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Re: The Hindu milk miracle

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 1:55 pm
by Canuckster1127
I'm just asking questions based on what you're saying Smiley. No sarcasm intended. I'm sincerely trying to figure out where you're coming from and I don't know any better way than to be upfront and say what I'm thinking.

I argue against Christians on matters all the time and I know that asking questions is not evidence of anything else at times than attempting to work things out.

Don't take it personally.

So how long have you been a Christian and how did you come to Christ?


Re: The Hindu milk miracle

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 3:42 pm
by Gman
smiley wrote:
Okay - so how is your reasoning any better than theirs?
For miracles? Simple, one is accomplishing it for good the other bad..
smiley wrote:No reason to assume that. It was a public event, that occured more than once, and was recorded on cameras. You're just applying an unreasonable level of skepticism because doing otherwise would contradict your philosophical presuppositions.

Oh please. This clearly isn't true. You can see the whole spoon beneath the statue's mouth in 0:08. For crying out loud, millions of Hindu followers participated in the event, and even a group of scientists went there to investigate it. It's not a hoax.
Anything is possible here... I'm not saying that it is completely a hoax am I? It's just my guess. Most likely a bent spoon or a pump in the idols mouth. If they really want to make it a scientific phenomenon, have some top scientists analyze it..

Re: The Hindu milk miracle

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 4:01 pm
by Proinsias
Gman wrote:
smiley wrote:
Okay - so how is your reasoning any better than theirs?
For miracles? Simple, one is accomplishing it for good the other bad..
I've not been posting here for a while. Reading scripture, reading the forum and trying to get a handle on all the stuff that has been brought up in my discussions here. I really value this place and the people here.

I can't help but comment on this though.

Are you saying hindu miracle = bad?

Re: The Hindu milk miracle

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 4:39 pm
by Gman
Proinsias wrote:I've not been posting here for a while. Reading scripture, reading the forum and trying to get a handle on all the stuff that has been brought up in my discussions here. I really value this place and the people here.

I can't help but comment on this though.

Are you saying hindu miracle = bad?
Absolutely.. Idol worship of any kind is strictly prohibited in the Bible, Exodus 20:4. But there is power in it. Unfortunately that power is demonic.. Bascially the stronger the sin, the more powerful are the evil spirits. They grow on it..

Re: The Hindu milk miracle

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 3:15 pm
by Ngakunui
I believe these "miracles" are hoaxes.

Reasons being, each could be any number of things, which are:

1: These idols are automata (automatic machines). Very little effort would be needed to make a mechanism within a machine that could suck up (I.E. "drink") a spoonful of milk. For example: a tube and a piston within the statues. A tube could be built from the mouth that is very small, which is connected, via pipe to a piston that is composed of a metal tube and a wooden peg within the tube that can be released with a pin under the statue. When the pin is released, gravity pulls down the wooden peg that fits only slightly loose at a very slow pace. In tandem with the statue, it can make the statue sip and drink. It's no miracle; just technology that's existed for thousands of years. And there are at least a handful of other ways they could have pulled it off.

Similar to this, many, albiet much more sophisticated automata are used at temples of religions that worship idols. Some people think they're alive, but really, it's the same thing, just different.

2: They're spilling the milk in the spoons. No technology needed unless spoons and idols count. Oh, and the cameras they recorded on. It could also be that they warmed up the spoons a bit so when they spilled it, it traveled along the bottom of the spoon and out of sight.

3: The statues are made out of a porous rock, or painted/ covered in an absorbent material, such as sandstone. Still no miracle; just tricks.


Really, though; has anyone stopped to think that maybe all these reports are, you know, lies? As in false testimonies, garbage, hocus pocus, trickery; lies... All of these "reports" come from a part of the world where people don't have nearly as much technology as anyone that comes here does, and if they do, they're typically too busy to think that deeply about how it works.

You can't just believe everything you hear or read on the internet. Try to question and test it before you go through the trouble of putting vast amounts of faith in it. Just think of how many less ridiculous debates there would be if people actually stopped and thought things through for half a moment. That would eliminate at least three quarter of all internet arguments.

Re: The Hindu milk miracle

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 6:03 pm
by Canuckster1127
I'm still checking my grilled cheese sandwiches for images of Mary or Jesus so I can hit ebay with them ....... ;)

Re: The Hindu milk miracle

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 8:05 am
by RickD
My wife worked at this hospital when this was going on.

Re: The Hindu milk miracle

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 8:55 am
by B. W.
How about this one in 2008: He saw Jesus in the Bathroom

The Mildew Jesus miracle...

Re: The Hindu milk miracle

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 9:08 am
by CeT-To
Yeah i still dont understand why these strange apparitions occur in awkward places such as windows and sandwiches or on a kit kat bar ... especially the ones of Mary, why are there so many apparition of her? What does it mean?

Re: The Hindu milk miracle

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 11:10 am
by Ngakunui
If I see the face of Charles Darwin on a cookie, is that proof of Evolution?

Re: The Hindu milk miracle

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 12:30 pm
by B. W.
Ngakunui wrote:If I see the face of Charles Darwin on a cookie, is that proof of Evolution?

Eureka!!! –Then Keebler cookies have proven the existence of Elves !!!!

Re: The Hindu milk miracle

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 2:34 pm
by zoegirl
:esurprised: :ebiggrin:

Re: The Hindu milk miracle

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 10:18 am
by ChrisB
smiley wrote:Are you familiar with it?

Any plausible scientific explanations?

Re: The Hindu milk miracle

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 10:30 am
by cameronversluis
smiley wrote:
Gman wrote: Only demonic ones most likely... 2 Thessalonians 2:9
That's an interesting avenue that I've contemplated, but it seems to me the non-Christian can use the same reasoning for Christian miracles.

For example, the Muslim can say that the resurrection of Jesus was something Satan from the Qur'an did to fool people.
Or it is a spoof...
No, it's not. It was on the news in dozens of countries across the planet.

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Re: The Hindu milk miracle

Postby cameronversluis » Wed Oct 27, 2010 2:06 pm

smiley wrote:

Gman wrote:Only demonic ones most likely... 2 Thessalonians 2:9

That's an interesting avenue that I've contemplated, but it seems to me the non-Christian can use the same reasoning for Christian miracles.

Hey bro,

Just wanted to point out some stuff. I agree that it's totally not fair to treat another religion's miracles as different than your own. And using the Bible to decide which are "good" and "bad" miracles is somewhat circular reasoning. A Hindu could do that with their scriptures, too. However, if you were to decide that the Bible was accurate for another reason (i.e. prophecy), this would not be circular reasoning.

Also, I would like to point out that there are variances in the quality of miracle. In the case of the Egyptian magicians, they could copy the miracles done by Moses, but only up to a point. At some point, the miracles were simply too daunting and impressive to mimic anymore.

Compare this Hindu "miracle" (if it is that) with turning water to wine, walking on water, calling down fire from heaven, and raising people from the dead. Let's be honest. It's not that impressive.

I would say this is where Christianity has its major "upper hand" miracle. I don't know another religion that has a resurrection miracle with a shred of credibility. Christianity, on the other hand, does have that. If you like, take a look at my article on resurrection evidence.