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Re: asking saints to pray for us. Is it biblical?

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 2:34 pm
by JamesScott

Thank you for your points. :)

Re: asking saints to pray for us. Is it biblical?

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 2:58 pm
by jlay
And to flip the coin, In Protestant churches people sit in pews and listen to a preacher, and believe things such as Sola Scriptura and Sola Fide, things that are not found in the Sacred Scriptures.
And how many claim that the traditions of sitting in pews is equal to scritpure?

Re: asking saints to pray for us. Is it biblical?

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 3:22 pm
by JamesScott
jlay wrote:
And to flip the coin, In Protestant churches people sit in pews and listen to a preacher, and believe things such as Sola Scriptura and Sola Fide, things that are not found in the Sacred Scriptures.
And how many claim that the traditions of sitting in pews is equal to scritpure?

I've never heard of anyone believing such a thing. Neither Protestants, nor Roman Catholics, nor Eastern Orthodox.
It seems you're trying to say we believe local customs or traditions is equal to the Holy Scriptures, and this is not the case.

There is a difference between traditions and Holy Tradition. The word traditions {with a little "t"} referrs to local customs. For instance, Greek Orthodox churches have pews, while churches of the Orthodox Church in America {O.C.A.} do not. Greek churches have different food than the American churches. These are just local or ethnic differences, or traditions.

Holy Tradition is essential dogmas of the Faith. For example; Jesus Christ is one Person in two natures; divine and human. That is dogma, and it is Holy Tradition. It is non-negotiable. All Orthodox churches hold this, for it is essantial to the Faith.

Now, our local traditions are not equal to the Holy Scriptures. Nor is Holy Tradition equal to the Scriptures, per se, but rather the Holy Scriptures are a part of Holy Tradition, and even the most important part.

Re: asking saints to pray for us. Is it biblical?

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 4:39 pm
by jlay
I think you misunderstood James. That was my point.

Re: asking saints to pray for us. Is it biblical?

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 4:45 pm
by JamesScott
jlay wrote:I think you misunderstood James. That was my point.
What was your point?