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Re: Video Game Talk

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 6:18 pm
by Zak
Me to.

Re: Video Game Talk

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 6:52 pm
by sinnerbybirth
Hey Gab, I used to sneek into my brothers room and play a game called, "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". Talk about old. Man I don't think a teen alive today would ever play something like that. :lol:

Re: Video Game Talk

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 8:07 pm
by Gabrielman
sinnerbybirth wrote:Hey Gab, I used to sneek into my brothers room and play a game called, "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". Talk about old. Man I don't think a teen alive today would ever play something like that. :lol:
:ebiggrin: Like I said, you should check out Arena and Daggerfall, hard and fun games, all of the TES games are fun, but those two are the most challenging, followed by Morrowind.... and Oblivion.... well it was just too easy :?

Re: Video Game Talk

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 11:43 am
by Zak
Post pics of game you like. Image lol Image food Image random.

Re: Video Game Talk

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 12:47 pm
by narnia4
I play lots of old school games, like adventure games from Sierra and LucasArts or platform games (all on the pc). Games like Commander Keen, King's Quest, Space Quest, other really old games from the 80's and early 90's. Newer adventures games (based of Sherlock Holmes, Poirot, or even fanmade games based off old franchises most gamers have forgotten) are good too.

Then I have some games based off some of my favorite franchises. Battle for Middle Earth, Return of the King, and more for Lord of the Rings, a few Star Trek games, and quite a few Star Wars games like Battlefront 1 and 2, Empire at War, Tie Fighter and X-Wing, Knights of the Old Republic, and quite a few others.

I play some sports games, but mainly Madden.

So as you can see, I play a lot of video games, mostly older ones, I tend to buy one or two a year (mostly old ones). I didn't even notice until I started thinking of the games I own, but Modern Warfare 2 is the only M rated game I own. Kind of odd, since I don't really go our of my way to avoid violent video games (although I don't like games like Grand Theft Auto).

Re: Video Game Talk

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 6:10 pm
by Ngakunui
I have Team Fortress 2. I kind of wish it didn't need that Steam program, but I guess it's acceptable since it's online. I used to have a bunch of skins I made for it, but Steam messed up fatally once, causing my primary hard-drive and motherboard to fry and start smoking. Needless to say, they're all lost now, along with anything else I didn't have backed up. I tell you, that program should not have the authority or involvement over a computer system that it does.

I also have the Halflife games, but solely to finish a "mod" for the Halflife 2 trilogy out already that I own. It's not easy due to the destructible buildings and rocks I devised for it. My Halflife One is on the Playstation 2, because I've had just about enough of Steam telling me when and when not I'm allowed to play the games I payed for with my own money. Ever since, I've only gotten free games and mods for it. Like Moonbase Alpha. I think they may have decided to let people use Offline Mode when offline, ever since their "update", but I doubt it. I play Steam games so little now aside from Team Fortress 2 that it's more like I rent them from time to time instead of having bought them.

I'll play Mirror's Edge a lot more than the Steam games I have. Mostly because It needs no internet connection. I think, quite frankly, that if developers would do what they did with it, and start taking concepts used in third person games, and putting them in first person ones, they'd get more money. I never expected that such a random game that game from the shadowy depths of EA to be any good, but alas, it was. If only I could modify it. .__.

I have also had various failed attempts to make complete games myself, using a program called Game Maker. While I may have never made any good games with it, It helped me, at the very least, to learn more about geometry, variables, and other parts of mathematics I never learned before due to never having a use for. Maybe I should try making a short game with it in the hopes that would work. :\

Re: Video Game Talk

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 10:03 pm
by cslewislover
Zak wrote:Does anyone play zelda game. beat all but one and it hard and i have soul calibur 2 and I don't like.
Zelda: Twilight Princess is pretty cool. I like the way it looks! As you know, though, I never finished it. Lol. I'm such a girl. I've played the Pokemon games with Zak (I even like playing with Pikachu in the old Pokemon Channel "game" :pound: ). Pikachu is so cute! And I played Puzzle Quest a lot. It's quite funny.








Re: Video Game Talk

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 6:24 am
by A Y323
Zak wrote:Does anyone play zelda game. beat all but one and it hard and i have soul calibur 2 and I don't like.
Yeah, the Zelda games are always fun. Ocarina of Time is still one of the best games ever in my opinion. I've also played Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, and The Minish Cap. I tried playing Majora's Mask once, but I couldn't get anything done because of the way it resets every few hours :x I haven't played any of the older ones, like ones before Ocarina of Time.
Gabrielman wrote:
sinnerbybirth wrote:
Zak wrote:It a horror game its bloody and gritty, but its funny and you get a lot of guns. :guns:
Sounds like my kinda game Zak. Maybe someday when I catch up to the the 21st century we can play online.
We don't go to Ravenholm.... that's all I will say..... :econfused:
We definitely don't go to Ravenholm....

I played through Half Life 2 once, but I don't remember it being all that fun... maybe I should try it again sometime.
Gabrielman wrote: :pound: Nice, speaking of old games, if you like RPG's you should try one of the Elder Scroll games.
I played through Oblivion long enough to get all the achievements on xbox 360, and I still had quite a bit to do. That's a loooong game, especially with the Shivering Isles expansion pack. If you like Oblivion, maybe you should try Fallout 3. It's kinda like that game except... with guns. :guns: It's almost as long too, and if you get the game of the year edition you get all 4 of the extra content packs.

Re: Video Game Talk

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 12:20 pm
by Gabrielman
A Y323 wrote: We definitely don't go to Ravenholm....

