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Re: God and logic. Whats the world coming too?

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 5:15 pm
by StMonicaGuideMe
narnia4 wrote:I think you're absolutely right, and it really is sad. Atheists talk a big talk when it comes to "reason" and "rational thought", but often their anti-religious diatribes are simply useless rhetoric that has been refuted on just about every decent apologetic resource anywhere. They accuse Christians of living in a fairytale land, but they believe what they believe, often based off of emotion, and will just make fun of anyone who says otherwise without even thinking.
Oh, praise God that at least SOMEONE sees that. I thought I was the only one.

Re: God and logic. Whats the world coming too?

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 9:54 am
by JB2011
Ultimately, from nothing came intelligence, is what Hawking suggests.
Paul Davis of Adelaide Universe, a theoretical physicist, writes: "First, time did not always exist; and second, there was no first moment of time. Such are the oddities of quantum physics." Basically he is saying that there was no cause followed by effect.

"It is not necessary to invoke God to light the touchpaper" also relies on the hypothesis that in the nothing there was no cause and effect because there was no time.

However, there is nothing to say that cause and effect cannot be the same thing. Quantum mechanics allows for that.

Our intelligence is a factor of cause and effect. We cannot discount an intelligence which is in a balanced state, the perfect coexistence of cause and effect in the Nothing. (Our intelligence requires matter and energy and that all came from the nothing. It would be arrogant to think that intelligence is restricted to flesh and blood.)

A single thought by the intelligence to separate cause and effect would create the universe, time would begin and matter and energy formed.

And all supported by quantum mechanics.