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Re: The Bible is light years ahead of science

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 6:19 am
by amyweaver29
Hello! The interaction is very entertaining and educational at the same time.

The Bible written so many years ago but the teachings still holds true until today. The events and lessons in the Bible is the perfect example of history repeats itself.

So, to my simple mind, why do we bother to compute all these times. But, it is very enlightening and amazing to know, at the same time, that what is in the Bible can be investigated and proven by science. For items we can't as just yet, they are for GOK (God Only Knows).

Thanks so much for this thread.

God bless,
Delonghi Kaffeevollautomat

Re: The Bible is light years ahead of science

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 12:31 pm
by SamTHorn
CLLblogger wrote:The Bible and Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity

A Bible verse discovered to verify Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity proves divine wisdom inspired the Bible. It also adds credence to how a 24 hour period in the presence of God would mean simultaneously passing through 1000 earth years.

2 Peter 3:8 - But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

Read entire article here: ... ivity.html
Heavy. I got to look into this. I'll get bck to you.



Re: The Bible is light years ahead of science

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 11:05 am
by Author Anita Meyer
Hello all, I thought I would chime in here to clarify that the days of creation where indeed 24 hour days.

1000 years may indeed be a day to G-d, but what its plainly sayings in Genesis 1 is that G-d created the day and night which means moon and sun… now the earth revolves around the sun and the moon around the earth, this is a total of 24 hours (a total of 1 day).

No not G-d's time, but MANS TIME set by G-d.

Now as to the Bible being light years ahead of science, I tend to agree. Many of our most influential scientists like Albert Einstein and Newton were enticed by the Bible and got many of their ideas from it. It can even be said that Einstein (a Jew) got his famous EMC formula from the Bible.

MC2 & H2O when deciphered in Hebrew spell out Sun & Water. Einstein's famous E=MC2 can also technically be written out as E=C.M.C, spelling out Shin(C) - Mem(M) - Shin (C) meaning SUN in Hebrew. This formula expresses the amount of energy released when matter is converted to energy, it is how the sun produces energy by converting hydrogen atom to light-energy, and it is the only example of MC2 in nature. The letter C represents 300,000 km/s the constant speed of light in Einstein formula. The Hebrew letter SHIN, the C in Einstein's formula, represents light/spirituality/the word, is a cognate for SUN and has the numerical value of 300. The Hebrew word for sun, SheMeSh, C.M.C in Einstein's formula and the Torah are spelled the same and are numerically identical, C300.M1.C300=MC2.

The letter M stands for matter and corresponds to the first letter of the Hebrew for Hydrogen, MAYMAN. Substituting the English H, for Hydrogen, for the Hebrew M for Mayman we get Water, M.Y.M, in Hebrew or H.O.H or H2O in the universal, scientific language. The Hebrew Yod in M.Y.M represents Yehovah in Hebrew with a numerical value of 26, which matches Oxygen's two orbits of 2 and 6 electrons.

Sources: ... ms-the.cfm ... ods-360476

Re: The Bible is light years ahead of science

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 12:23 pm
by DannyM
Can anyone tell me what the deal is with "G-d"??

Re: The Bible is light years ahead of science

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 2:06 pm
by Kristoffer
Oh it might have something to do with how Jewish people can not say the name of their god, so they use substitute names.(wikipedia is good friend!)

Perhaps I can twist it around:

Science is light years ahead of the bible. Maybe. :mrgreen:

If a thousand years can be a day, why not a billion years? please dont tell me that you think Einstein famous equation is in the bible, that funny! :pound: Allthough I can give such a book the respect(its atleast worth a good place on my book shelfes it deserves, i dont think you should take away E=MC² from Einstein and give it to God as a present. The bible isn't a science textbook is it...?

