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Re: blizzard on east coast

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 1:08 pm
by zoegirl
Oh, we'll probably be off school until thursday (drivers in MD have no sense....they are trying to get out of the neighorhood today and getting stuck in the main road....foolish) We have more snow coming tuesday night

I like snow all right, but must say this is rather tiring....I will be glad to stay home.

Probably shoveled five times (and I live in a I can't really complain)

Re: blizzard on east coast

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 1:12 pm
by DannyM
zoegirl wrote:Oh, we'll probably be off school until thursday (drivers in MD have no sense....they are trying to get out of the neighorhood today and getting stuck in the main road....foolish) We have more snow coming tuesday night

I like snow all right, but must say this is rather tiring....I will be glad to stay home.

Probably shoveled five times (and I live in a I can't really complain)
I'd love to be over there when it's 30 inches of snow, if you please!

Re: blizzard on east coast

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 1:16 pm
by zoegirl
it it neat to be part of the local history ("oh, you remember *that* year?)....

I will say this, it's amazing to see the sense of community this brings out. Neighbors shoveling out together, working together to clear each others cars out.

Our road is better than any other road in my neighborhood...I have great neighbors...

It started snowing friday morning at 11 and didn't stop until saturday afternoon at 4.

For two or three hours saturday morning we had three inches per hour....the other times it was closer to two.

Re: blizzard on east coast

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 1:23 pm
by DannyM
zoegirl wrote:it it neat to be part of the local history ("oh, you remember *that* year?)....

I will say this, it's amazing to see the sense of community this brings out. Neighbors shoveling out together, working together to clear each others cars out.

Our road is better than any other road in my neighborhood...I have great neighbors...

It started snowing friday morning at 11 and didn't stop until saturday afternoon at 4.

For two or three hours saturday morning we had three inches per hour....the other times it was closer to two.
Right I'm moving to your neighbourhood! :lol: I lurve the snow.

Re: blizzard on east coast

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 1:35 pm
by zoegirl
You;d be better off moving to minnesota or michigan for the lake effect!!

We usually don't get a lot of snow, although this is a whopper.. .

The last two years have been very mild winters.

Re: blizzard on east coast

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 1:36 pm
by zoegirl
A facebook friend was joking about the baby boom that will happen in about 9 months from now!! :esurprised: :ebiggrin: :lol:

Re: blizzard on east coast

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 1:42 pm
by DannyM
zoegirl wrote:You;d be better off moving to minnesota or michigan for the lake effect!!

We usually don't get a lot of snow, although this is a whopper.. .

The last two years have been very mild winters.
Yeah good point. I do have this small dream of moving to US some day. I'd really have to do my homework if It became a reality.

Re: blizzard on east coast

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 1:44 pm
by DannyM
zoegirl wrote:A facebook friend was joking about the baby boom that will happen in about 9 months from now!! :esurprised: :ebiggrin: :lol:
:lol: Oh yeah!!

Re: blizzard on east coast

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 10:13 am
by zoegirl
Schools here already are canceling until Thursday...we have been forecast to get somewhere between 6-12 more inches tomorrow afternoon through Wednesday....Unbelievable...

Re: blizzard on east coast

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 10:23 am
by B. W.
East Coasters,

Three feet - that's all?? :mrgreen:

It is snowing in Colorado again but it is light - about three inches but I hear it is heading your way soon! I have three feet in depth piles on snow still left over from December boarding my driveway I have shovled. The sun doesn't hit and melt the snow there or the front yard but the backyard has melted off and only has three new inches…

Grab some hot coco and enjoy!

Re: blizzard on east coast

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 10:59 am
by zoegirl
Yes, but this is also close to three feet all in one fell time between snow storms to clear and pile....there is a real problem with where to put this stuff.

I'm not worried, other than losing an entire week of my AP bio curriculum which is death at this point of the year.

Re: blizzard on east coast

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 8:39 am
by DannyM
zoegirl wrote:Schools here already are canceling until Thursday...we have been forecast to get somewhere between 6-12 more inches tomorrow afternoon through Wednesday....Unbelievable...
On top of the 30 inches already there? This is absolutely amazing! I was telling a friend yesterday about our little conversation, Zoe, and he said EXACTLY the same as me..."Blimey, we get a few inches over here and the country comes to a stand still." I said, "That's exactly what I said!" I hope you're okay, though, and it's not causing any real problems for you or anyone else. I'm getting a bit romantic about it, here in old Blighty, but I hope everything is "okay" for you all.

Re: blizzard on east coast

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 8:44 am
by Canuckster1127
The unofficial name for this upcoming storm is now "snoverkill"

Re: blizzard on east coast

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 9:36 am
by zoegirl
lol, yeah....the forecast is up to 10-20 inches...

I'm still okay, although I was scheduled to close on my refinancing thursday evening....wish I knew how likely that will be...

Went grocery shopping last night....the store closest to me was entirely out of milk and eggs (there was one pitiful looking chocalate soy milk left and one carton of broken eggs...), I only needed milk, how 'bout that...

I found some at the local 7-11 (recognized a few fellow Safeway shoppers getting their milk :-)

as long as the electricity remains here I will be good.

I pretty comfortable being at home, finding things to takes awhile to get cabin fever and living in a townhome community it's just as simple as opening the door and saying hi to the neighbor across the way or helping each other dig out.

Re: blizzard on east coast

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 5:44 am
by DannyM
zoegirl wrote:lol, yeah....the forecast is up to 10-20 inches...

I'm still okay, although I was scheduled to close on my refinancing thursday evening....wish I knew how likely that will be...

Went grocery shopping last night....the store closest to me was entirely out of milk and eggs (there was one pitiful looking chocalate soy milk left and one carton of broken eggs...), I only needed milk, how 'bout that...

I found some at the local 7-11 (recognized a few fellow Safeway shoppers getting their milk :-)

as long as the electricity remains here I will be good.

I pretty comfortable being at home, finding things to takes awhile to get cabin fever and living in a townhome community it's just as simple as opening the door and saying hi to the neighbor across the way or helping each other dig out.
8) I'd love to have to "dig out" of my home. Well, you be careful and take care. :esmile: Oh, and chocolate soy milk? Ugh. I can't right now think of anything worse! I'm shuddering at the thought... You have a Safeway? We used to have Safeway supermarkets but now it's called Morrisons! Aanyhoo, be safe.