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Re: I have a ghost in my room.... No Joke

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 6:58 pm
by cslewislover
I just wanted to comment on my signature for now. As Gab said, it is from a Kiddy Grade - sort-of. There was only one season of that anime and there was all this fuss about a second season coming out - years after the first!! - and that graphic is from the trailer of the hoped-for second season. It's a great anime - complex - that deals with Christian thought/belief verses Eastern or Buddhist thought/beliefs. The better anime often does this! Oh, and my current avatar is from the first season. It's an image of Eclair after she gets all her powers back (a result of her anger over her boss telling her to do something very evil and wrong; do we follow orders, or our conscience - which morality is better and how do we know?) - the whitishness of it represents all her power, as I recall. I guess it wouldn't be good to go on more about it here . . .

Re: I have a ghost in my room.... No Joke

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 11:34 pm
by Gabrielman
I would also like to add to my post before that you shouldn't feed this thing. Do not give it any power over you. It seems to be after you, if it hasn't done anything to your family, so for the time being I would not worry as much for them. However I do know these things can go after a family in order to get at someone, if they want to. So like I said before I want you to have someone filled with the Holy Spirit to come to your house and pray over you, and pray over the house. I think the best C.O.A. is prayer and staying in God's word daily. Don't give it an opportunity to get at you. Ask God's Holy Spirit into you and your home and be strong brother. If there is anything we can do, please let us know. I will keep praying for you.

God Bless and may His peace and Strength and Spirit be with you

Re: I have a ghost in my room.... No Joke

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 9:45 pm
by Gabrielman
BTW here are some avatars you may like, Vicki and I worked on them for you. I will look for a good sig pic too when you can have a sig.


[He he, someone came and claimed this second one]


Re: I have a ghost in my room.... No Joke

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 7:41 am
by B. W.
Hi Linkmaster1711,

Been following your post. I'd like to ask a few questions and then go from there...

1- how old is the house?

2-Is there any history associated with it?

3- or history around the neighborhood?

4-have you played around with oj-boards?

5-How involved were you or someone you know in paranoraml stuff you mentioned?

6-Do you like horor movies, books, games, DandD like stuff, etc..?

These are simple questions to ather some more info that may or may not have anything to do with much but if so can identify a root cause... and from there we can go further...

Re: I have a ghost in my room.... No Joke

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 11:58 pm
by cslewislover
J.Davis, I split the topic and our anime related posts are in the general chit chat now. :mrgreen:

Re: I have a ghost in my room.... No Joke

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 3:22 pm
by Linkmaster1711
hey guys I guess he is gone! I just wanted to thank all those who helped, the last few nights have been peaceful so far. I also have NO IDEA how to add cool Kenpaichi pics to my profile (I am a little computer retarded lol) if I could get any help on that?

Re: I have a ghost in my room.... No Joke

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 3:09 pm
by cslewislover
Linkmaster1711 wrote:hey guys I guess he is gone! I just wanted to thank all those who helped, the last few nights have been peaceful so far. I also have NO IDEA how to add cool Kenpaichi pics to my profile (I am a little computer retarded lol) if I could get any help on that?
Hey Linkmaster, that's great! I hope things remain peaceful in that regard as you grow in Christ! As for the pics, you go to your user control panel, and click on the profile tab. There's a list off to the side, regarding your avatar and your signature. There are instructions there, although they're not complete. Regarding the avatar, if you link to an image from another site, and not your computer, it can be larger (but the size you input here has to be 128 x 128 or less) and it can be animated.

Re: I have a ghost in my room.... No Joke

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 6:56 pm
by Gman
I've got a ghost in my room too... His name is alfee... :roll:

Re: I have a ghost in my room.... No Joke

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 10:29 pm
by B. W.
Gman wrote:I've got a ghost in my room too... His name is alfee... :roll:
Stll wait'n fer your Red Rider BB gun I see...

Re: I have a ghost in my room.... No Joke

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 10:33 pm
by Linkmaster1711
Well I did what Gabriel said to do and had my pastor, college minister and High school minister all go inside my room and, I suppose, sort of pray it out of there... Apparently it was really awkward since my family doesn't know any of them, but I asked them to trust those fellows as they apparently prayed over my room for a while, then they prayed over the house for a bit and finally for forgiveness, and if I possibly cursed the place to forgive that too....... Yeah, you can apparently do that to this day. They all said to inform me if something else happens and then when I got back home I scheduled a psychiatrist appointment, although he seems SUPER cosmic and that is definately not a road I EVER want to travel down. Anyway thanks again for your prayers and as always all future prayers can always be useful guys!

And to CSLL THANKS!!!! I should have that Ken pic in my next post and Gabe was right! You are a FANTASTIC artist! Not that I am gonna take Ichigo, but have you made any Vasto lorde Ichigo's? He is my current favorite anime character, and when drawn by a REAL artist he just seems to exudes power and epicness in a way that is both evil and delightful at the same time. His Cero had to be the coolest anime blast ever bar Vegeta's Final Flash vs. 3rd form Cell and Vash the stampedes extended flower gun shot that blew away the town! I am a real visual guy, I absolutely love Vasto Lorde Ichigo and can't wait to watch him pwn Aizen's face in!!!!
Gman wrote:I've got a ghost in my room too... His name is alfee...

Re: I have a ghost in my room.... No Joke

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 10:49 am
by Gabrielman
Linkmaster1711 wrote:Well I did what Gabriel said to do and had my pastor, college minister and High school minister all go inside my room and, I suppose, sort of pray it out of there... Apparently it was really awkward since my family doesn't know any of them, but I asked them to trust those fellows as they apparently prayed over my room for a while, then they prayed over the house for a bit and finally for forgiveness, and if I possibly cursed the place to forgive that too....... Yeah, you can apparently do that to this day. They all said to inform me if something else happens and then when I got back home I scheduled a psychiatrist appointment, although he seems SUPER cosmic and that is definately not a road I EVER want to travel down. Anyway thanks again for your prayers and as always all future prayers can always be useful guys!

And to CSLL THANKS!!!! I should have that Ken pic in my next post and Gabe was right! You are a FANTASTIC artist! Not that I am gonna take Ichigo, but have you made any Vasto lorde Ichigo's? He is my current favorite anime character, and when drawn by a REAL artist he just seems to exudes power and epicness in a way that is both evil and delightful at the same time. His Cero had to be the coolest anime blast ever bar Vegeta's Final Flash vs. 3rd form Cell and Vash the stampedes extended flower gun shot that blew away the town! I am a real visual guy, I absolutely love Vasto Lorde Ichigo and can't wait to watch him pwn Aizen's face in!!!!
Gman wrote:I've got a ghost in my room too... His name is alfee...
I am glad to see that things worked out for you! :D Sorry I have not posted on this yet, lol been busy on the anime thread. Speaking of which, I hope to see you on there as well. Though I should point out a few things. Ichigo's hollow is not a vasto lordes, he is something much worse :shock: and he doesn't own azien, Ichigo does. That aside, I plan on putting up an explanation as to why I use Ichigo in the anime thread. However I was wondering if you had considered any other characters yet I have a few that are a work in progress for sig pics with matching avatars, so let me know. I do have something in mind for Espada #1 and a few other people, but all in all if you really want an evil avatar.... well that's up to you, lol.... :econfused: yeah..... scary, lol!