Re: The Bible is light years ahead of science

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 4:29 pm
by dayage

The "days" are long periods of time. We've discussed this in other places. "In the beginning" always refers to a period of time, in the OT. It is before the first day. All days start with "and God said."
The light is called day during a period known as day (two different periods).
Day three uses the hiphil of dasha and yasa to show that the land was to and did produce the plants. This means natural growth. God may have seeded the land, but the is no indication of supernatural growth.
Day six (Genesis 2) has a rainstorm to start with and then all of the other things that take place, like a garden growing, etc.
Day seven is not over, Hebrews 4 and John 5:17.
Remember, if your going to claim that Exodus 20:11 is giving us an exact equation (24-hour days for 24-hour days) then God's work time is the same as ours. That means 12 hours (Psalm 104:20-23). Yom (day) was the only Biblical Hebrew word for a long, but finite period of time. Since God was going to use it as an analogy (6-1; Exodus 20:11) for both He and man, it was the perfect and only word to use.

By the way, why are all of the definite articles (ha) missing? In all other lists of objects the article is on both the number and the object. It is missing from both in Genesis one. This indicates that something is different about these "days."

I've given more details in other places on this sight.

Re: The Bible is light years ahead of science

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 4:31 pm
by dayage

Re: The Bible is light years ahead of science

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 10:12 am
by Author Anita Meyer
Hello Dayage,

Firstly there are several things that do not made sense with your analogy. How is one to explain that both Adam and Eve were created already fully grown?

If so, how would G-d feed them without plants already being fully grown and mature, which the Bible (in Genesis) also indicates that they were.

Now, if both Adam and Eve were created fully grown along with the plants, wouldn't this also indicate that the planets, stars and whole Universe would also appear to show age (as it does), but in fact were created by G-d already fully made, AS THE GOOD BOOK CLAIMS!

No one ever seems to take this "age thing" into account. So while you are bickering about the meaning of the Hebrew word YOM (a single day), you first have to explain the age appearance of both Adam and Eve?

Genesis 2:1-3 - Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array. By the seventh day G-d had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. And G-d blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.

So important was this 7th day that He made it a commandment!

Genesis 2:4-8 - This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created. When the Lord G-d made the earth and the heavens - and no shrub of the field had yet appeared on the earth and no plant of the field had yet sprung up, for the Lord G-d had not sent rain on the earth and there was no man to work the ground, but streams came up from the earth and watered the whole surface of the ground - the Lord G-d formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. Now the Lord G-d had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. And the Lord G-d made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Now as to the 7th day, we can know for sure that it was indeed single 24 hour days.

How so you may ask?

The answer to this lies within our very own biological body since it revolves around a 7 day cycle. As it turns out, this time period is the most ideal time for the human body (including all other living things) to rejuvenate itself and its cells. Not only seven DAYS, but every cell in the human body is replaced and renewed within a period of seven years. The 7th day pause (for resting and rejuvenating) occurs biologically in nature for none other reason other than G-d making it so.

This 7 day cycle can be seen in primitive one-celled organisms, and are even present in bacteria. This 7 day cycle can also be witnessed in the duration days from the onset of a diseases symptoms, development and resolve. Even organ transplant patients tend to have more rejection episodes on the 7/8th , 14/15th , 21/22nd, and 28/29th days after surgery. These dates fall on days slightly before a full moon WHICH SHOULD BE A DAY OF REST! In effect the body's immune system attack the foreign organ. Furthermore, an even bigger rejection occurs seven days after the organ transplant operation. It is also further witnessed that medications administered at particular times may be more effective than at other times. And, it has also been witnessed that viruses, pneumonia, and malaria infection peak at seven days. Most of us are also familiar with the common cold usually lasting a period of 7days (sometimes even two weeks).

The female gestation period also revolves around a 7 week cycle. This corresponding period is 280 days or 40x7.

Interestingly the number 7 also becomes confirmed for us when we observe the gestation periods of living things in nature. For instance ALL bird eggs hatch in multiples of 7 day periods from laying. The hen sits three weeks (which is 21 days - 7x3), while the pigeon sits two weeks (which is 14 days - 7x2). Ducks 28 days, other ducks 35 days, Eagles also 35 days, Owls 28 days, Penguins 49 days, (these are multiples of 7).

And the list goes on… Additionally, most animals have a gestation period of multiples of 7. For instance the mouse 21 days (3x7). The rabbit and rat 28 days (4x7). The cat 56 days (8x7). And the dog 63 days (9x7). Again as you can see all multiples of 7.