I played through Half Life 2 once, but I don't remember it being all that fun... maybe I should try it again sometime.
I remember it being fun, some of it was frustrating though! But yeah.... Ravenholm..... could you imagine what it would be like to be a zombie? With the initial agony of the head crab latching on to you.....
A Y323 wrote: I played through Oblivion long enough to get all the achievements on xbox 360, and I still had quite a bit to do. That's a loooong game, especially with the Shivering Isles expansion pack. If you like Oblivion, maybe you should try Fallout 3. It's kinda like that game except... with guns. :guns: It's almost as long too, and if you get the game of the year edition you get all 4 of the extra content packs.
Meh, Oblivion was okay, they really could have done better. It was "long" in the sense that if you leveled up and did a quest it would not be the exact same as if you had done it when you were lower level. All in all, it was alright, but really could have used more atmosphere, and variety. You want a long game try the older TES games, Morrowind is a favorite, but Daggerfall is fun as is Arena! Thankfully there are mods to add more to Oblivion, lol then again I complain too much! :lol: Haven't tried Fallout 3, but do you have any pics of it?

Re: Video Game Talk

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 2:22 pm
by A Y323
Gabrielman wrote:I remember it being fun, some of it was frustrating though! But yeah.... Ravenholm..... could you imagine what it would be like to be a zombie? With the initial agony of the head crab latching on to you.....
Yeah, I'm not a good puzzle solver, so quite a bit of it was frustrating to me. And being a zombie... I'm sure the head crab would hurt at first, but after that I imagine it would be the same as being unconscious, right?
Gabrielman wrote:Meh, Oblivion was okay, they really could have done better. It was "long" in the sense that if you leveled up and did a quest it would not be the exact same as if you had done it when you were lower level. All in all, it was alright, but really could have used more atmosphere, and variety.
Yeah I meant it was long in the sense that the map is huge, there's a lot of places and dungeons to go through, and a lot of quests. But you're right that it needed variety. I admit that after a while of playing it I got bored from the lack of variety, so I cheated a bit. :oops: I made a set of "invisibility armor" so I could run through a dungeon without any of the monsters seeing me and skip to the end.
Gabrielman wrote:Haven't tried Fallout 3, but do you have any pics of it?
I'm not too familiar with posting images on this board. Let's see if it's similar to other boards...

Here's one of the more iconic images. It shows the Vault Dweller (your character) walking away all dramatic with his dog.

Here's a typical "town" you find out in the wasteland. Obviously not one with settlers, but just out exploring.

Super Mutants, run away! Or shoot them... you can do first- or third-person combat.

This is the VATS system that lets you "pause" combat and target a specific body part (arms, legs, body, and of course- head). This is the RPG part of the combat, the game calculates a percentage to hit based on your skills and other things. The rest of the combat is real-time, pretty much like any other shooting game.

Sorry if the pictures aren't great quality, I just went to Google Image search and typed in Fallout 3. If you go to the game's wiki page, you can read all about the game and the back-story to the Fallout universe, which is pretty interesting. It's an alternate timeline where scientists focused more on nuclear power and American culture stayed more or less like it was during the 1950s until the Great War happened in 2077. The Great War was basically America and China launching all their nuclear missiles which caused the wasteland you get to explore in the game. Anyway, I think the story is interesting, but I'll let you read about it on your own if you want.

Re: Video Game Talk

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 2:31 pm
by Gabrielman
A Y323 wrote: Yeah, I'm not a good puzzle solver, so quite a bit of it was frustrating to me. And being a zombie... I'm sure the head crab would hurt at first, but after that I imagine it would be the same as being unconscious, right?
I am one who likes to make myself think, so puzzle solver is good, lol but I can see how after a while it would start to get boring! And the zombie thing... I am not sure, I mean there is one scene where you can see someone getting attacked by a head crab and being turned into a zombie, and they are screaming in pain, but I saved him! :ebiggrin:
A Y323 wrote: Yeah I meant it was long in the sense that the map is huge, there's a lot of places and dungeons to go through, and a lot of quests. But you're right that it needed variety. I admit that after a while of playing it I got bored from the lack of variety, so I cheated a bit. :oops: I made a set of "invisibility armor" so I could run through a dungeon without any of the monsters seeing me and skip to the end.
It's not cheating, if you can do it. Making armor with enchantments is part of the fun, lol and I did the exact same thing too!!! I also have the TES construction set for both Oblivion and Morrowind, so I have been able to make enhancements to games, lol. If you ever get Morrowind for the PC (I have it on my laptop and it runs great!) just let me know and I can make some mods for you. All in all, TES games are fun if you role play them right, and with Oblivion I tend to just use it for the beauty of the arctic side of it! Just so you know Arena and Daggerfall are free, if you ever get interested. The graphics are not the best, but graphics are not what make a game!

Nice pics btw, I will have to check that game out when I have time, but I have to go to a late shift at work soon, and won't be on until tomorrow now! :shock:

Re: Video Game Talk

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 2:48 pm
by zoegirl
lol, anyone for Atari? :lol:

Re: Video Game Talk

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 8:21 pm
by Zak
post more pic! Image Image Image

Re: Video Game Talk

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 1:11 am
by ChrisB

Re: Video Game Talk

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 1:57 pm
by Gabrielman
zoegirl wrote:lol, anyone for Atari? :lol:
Ah! An oldy but a goodie! I loved playing those good old games when I was a kid! :ebiggrin: Now I have to get some pics up for that!