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Re: Life in heaven

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 2:51 pm
by B. W.
1over137 wrote:
B. W. wrote:I do think we will be surprised by how many people we had written off as unsavable will meet us in heaven,
...But, isn't it true that you only go to Heaven after admitting that you are a sinner and that Jesus is your saviour?
It is true, salvation only thru Christ Jesus and I should have rephrased that this way:

I do think we will be surprised by how many people we had written off as unsavable will meet us in heaven who had come to Christ maybe moments, days, weeks, months before passing away...

That captures better what I was tryingto say. Maybe Richard Feynman was one like that, I do not know. None of us can earn our own place in heaven, know matter how good we may appear to be. All need to come to Christ.

Re: Life in heaven

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 7:19 pm
by Legatus
One thing about heaven, it won't be forever...
What we know of heaven indicates that it is outside this speace/time contuum. There isn't really actual matter, or energy, or anything there, nor is there time, since time is a product of matter. God will supply an illusion of such for people who get there, so that isn't a problem (although without there being time it may seem slightly wierd at first). However, God specifically mentioned that when he comes back to earth, there would be a "new heavens and a new earth". The word heavens, plural, is the word for planets and stars and such in this physical universe. We will thus be in a newly made, physical universe, which being physical, will have time. We will thus be able to change and grow, and are being prepared now to better appreciate that and interact in that with the people who also made it there. The new universe, since God the creater is present, may also change and grow. Since this will go on forever, it is no wonder God says that now we cannot understand it, since both we and it may change a lot over eternity. Speculating on it is above my pay grade, except to say that it won't be boring.

of course, some would immediatly jump on this idea and say that we will evolve into Gods. Well, even if we got twice as powerfull and twice as smart every second for a million years, our power and smartness compared to Gods sould still be the exact same ratio as now, finite compared to infinite. besides, I kinda doubt anything like that would happen, since I doubt we could handle it, God will know what we can handle and do that.

Oh, and a physical universe can have physical cars. To start with, that is, I imagine that, after cars, soemthing better will come along, and then something better yet...this week, muscle cars :ebiggrin: , next week, rocket cars :shock: , the week after that y:O2 .

Re: Life in heaven

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 2:18 am
by 1over137
I wonder how much will people know in Heaven since Adam and Eve were punished for eating the apple from the tree of knowledge. I'd like to know (as a physicist) whether there ar other forces, particles, laws, etc. Well, I'd like to know everything.

What do you think?

Re: Life in heaven

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 3:28 am
by neo-x
better than they know right now. also if heaven is physical (made of matter) than of course there would be laws of physics, not that there is anything wrong in the idea either. I seriously do not think that heaven and matter and time would be illusions, it is wild speculation at best.

Re: Life in heaven

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 10:58 am
by 1over137
A piece of heaven:
Enjoy. The singer is only 12 years old. What a gift from God. By the way, what do you guys think, what are you gifted in?
(Hopefully, I am not off topic. I think that gifts from God and life in heaven are closely related.)


Re: Life in heaven

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:56 pm
by DannyM
1over137 wrote:A piece of heaven:
Enjoy. The singer is only 12 years old. What a gift from God. By the way, what do you guys think, what are you gifted in?
That was very good, although she didn't sing and I think she mimed. But obviously a talent

I'm gifted in listening to and learning from other, more gifted people

Unashamedly :)

Re: Life in heaven

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 12:26 am
by 1over137
DannyM wrote: I'm gifted in listening to and learning from other, more gifted people
Unashamedly :)
People like Rich Deem, yes? :esmile: Thinking about scientists now, I wonder what scientists (doing theory) will do in Heaven. On this Earth they explore and try to understand the creation of God and if they are told in Heaven how stuff works ..., well. They would have to probably move to applied physics. :esmile:

Re: Life in heaven

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 8:05 am
by DannyM
1over137 wrote:
People like Rich Deem, yes?
Sure I've learnt from Rich.
1over137 wrote:Thinking about scientists now, I wonder what scientists (doing theory) will do in Heaven. On this Earth they explore and try to understand the creation of God and if they are told in Heaven how stuff works ..., well. They would have to probably move to applied physics. :esmile:
Ha-ha so you think scientists might be scratching around in heaven for a lab? :)