We have a cycle of 7 days because (in part) by the MOONS LUNAR CYCLE (4 phases) that G-d instantly created and set into motion to revolve every 24 hours.

The bottom line here is that the cycle of all living thing lie testimony to 7 days!

By the way all this information can be found in my book. :)

Re: The Bible is light years ahead of science

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 12:05 pm
by dayage
Firstly there are several things that do not made sense with your analogy. How is one to explain that both Adam and Eve were created already fully grown?
They could not survive otherwise. Plus they had to take charge of the animals, reproduce, take care of the garden, etc.
If so, how would G-d feed them without plants already being fully grown and mature, which the Bible (in Genesis) also indicates that they were.
Plants had been around since day/age three, long before man. Adam was created outside of the garden, probably in another part of Eden. Once the garden was mature enough, God put him in the garden (see Genesis 2:5-15).
Now, if both Adam and Eve were created fully grown along with the plants, wouldn't this also indicate that the planets, stars and whole Universe would also appear to show age (as it does), but in fact were created by G-d already fully made, AS THE GOOD BOOK CLAIMS!
No. The text never said the plants were created, or created fully grown. Just for earth to get to is Genesis 1:2 stage it had to go through a process. God told Job this in Job 38:4-9. These are things that took place between Genesis 1:1 and 2. God told Job how the earth became covered with water and why it was dark.
No one ever seems to take this "age thing" into account. So while you are bickering about the meaning of the Hebrew word YOM (a single day), you first have to explain the age appearance of both Adam and Eve?
Actually many old-earth creationists have dealt with this. They were fully formed, for reasons I've already mentioned, but they would not have had chipped teeth, liver spots, high cholesterol, grey hair, cell damage, etc. These are things that would point to age, not their size. Plus, even young-earth groups like Answers In Genesis agrees that appearance of age makes God deceptive.

Light gives us information about where its been, how long its been traveling and how fast its been traveling. It also tells us about the object it came from. So, light travel time is a real problem for the young-earth side, and they have admitted it. If you look at the two leading young-earth explanations of the universe they are; a universe that evolved super fast, because clocks in the universe were much faster than earth's (Dr. Russ Humphreys) and one that really took billions of years, but the clocks on earth were so slow that it seemed like 6 days (Dr. John Hartnett). Astronomy (clocks in the universe) proves that Humphreys' model is wrong and Hartnett agrees that that model has many problems. Hartnetts model can not be tested and it is not well developed. Of course he thinks that the water and earth in Genesis 1:2 mean the solar system.

Yes, God gave us a week of seven 24-hour days, but it does not prove that the creation periods were 24-hours also. You have to exegete the text. You have not dealt with any of the evidences I supplied. I gave a link to a longer explaination. The comparison in Ex. 20:11 is a yom for a yom. The length of God's yom vs. man's yom does not matter.

Re: The Bible is light years ahead of science

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 1:33 pm
by Kristoffer
Author Anita Meyer wrote:AS THE GOOD BOOK CLAIMS!
Sorry I only HALF agree.

Re: The Bible is light years ahead of science

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 5:03 pm
by Proinsias
DannyM wrote:Can anyone tell me what the deal is with "G-d"??
I though it a continuation of the idea that the Hebrew name of God should remain unspoken, I recall that there were cases in which the name of God could be spoken but they were amongst priests in very specific circumstances. I think.

*edit* for clarity

Re: The Bible is light years ahead of science

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 5:40 pm
by Author Anita Meyer
Proinsias, one of the reasons why I put a dash in-between the word G-d is to make His name unpronounceable since it is one of the Ten Commandments.

Exodus 20:7 - Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy G-d in vain.

Re: The Bible is light years ahead of science

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 5:49 pm
by Author Anita Meyer
Actually many old-earth creationists have dealt with this. They were fully formed, for reasons I've already mentioned, but they would not have had chipped teeth, liver spots, high cholesterol, grey hair, cell damage, etc. These are things that would point to age, not their size. Plus, even young-earth groups like Answers In Genesis agrees that appearance of age makes God deceptive.
Hello again Dayage,

Correct, both Adam and Eve were fully formed and aged. For all we know Adam could have been around the ages of 18-30? The Bible doesnt tell us Adams age, but it is clear about the fact both Adam and Eve were a matured mail and female! So if Adam and Eve were created showing the appearance of age why would the other days be any different? They were created too, already fully formed and showing the appearance of age.

