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Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 11:51 am
by JBirdAngel
as far as being like children, i think that in a way probably im saying what Deborah is saying, but i believe that children because they do have more innocence, their understanding and views of things are not as tainted by the sin of this world. Humans by nature are logical and try to figure out the why and how of things, the problem with adults is that their whole lives have been affected by sin and so they include sin into their logic when that isnt what should be done, so in thinking about life and God and love we include death and pain and worry and fear, when these things dont rightly belong and are a result of sin. A child doesnt think about the sin as much on average probably from the beggining and so a child blindly believes there is a God, as the child doesnt think about all the sin in the world that tries to contradict God.

Also as far as K's interpretation, i do not neccesarily feel it is symbolic, but you could be right, but my question is then for the Christians it says that they will reach 100 years but in a way it still makes it sound like they will die, my understanding is that we will have everlasting life, so they wont be living out their days because their days will be limitless, also as far as the relationship with God aspect i do not believe that will ever be completed i beleive we will spend eternity growing and knowing and developing our relationshp with God... so im not sure how that works with your thoughts?

Also then im not sure how that fits in with the erst of the verses, like the wolf and lamb laying together, i cant imagine the unsaved and saved getting along perfectly and harmoniously, as thats never happened, and i dont think it will, if the unsaved did get along like that then wouldnt they start to beleive, i mean not neccesarily but if they saw the saved and all that such you would think so i think.

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 7:52 pm
by Kurieuo
JBirdAngel wrote:Also as far as K's interpretation, i do not neccesarily feel it is symbolic, but you could be right, but my question is then for the Christians it says that they will reach 100 years but in a way it still makes it sound like they will die,
Christians currently do die. Also the "100" seems to imply more than an age, unless one is to think that those who are accursed are simply accursed because of their age (which doesn't really make any sense unless one is ageist). Rather, additionally tied to the "100" is a meaning of spiritual wisdom being attained (not unplausible given that age is often associated with wisdom). Those who reach 100 have attained wisdom of God through Christ and become His children. So even though such die (as we likely will one day), they will be apart of the new kingdom.
JBirdAngel wrote:my understanding is that we will have everlasting life, so they wont be living out their days because their days will be limitless, also as far as the relationship with God aspect i do not believe that will ever be completed i beleive we will spend eternity growing and knowing and developing our relationshp with God... so im not sure how that works with your thoughts?
I'd perhaps disagree as I think everything will be made complete in the end, including our relationship with God. But... with "spiritual growth" I was more intending a growth in "wisdom" and spiritual wisdom at that. All spiritual wisdom will be made complete for I think God will make every known to all. There will no longer be an infant with little spiritual wisdom ("infant of days"), nor an old man who has not fully matured. Why? The obvious reason I can see, if my exegesis is correct, is because such wisdom will be made complete.
JBird wrote:Also then im not sure how that fits in with the erst of the verses, like the wolf and lamb laying together, i cant imagine the unsaved and saved getting along perfectly and harmoniously, as thats never happened, and i dont think it will, if the unsaved did get along like that then wouldnt they start to beleive, i mean not neccesarily but if they saw the saved and all that such you would think so i think.
Its mention is within the context of God's people within the new kingdom. I believe that these references are used to reveal the peaceful fellowship enjoyed amongst "different kinds of people" within Christ's kingdom, and to illustrate that within such a kingdom there will no longer be conflict, pain or death.


PS. As for the 1000 year kingdom I think you were interested to hear more on, I'll just refer you to an article at Hasten The Light Ministries, About a Prophetic Millennium (recommend to all interested), so as not to take the thread off-topic.

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 1:43 pm
by JBirdAngel
Our relationship with God will be complete, but not as you are saying, it will be complete in that we will be with Him, as Jesus said no secrets will not be made known, but that doesnt mean we wont still develop our relationship with God, do you not realize how boring it would be to know everything, if our relationship was complete with God in the way that you seem to be saying there would be no reason to ever talk to Him, to be complete in the way yous eem to be saying would be to say that we know everything, alsmost making us gods ourselves, which will never be the case, we are not meant to be complete like that, we are meant to love God, that doesnt mean we will ever understand everything, just because God tells us things doesnt mean it will make sense, im not sure we will ever be able to understand how God was just there apart from the fact that He is God. We will complete in that it will be as it is inteded and supposed to be, where we live with God and love Him and Him us and we are in creation enjoying it and worshiping God.

Also i think your symbolism is kinda stretching it, also especially with teh wolf and lamb stuff, you cant just apply new meanings to symbols that are used often in the Bible, if a wolf in the Bible everywhere else basically means satan or someone who is against christianity, you cant then suddenly have a wolf mean a christian of a different kind, i do not feel you are taking the context of the whole Bible into account and are instead trying to make it fit into your beliefs in a way that does make sense, but doesnt truely fit with the message of the rest of the Bible. Just my opinion though.

Isaiah 65:17-25

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 1:17 am
by Dale Tooley
My understanding is that all prophecy in Isaiah ( and indeed all the Old Testament prophets) where unfulfilled in the Old Testament are fulfilled in the present "day " of God, the day of grace or the gospel age. They are given in mystery form, indeed the New Testament apostles say that they are (Romans 16:25 &26, Ephesians 3:3-6)
Given this understanding,first consider this for Isaiah 65, verse 19 & 20 which read , I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and joy in my people; The voice of weeping shall no longer be heard in her, nor the voice of crying. No more shall an infant from there live but a few days, nor an old man who has not fulfilled his days; For the child shall die one hundred years old, but the sinner being one hundred years old shall be accursed.”

No direct New Testament scriptures but a little spiritual discernment makes the answers fairly obvious.
A newly born again convert will not live but a few days because the Great Shepherd watches over His new lambs.
A Christian, old in the Lord, will fulfil his days with satisfaction. (“My elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands. They shall not labour in vain”. Isaiah 65:22,23).
A person who receives the Lord ex­tremely late in life will die a spiritual baby. But a sinner — even if he or she lives to be 100 — shall not be thought blessed but accursed.