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Re: Is Salvation available to Fallen Angels? Why or why not?

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 12:52 pm
by PaulSacramento
Legatus wrote:My take on this is this, because angels have SEEN God, they cannot be saved. They have SEEN God in all his power, and directly experienced his nature, including his love, they have FELT it. For them to sin after THAT, they have to REALLY WANT to sin. Thus, they are simply too far gone to ever be saved.

If people see God, it is stated in the bible that this would kill them. The reason for this may be because if they did, and still sinned, they would be as bad off as the angels. Thus, no one hasd ever seen God, at least not experienced him directly, his totality, as the angels have, but only seen what God wants them to see, some small part of him.
I agree 100% on the first part.
On the second, it is mine understanding that we can only see God and Christ in their divine form when we are in the spirit.
Paul was struck blind because when he saw Christ he was NOT in the spirit, whereas John of Patmos and Daniel were in the spirit and as such were able to see them ( in a limited way for their understanding), same goes for Peter, John and James on the mount during Christ's transfiguration.
Although those guys saw God and Christ, they were still limited to see them in a "certian" way and not in their full spiritual glory.
Moses himself, as his spirit became more and more revealed, had to hide his face from the Israelites.

Re: Is Salvation available to Fallen Angels? Why or why not?

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 6:00 pm
by rainagain
rainagain wrote:My take on this is that we are ALL angels who fell away.
God deemed that we taste death, then the judgement. Those of us here (incarnated as carnal man) followed the plan. The fallen angels who wouldn't, are 'already judged', and await the final destruction.
There's a name for them, I forget... "ruach?, something like that. They're the guys that came down and mated with the daughters of men, producing the Nephalim, like Goliath.

WE are the prodigal sons.
That's an interesting answer, rainagain. The original poster asked for an answer that is backed by scripture. Could you please tell us how your opinion is scriptural?

Thanks, and welcome to the site.
Well, He knew us before He formed us in the womb. Jer. 1:5
The dragon swept a third of the stars from the sky and cast them to the earth. Rev. 12:4
And the story of the Prodigal Son. Who was He referring to then?

As for the fallen angels, and their progeny, the nephilim, being already judged: Jude 1"6: And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their own home--these he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day.
Their progeny, the nephilim, are also known as Rephaim. It can mean "dead", "deceased", and "giant". They were the reason for the flood, and there were incursions of them afterward. When Moses sent scouts into Canaan they were found there. The scouts returned saying "we are mere grasshoppers in their sight".

It is suggested that not all were killed at Canaan. Some lived on, and their progeny survive perhaps to this day. Some think that these were the 'great men of renown' spoken of by the Greeks. And that they might have helped to build the great cities that confound archaeologists even today, and structures such as the Great Pyramid.

just my 2 cents.