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Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 8:49 am
by Anonymous
Most likely it was a result of the climate change following the flood. The atmosphere would have been far more dense before that, protecting the earth from solar radiation.

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 4:42 pm
by Deborah
I have a thought. hey don't be rude lol

It's todo with Adam and Eve, and how brother married sister and had children. then if you remember after awhile it was stated that brother shall no longer marry sister. (to do with genes possably)
is it a possability the further from adam and eve we get the weaker and more corrupt our genes become? could this have something to do with our short lifespans ?

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 4:46 pm
by Deborah
JBirdAngel wrote: i really dont think i can last to being 70 years old let alone more, i couldnt imagine having to live for 900 years, i couldndt handle it...
Imagine if you will, being fit and healthy as adam and eve and those others who lived hundreds of years must have been. Emagine the knowledge that one could learn in that time, there is so much knowledge to understand yet so little time to do it in.

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 5:06 pm
by Anonymous
Deborah wrote: is it a possability the further from adam and eve we get the weaker and more corrupt our genes become? could this have something to do with our short lifespans ?
I've noticed that pedigree dogs tend to have more ailments than mutts.

I don't know of any studies, but that would support your thought. After the flood, our gene pool would have been suddenly shallow.

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 7:50 am
by JBirdAngel
I agree with the genetics thing, i think it has to do with sin and the longer we are in this world it messes us up more, I had looked into dogs lately as i got one, and all info seems to agree that mixed dogs are alot healthier than pedigree ones.

Also that health and knowledge is nothing if you cant spend it with those you love.

and who was being rude?
If it was me im sorry as i didnt mean to be.

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 3:37 pm
by Deborah
JBirdAngel wrote:I agree with the genetics thing, i think it has to do with sin and the longer we are in this world it messes us up more, I had looked into dogs lately as i got one, and all info seems to agree that mixed dogs are alot healthier than pedigree ones.

Also that health and knowledge is nothing if you cant spend it with those you love.

and who was being rude?
If it was me im sorry as i didnt mean to be.
I said here is a thought.... the hey don't be rude is tacked on as a joke hun :lol:

Buenos ding dong dilly dias

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 8:50 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
One reason I have read in Evolution of a Creationist is that there was a hydrosphere, which blocked most or all harmful radiation (Genesis 1:7 "God made the expanse, and separated the waters which were below the expanse from the waters which were above the expanse, and it was so") Once it was used For the global shower, more radiation could enter, causing problems with our DNA. Another is that the magnetic field is fading, and in less than 2000 years it'll be gone. Magnetic field protects us from radiation as well, and as it weakens, we are exposed to more radiation. The last possibility is that, in a single person, one thing that may cause aging is that as DNA reproduces over and over, it wears out. (this first part is true, but the second is my own idea, just made it, isn't it cool?) As DNA is made over and over again by each person for sperm and eggs, it could be slowly wearing out....this, of course, has no evidence that I know of...this is a layman's impromptu theory.

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 10:05 pm
by Mastermind
The first one might be good, but the last 2 don't work for me. The magnetic field rotates every few thousand years and starts over, so it won't fade out, just be reborn. The last one i tend to disagree with, but only because the bible seems to make it seem like a matter of generations. I could always be misreading it though.


Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 11:08 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
The magnetic field has been watched (not visually watched) for I don't know how many years, and it has been seen to be declining. It either has a half life, or it just loses a certain amount of power every interval of time. Where have you been hearing that the magnetic field rotates? And I shall denounce you! *Drum roll* Birds fly using our magnetic field. If the field shifts, then there shouldn't be many migratory birds...for they all should have landed in the ocean as opposed to that little island on the map (since all can't land on water and float). The Golden Plover, for example, must fly all the out into the middle of nowhere, and it uses the magnetic field. I've heard that some evidence for this changing field idea is that ancient artifacts and rocks are detected to have varying magnetic strenghths...the problem is that these objects have such a small field, that the instrument that gauges field strenght can change the field from - to + and vice versa. Also, I think I recall another piece of evidence is based on plate techtonics (which itself is flawed up the bungholio). Funny, isn't it, how we all probably thought that was irrefutable fact (me until a week ago....).

Re: Rotating

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 11:18 pm
by Mastermind
AttentionKMartShoppers wrote:The magnetic field has been watched (not visually watched) for I don't know how many years, and it has been seen to be declining. It either has a half life, or it just loses a certain amount of power every interval of time. Where have you been hearing that the magnetic field rotates? And I shall denounce you! *Drum roll* Birds fly using our magnetic field. If the field shifts, then there shouldn't be many migratory birds...for they all should have landed in the ocean as opposed to that little island on the map (since all can't land on water and float). The Golden Plover, for example, must fly all the out into the middle of nowhere, and it uses the magnetic field. I've heard that some evidence for this changing field idea is that ancient artifacts and rocks are detected to have varying magnetic strenghths...the problem is that these objects have such a small field, that the instrument that gauges field strenght can change the field from - to + and vice versa. Also, I think I recall another piece of evidence is based on plate techtonics (which itself is flawed up the bungholio). Funny, isn't it, how we all probably thought that was irrefutable fact (me until a week ago....).
We're well aware that it is declining. We're also aware that the magnetic poles have changed in the past. A shift that occurs every few thousand years(and is likely slow enough to allow the birds to adapt to it) is quite possible. I would require some sources that state the magnetic poles never shifted before I take your word on it. Understandable, I hope.

