidences and mans manipulations too?

YHVH GOD is One=151

God's unity of Spirit is seen through prime number counterparts.

God's Name (יהוה) is written exactly 6823 times in the Hebrew Masoretic Texts. See how
the Gematria value of Ιησους Χριστоς=2368 Ē-Ā-Soos Chrĭstōs (Jesus Christ in Greek)
bears a resemblance to the number of times God's Name is used in the Hebrew Masoretic Texts.

6823 is the 877th prime number in a long list of primes starting with 2. Now this might not seem
significant until you realize that the number 877 is the 151st prime number. This number shows “Unity” in Spirit.

Jesus Christ=151
Holy Spirit=151
YHVH GOD is One=151

The AKJV Bible repeatedly uses phrase "LORD of Hosts"=151.

English=74 Gematria=74 illustrates this "Unity" in "Spirit" perfectly.

It seems man, over the coarse of the last 2,000 years, has done a Good job of manipulating these facts into existence!

God bless
Ed J

Re: English Gematria: Integrates with AKJV Bible

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 3:43 am
by Ed J
ageofknowledge wrote:BC=Bible Code

1. The BC can be explained naturally in light of probability factors and human manipulation.
2. The BC makes the Bible into a secret mystery document that contains esoteric truths (in some ways similar to the ancient heresy Gnosticism). The Bible, however, condemns the pursuit of secret mysteries and esoteric messages (Col 2:3-9; 1 Tin 6:20).
3. The BC alters the literary nature of the Bible. Instead of containing esoteric truths, the Bible actually contains historical documents which are interpreted according to their literary genre.
4. The BC associates the Bible with a mystical and even occult-like methodology (in some ways similar to the Kaballah).
5. The BC is a distraction from the central teaching of the Bible. The message of the Bible centers on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ (which are historical and factual events in nature), not on esoteric speculations.
6. The BC confuses the intent of Scripture. Scripture is a record of redemptive history, not a search for esoteric codes. "But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name" (Jn 20:3 1).
7. The BC changes the focus of the Old Testament. The Old Testament is ultimately about Christ, not esoteric codes: "Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms" (Lk 24:44).
8. The BC changes the focus of biblical revelation. The Bible is not a mystery book, but is rather a direct revelation from God which speaks with simple clarity concerning God's will for mankind (2 Tm 3:15-16).
9. The BC contains some predictions that have not come to pass (Dt 18:20-21). It is therefore disqualified as divine prophecy.
10. The BC represents an unsound apologetic method. If you are looking for evidence to validate Christianity that is biblically based, prophetic in nature, and statistically sound, turn to the Messianic prophecies fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ. This method was used by the apostles.

There are serious mathematical, biblical, and theological problems associated with the Bible Code theory.

Hi AgeOfKnowledge,

I realize you said what you did probably because you did not read what I wrote so far.

People going off on tangents with Gematria are nothing more than a distraction away from the truth of God.
This could be a reason why mainstream Christianity believes Gematria is nothing more than numerology, calling it Satanic at its core.

Language should always supersede numbers when it comes to tying ideas together. Numbers, however, can and should be used as a second witness though;
using them to help illustrate concepts of GOD more fully. Previously overlooked facts (for example in a criminal case) can lead to much different conclusions.
In a civil case who speaks first plays a larger role than the defense. However in a criminal case, he who speaks first changes NO Facts pertinent to the case.
I believe this is the case with Gematria. Lies and deceptions are perpetuated when evidences that substantiate the truth are ignored, or left un-investigated; leaving only distractions away from the truth.

It seems man has done a good job of manipulating History as well.

"The Bible"=63 is the word of "YHVH"=63.

In 1603 King James I Authorized 54 Godly Bible scholars and educated men to take on the task of going back to the original Hebrew and Greek manuscripts
and do a “word for word” translation. This had never been done before, as most Bibles of that time were translations of translations.
King James I wanted a non-biased translation of the purest form, God's word produced directly from the original texts.

The numbers [63+54=117] help to prove YHVH is GOD=117.

Translating (the Bible=63) the word of YHVH=63, by 54 scholars to bring the English-speaking peoples
A personal understanding of (יהוה האלהים=117) JEHOVAH GOD.

