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Re: is pot legal? i need help

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 9:58 pm
by Kurieuo
Fürstentum Liechtenstein wrote:
treeschanna510 wrote:is pot illegal?
treeschanna510 wrote: should i even stay with him even though he said hed try to quite would i get arrested for being an accomplice if we got married omg! please help!
I think you know the answers.

I have someone in my family who smokes pot. I would never want my daughter marrying someone like them.

Think of your potential families' best interest. Do you really think marrying and starting a family with such a person is smart? Be like an insurance company when choosing your partner. Minimise your risk of a broken marriage/family by ruling out high risk issues. Help him kick it, and if he resists then his decision is clear. He chose the drugs over you and any potential marriage and family.

There are many other good looking and intelligent people in the world to choose from.