Re: Rotating

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 10:00 am
by Felgar
Mastermind wrote:We're well aware that it is declining. We're also aware that the magnetic poles have changed in the past. A shift that occurs every few thousand years(and is likely slow enough to allow the birds to adapt to it) is quite possible. I would require some sources that state the magnetic poles never shifted before I take your word on it. Understandable, I hope.
I'm in agreement with Mastermind as well. The magnetic poles actually switch every 250,000 years or so - with the last one recorded about 700,000 years ago. So we're overdue anyways...

Two related links: ... flip.shtml

Note also that the magnetic pole does constantly move. I don't have a link, but my understanding is that it's movement in the arctic has actually sped up quite a bit over the past few years.

Re: Rotating

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 12:48 pm
by bizzt
Felgar wrote:
Mastermind wrote:We're well aware that it is declining. We're also aware that the magnetic poles have changed in the past. A shift that occurs every few thousand years(and is likely slow enough to allow the birds to adapt to it) is quite possible. I would require some sources that state the magnetic poles never shifted before I take your word on it. Understandable, I hope.
I'm in agreement with Mastermind as well. The magnetic poles actually switch every 250,000 years or so - with the last one recorded about 700,000 years ago. So we're overdue anyways...

Two related links: ... flip.shtml

Note also that the magnetic pole does contantly move. I don't have a link, but my understanding is that it's movement in the artic has actually sped up quite a bit over the past few years.
here is a Cool Site that shows an Animation of many different Geologic transformations. Like for example the moving of the Poles.


Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 8:31 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
When we're saying magnetic field changes, are we saying that it moves (yes, I believe the poles are moving), or are we saying that they go from negative to positive? So south and north switch charges?

Re: Clarification

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 8:40 pm
by Felgar
AttentionKMartShoppers wrote:When we're saying magnetic field changes, are we saying that it moves (yes, I believe the poles are moving), or are we saying that they go from negative to positive? So south and north switch charges?
Umm... South and North do switch charges by means of the magnetic North pole migrating to the geographical Southern pole, and the Southern magnetic pole moving to the geographical Northern pole.

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 8:44 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
I shall pull out a website that refutes the proof of the changes being in the form of the different polarity along the ocean floor....and also shows how flawed the plate techtonics theory is as well. ... #wp1260669

Over the past 140 years, direct measurements of Earth's magnetic field show its steady and rapid decline in strength. This decay pattern is consistent with the theoretical view that a decaying electrical current inside Earth produces the magnetic field. If this is correct, then just 20,000 years ago the electrical current would have been so vast that Earth's structure could not have survived the heat produced. This implies Earth could not be older than 20,000 years.a [To understand why Earth's magnetic field does not flip, as is commonly taught, see “Magnetic Variations on the Ocean Floor” on page 100.] ... #wp1816924

Magnetic Variations on the Ocean Floor. At a few places along the Mid-Oceanic Ridge, magnetic patterns on one side of the ridge are almost a mirror image of those on the other side. The plate tectonic theory gained wide acceptance in the 1960s when this surprising discovery was misinterpreted.

Some people proposed that these variations were caused by periodic “reversals” of the earth's magnetic poles, although there is no theoretical understanding of how that could happen. Supposedly, over millions of years, molten material rises at the ridge, solidifies, and then moves in opposite directions away from the ridge. As the magma solidifies, its magnetic orientation locks in the orientation of the earth's magnetic field at the time. Thus, a record of past “flips” of earth's magnetic field is preserved in the rocks at different distances from the ridge.

Figure 45: Magnetic Anomalies. Notice the wide fluctuations in magnetic intensity as one moves across the Mid-Oceanic Ridge. The so-called “reversals” are simply regions of lower magnetic intensity. Why should the intensity usually be greatest along the crest of the ridge?

That explanation is wrong, as detailed magnetic maps clearly show. There are no magnetic reversals on the ocean floor, and no compass would reverse direction if brought near an alleged “reversed” band. However, as one moves across the Mid-Oceanic Ridge, magnetic intensities fluctuate, as shown in Figure 45. Someone merely drew a line through these fluctuations and labeled everything below this average intensity as a “reversal.” The false but widespread impression exists that these slight deviations below the average represent a reversed magnetic field millions of years ago. Calling these fluctuations “reversals” causes one to completely miss a more likely explanation for the magnetic anomalies.

Although textbooks show these so-called “reversals” as smooth bands paralleling the Mid-Oceanic Ridge, there is nothing smooth about them. Some “bands” are even perpendicular to the ridge axis—the opposite of what plate tectonics predicts. Also, the perpendicular “bands” correspond to fracture zones.9 The hydroplate theory offers an explanation for these magnetic anomalies.

On the continents, rapid but limited changes in earth's magnetic field have occurred. Lava cools at known rates, from the outside of the flow toward its center. Magnetic particles floating in lava align themselves with the earth's magnetic field. When the lava cools and solidifies, that orientation becomes fixed. Knowing this cooling rate and measuring the changing direction of the magnetic fields throughout several solidified lava flows, we can see that at one time the earth's magnetic field changed rapidly—by up to 6 degrees per day for several days.10

Read the rest of the book, it's interesting...difficult at times of course.

I don't believe that everything he says is true (I think the Bible mentions a hydrosphere which he doesn't go for)....but he does have some good stuff.