The evidence suggests English Gematria plays a part in the very “finger print” of “GOD the Father”=117!

God bless
Ed J

Re: English Gematria: Integrates with AKJV Bible

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 1:48 pm
by B. W.
Ed J,

Question what is the signifance of the number 12 in the bible?

Note these verses and how many mentions of Twelve there are in the context of the following verses:

Luke 8:42, 43

Luke 9:1, 17

Re: English Gematria: Integrates with AKJV Bible

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 7:13 pm
by Ed J
B. W. wrote:Ed J,

Question what is the signifance of the number 12 in the bible?

Note these verses and how many mentions of Twelve there are in the context of the following verses:

Luke 8:42, 43

Luke 9:1, 17
Hi B.W.

Others have said in the Theomatic principal (also known as Gematria) when you take a number
such as 3, its meaning (whatever it may be) becomes intensified, whether it is 33, 333, 3333 or
30, 300, 3000; keep in mind this is what others studying Gematria have surmised.

In this case I just happen to be the messenger; Please don't kill the messenger for the message.

This is the best I can do according to my research; I hope you will find this information helpful.

[The truth=120] of the [Kingdom of GOD=120].

There were 120 gathered together on the Day of Pentecost in the upper room when they
received the Holy Spirit. (Acts 1:15) This new [“little flock” [of] GOD=151] spoke
[the truth=120] of the [Kingdom of GOD=120] to all the people, and the word of GOD
was heard by the “great crowd” (approx. 5,000) in their own languages.

There is great fractal consistency how we hear the word of God in our language, English
(Based on an average of 120 translators); the same amount as the 120 Christians
followers preaching [the truth=120] of the [Kingdom of GOD=120] on the Day of Pentecost.
The AKJV translation of the Bible was transcribed using the Greek Septuagint Bible
as well as the Hebrew Scriptures called the Masoretic Texts. Septuagint in Greek means seventy,
as there were seventy translators who worked on the first Greek Bible. In addition,
there were commonly fifty King James translators working on the AKJV Bible.
Thus the total average amount of translators (70+50=120) bringing the good news
around the world matches 120 gathered together in the upper room on the day of Pentecost.

God bless
Ed J

Re: English Gematria: Integrates with AKJV Bible

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 7:15 pm
by Ed J
Hi Everybody,

My research has caused me to adjust what I have written a couple of times already. So I take all responses seriously. Here is an example.
“Then we shall know, if we follow on to know the LORD (YHVH=63): his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain,
as the latter rain and former unto the earth. (Hosea 6:3) [The Latter Rain=151 & Former Rain=117].

I always thought that the former rain was during the time that the Old Testament was written, and the latter rain started at Pentecost;
but my research has convinced me this to be the case.

The three main feasts of God are…

1) [The Passover=148] made possible by [Joshua Messiah=148]

2) [Pentecost=117] started the [Former Rain=117]

3) [Feast of Booths=151] begins [The Latter Rain=151]

If this information is accurate, then this doctrine is actually part of the latter rain!

“My (YHVH's) doctrine shall drop as rain. My speech shall distil as dew, AS THE SMALL RAIN upon the tender herb, and AS THE SHOWERS upon the grass:
Because I will publish the Name of “The LORD” (YHVH YÄ-hä-vā): and ascribe greatness to our GOD.” (Deuteronomy 32:2-3)

Thanks and God bless,
Ed J

Re: English Gematria: Integrates with AKJV Bible

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 5:09 pm
by B. W.
Ed J wrote:Hi B.W.

Others have said in the Theomatic principal (also known as Gematria) when you take a number
such as 3, its meaning (whatever it may be) becomes intensified, whether it is 33, 333, 3333 or
30, 300, 3000; keep in mind this is what others studying Gematria have surmised.

In this case I just happen to be the messenger; Please don't kill the messenger for the message.

This is the best I can do according to my research; I hope you will find this information helpful.

[The truth=120] of the [Kingdom of GOD=120].

