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Re: My eye got caught.Help.

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 10:13 pm
by cslewislover
Gabrielman wrote:
cslewislover wrote: Of course I'd like some coffee! y>:D< So . . . does that mean you're going to watch me drink it, while you have tea? So when are you taking me to Starbucks??? y:D y@};- y~o) + y~o) = N & V
Yes I will watch you drink it while I have some tea, but that is okay! Because hopefully the doc will have me stable enough to have something good soon!!!! As far as Starbucks, Soon I hope! y:D How about tomorrow? Would you like to go then?
y~o) + y~o) =N & V :heart:
You better be ready! y:D :sunny:
Gabrielman wrote:
cslewislover wrote: Dr:11, that sounds awful, not being England anymore, sort of. In a way, you guys are doing the opposite of we did here in the U.S.
Well that sucks :? why are they doing that?
Yes. Can you imagine us getting to the point where we join Canada and Central America for some sort of union? Not really conceivable.

Re: My eye got caught.Help.

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 2:24 am
by The11thDr.
Well the politicians have some idea of a federal european superstate, but the eu is nothing like the usa, its more like the soviet union and we should know that eventually it is gonna collapse. Some people think that having unelected beurocrats is a good thing i suppose, but really they are bullies. Ireland got a referendum and the people said NO, they just renamed it and bullied the irish to get a yes. My country didn't even get the choice our prime minister signed onto the eu betraying the Yes thats what it is, it is treason, and we have treaties about that...really old ones, its still punishible by death. Someone has to kill Gordon Brown(it would be ok, cos he deserves it its not murder if someone HAS to die is it?)

Hes going to be gone soon anyway, even though the voting in this country is biased towards labour it is probably still impossible for them to win because of how they have let the country degenerate over the past decades while making false promises. Lets just say the country has problems and Europe and a misguided leadership only tend to exaggerate them.