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Re: pregnancy and abortion

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 7:51 am
by Murray
Widge, Murder and combat are 2 different things. Old testament law says "thou shalt not murder" not "thou shalt not kill". Plenty of war in old testament, may I suggest the book of judges?

Re: pregnancy and abortion

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 4:13 am
by chitralekha
How late into a pregnancy is abortion legal in Idaho? If the pregnancy does not risk the woman's health. Also, does that law fluctuate at all for minors (under 18)? What is involved in an abortion between 12 and 13 weeks?

Re: pregnancy and abortion

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 1:16 pm
by RickD
chitralekha wrote:How late into a pregnancy is abortion legal in Idaho? If the pregnancy does not risk the woman's health. Also, does that law fluctuate at all for minors (under 18)? What is involved in an abortion between 12 and 13 weeks?
Welcome to the forum, chitralekha. I have no idea what the answers are to your questions. However, this link, and the people there, may be able to help you. Some of what is shown at the website, is graphic. So, be forewarned:

Re: pregnancy and abortion

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 1:56 pm
by PaulSacramento
To a christian, all life is sacred and the taking of life is not something that is done without understanding the VERY grave and real consequences of those actions.
War is wrong, but one does not stand by and do nothing when life is in danger.
Abortion is wrong because it is the taking of a life, but the act is between the mother and God and we are not to judge, judgment falls on God and Christ.
No christian is pro war, Our Lord is very clear about what we are to do with those that are our "enemies" and that persecute us.
However, we are also not to allow the death of a fellow human if we can prevent it because then OUR hands would be the ones with "blood on them".