There were 120 gathered together on the Day of Pentecost in the upper room when they
received the Holy Spirit. (Acts 1:15) This new [“little flock” [of] GOD=151] spoke
[the truth=120] of the [Kingdom of GOD=120] to all the people, and the word of GOD
was heard by the “great crowd” (approx. 5,000) in their own languages.

There is great fractal consistency how we hear the word of God in our language, English
(Based on an average of 120 translators); the same amount as the 120 Christians
followers preaching [the truth=120] of the [Kingdom of GOD=120] on the Day of Pentecost.
The AKJV translation of the Bible was transcribed using the Greek Septuagint Bible
as well as the Hebrew Scriptures called the Masoretic Texts. Septuagint in Greek means seventy,
as there were seventy translators who worked on the first Greek Bible. In addition,
there were commonly fifty King James translators working on the AKJV Bible.
Thus the total average amount of translators (70+50=120) bringing the good news
around the world matches 120 gathered together in the upper room on the day of Pentecost.

God bless
Ed J
Thanks Ed,

This is interesting as the verses I cited do indeed involve the Kingdom of God manifested as the context of the two chapters suggest.

Sir Isaac Newton was into this sort of thing too and he could not figure it out so be cautious. I read the Official Bible Code News Letter and remain cautious about it. My opinion is this interpretation is subject to the bias of the interpreter. For example, it seems like some there doing the actual legitimate code work are pro-Obama but at least they reported the word Swindler in the skip frame along with his name…

Be cautious and remember that often interpretation is subject to the bias of the interpreter as there are most likely connecting skips that are missed.

Re: English Gematria: Integrates with AKJV Bible

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 6:56 pm
by Ed J
B. W. wrote:
Ed J wrote:Hi B.W.

Others have said in the Theomatic principal (also known as Gematria) when you take a number
such as 3, its meaning (whatever it may be) becomes intensified, whether it is 33, 333, 3333 or
30, 300, 3000; keep in mind this is what others studying Gematria have surmised.

In this case I just happen to be the messenger; Please don't kill the messenger for the message.

This is the best I can do according to my research; I hope you will find this information helpful.

[The truth=120] of the [Kingdom of GOD=120].

There were 120 gathered together on the Day of Pentecost in the upper room when they
received the Holy Spirit. (Acts 1:15) This new [“little flock” [of] GOD=151] spoke
[the truth=120] of the [Kingdom of GOD=120] to all the people, and the word of GOD
was heard by the “great crowd” (approx. 5,000) in their own languages.

There is great fractal consistency how we hear the word of God in our language, English
(Based on an average of 120 translators); the same amount as the 120 Christians
followers preaching [the truth=120] of the [Kingdom of GOD=120] on the Day of Pentecost.
The AKJV translation of the Bible was transcribed using the Greek Septuagint Bible
as well as the Hebrew Scriptures called the Masoretic Texts. Septuagint in Greek means seventy,
as there were seventy translators who worked on the first Greek Bible. In addition,
there were commonly fifty King James translators working on the AKJV Bible.
Thus the total average amount of translators (70+50=120) bringing the good news
around the world matches 120 gathered together in the upper room on the day of Pentecost.

God bless
Ed J
Thanks Ed,

This is interesting as the verses I cited do indeed involve the Kingdom of God manifested as the context of the two chapters suggest.

Sir Isaac Newton was into this sort of thing too and he could not figure it out so be cautious. I read the Official Bible Code News Letter and remain cautious about it. My opinion is this interpretation is subject to the bias of the interpreter. For example, it seems like some there doing the actual legitimate code work are pro-Obama but at least they reported the word Swindler in the skip frame along with his name…

Be cautious and remember that often interpretation is subject to the bias of the interpreter as there are most likely connecting skips that are missed.
Hi B.W.

My research has NOTHING to do with 'ELS' codes.

Ed J

YHVH Banner=117

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 2:13 pm
by Ed J

GOD's Name is expressed [4] times in the AKJV Bible as JEHOVAH and [1] time as JAH;
JEHOVAH is also “in three phrases” [3], illustrating “A Trinity Idea” within this translation.