You have to understand something, science is still trying to make the “cell” appear out of the evolutionary Processes. No matter how hard it tries, it cannot replicate this. Science cannot tell us the origin of anything. At least not yet.

Yes, Adam and Eve would have had to be fully formed because the internal organs cannot work together without harmonization. How did our body learn to work amid its complete system working simultaneously. Both the nerves and organs had to work together since the nerves control the organs. If we don't have nerves we cant digest food or deliver information to the brain. how about the heart and lungs to oxygenate our blood. This also applies to the blood since it contains all the mechanisms to transport life's nutrients. how about gastric chemicals, did we evolve those acid producing cells first, or the stomach lining. What all this dictates is that living things would have had to be fully functional in the first moments of life. Because of this mutuality, evolution could not have occurred. I talk about this at great length in my book.
Plus, even young-earth groups like Answers In Genesis agrees that appearance of age makes God deceptive.
This is not so, since G-d openly tells us in Genesis that everything was already aged and fully made. This did not take eons of time. G-d had clearly made this known to us. There is no secret or deception here. This also applies to the Universe as I had said in my previous post. The Universe appears old along with light, just like both Adam and Eve appeared when they were made fully formed and aged. If the other days in genesis where different such as the garden that G-d prepared for Adam, if He formed Adam already fully formed and made showing age, why would G-d have to wait for a garden to grow? This is why your analogy is contradicting.
Yes, God gave us a week of seven 24-hour days, but it does not prove that the creation periods were 24-hours also. You have to exegete the text. You have not dealt with any of the evidences I supplied. I gave a link to a longer explaination. The comparison in Ex. 20:11 is a yom for a yom. The length of God's yom vs. man's yom does not matter.
All the Yom's used in the Bible are singular. It is used exactly 2301 times throughout the Old Testament and in every instance it is always used in a singular way. But its also interesting to note that in the 6 days of creation G-d reiterated it six times. The reason it was reiterated over and over again was because G-d firmly wanted to get His point across. In foresight He knew the evolutionists would try and ruin the reputation of it. If you reread Genesis you will notice that it repeats and reaffirms each day over and over again.

Re: The Bible is light years ahead of science

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 7:15 pm
by sinnerbybirth
Author Anita Meyer wrote:Proinsias, one of the reasons why I put a dash in-between the word G-d is to make His name unpronounceable since it is one of the Ten Commandments.

<A class=lbsBibleRef href="" target=_blank lbsReference="Exodus 20.7|ESV">Exodus 20:7</A> - Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy G-d in vain.
Anita, I thought the word "GOD" was more of a title, not a name. Anyway, taking the Lords name in vain (in a disrespectful or blasphemous way) would be the point of Exodus 20:7 IMO. When referring to GOD, didn't Jesus tell/teach us to say Father/ABBA? It's my understanding that the first five commandments are about Loving GOD, and the last five commandments are about Loving others.

Just a thought.
GOD Bless

Re: The Bible is light years ahead of science

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 7:42 pm
by cslewislover
sinnerbybirth wrote:
Author Anita Meyer wrote:Proinsias, one of the reasons why I put a dash in-between the word G-d is to make His name unpronounceable since it is one of the Ten Commandments.

<A class=lbsBibleRef href="" target=_blank lbsReference="Exodus 20.7|ESV">Exodus 20:7</A> - Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy G-d in vain.
Anita, I thought the word "GOD" was more of a title, not a name. Anyway, taking the Lords name in vain (in a disrespectful or blasphemous way) would be the point of Exodus 20:7 IMO. When referring to GOD, didn't Jesus tell/teach us to say Father/ABBA? It's my understanding that the first five commandments are about Loving GOD, and the last five commandments are about Loving others.

Just a thought.
GOD Bless
Yes, since we're adopted into God's family, and we're to call on Him as Father/Abba, and we're Christ's brothers and sisters, I don't think the old Jewish custom is applicable. Obviously, Christians past and present haven't thought so.