1) Genesis 22:14, “Jehovah-Jireh” means: “GOD will see” or “GOD will provide”;
this appertains to JESUS, the provision back to GOD. (II Cor. 5:19)

2) Exodus 17:15, “Jehovah-Nissi” means: “GOD is My Banner”, which illustrates
“GOD THE FATHER”, because under GOD's banner we all stand. (Psalm 60:4)

3) Judges 6:24, “Jehovah-Shalom” relates: “GOD is My Peace” to the comforter,
the HOLY SPIRIT, because the Spirit of God brings GOD's peace to us all. (John 14:26-27)

God bless
Ed J


Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 2:28 pm
by Ed J
Shalom Everybody,

I hope this post will help many to see that GOD truly exists in a plurality,
but not just merely 'two' or 'three in one', but as ALL IN ONE!

The Hebrew word [אלהים] ĔL-ō-Hêêm (in Genesis 1:1 for God) carries the meanings of both...
“God in the plural”, and also “The Mighty God”.

This can be better understood illustrating both the AKJV Bible's rendering of JEHOVAH and the Greek's word for “GOD”.

There are five words for “God” the Greek (all are pronounced Thēôs) ; they are…
Four (4) of these are plural forms of the word; only one (1) is used in singular form.

1) θεος
2) θεου
3) θεω
4) θεον

5) θεε

The AKJV Bible has uses the name JEHOVAH four (4) times and JAH (1) once!
JEHOVAH is also used in three (3) phrases (illustrating a trinity)

1) JEHOVAH (Exodus 6:3)
2) JEHOVAH (Psalm 83:13)
3) JEHOVAH (Isaiah 12:2)
4) JEHOVAH (Isaiah 26:4)

5) JAH (Psalm 68:4)

“HolyCityBibleCode” documents how “The God Numbers”=151 integrate with the AKJV Bible.

1) (117) GOD The Father=117
2) (74) Jesus=74
3) (151) Holy Spirit=151
4) (63) YHVH=63 (GOD: The Eternal Existing One)

5) (26) GOD=26 (יהוה =26) Spoken as “YÄ”=26.

I hope my research will enrich all your lives; giving the skeptic the proof he needs!

God bless
Ed J

Re: English Gematria: Integrates with AKJV Bible

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 7:51 pm
by Ed J
Hi Everybody,

I don't know how to edit the previous post; but the Bible verse should be...

2) JEHOVAH (Psalm 83:18)

Sorry for the mistake,
Ed J

Re: English Gematria: Integrates with AKJV Bible

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 10:36 pm
by ageofknowledge
Honestly, I'm just trying to figure out what you're saying. I have a sense you are communicating something worth knowing but for the life of me I can't get my mind around it. In one paragraph please tell me: What is the bottom line and why is it important?

Re: English Gematria: Integrates with AKJV Bible

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 11:18 pm
by Ed J
ageofknowledge wrote:Honestly, I'm just trying to figure out what you're saying. I have a sense you are communicating something worth knowing but for the life of me I can't get my mind around it. In one paragraph please tell me: What is the bottom line and why is it important?
It's the proof God exists; that's why.

I'm glad I got your attention now.

I know this information is in your blind spot, but you are beginning to see there is really
something to all this. I know because I would have not gone public unless I could prove it.

The Gematria I will use has a direct correlation to the AKJV Bible; cherry picked yes, but harder to debunk, because I did NOT orchestrate its use.
This pattern has occurred over large time scales; diminishing the look of mans manipulation.

Each point can be argued as merely random, but as the evidence is clearly seen as a whole,
all the facts taken together however cannot be argued as merely random and irrelevant.

Language should always supersede numbers when it comes to tying ideas together.
Numbers, however, can and should be used as a second witness though;
using them to help illustrate concepts of GOD more fully. Previously overlooked facts
(for example in a criminal case) can lead to much different conclusions.
In a civil case who speaks first plays a larger role than the defense.

However in a criminal case, he who speaks first changes NO Facts pertinent to the case.
I believe this is the case with Gematria. Lies and deceptions are perpetuated
when evidences that substantiate the truth are ignored, or left un-investigated; leaving only distractions away from the truth. (Prob.18:13)

God bless
Ed J