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Re: Trying to make Christians look Irrelevent

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 5:36 pm
by KravMagaSelfDefense
MarcusOfLycia wrote:Wasn't sure exactly where to place this topic, so apologies if it doesn't fit here.

I read a blog post on an atheist site ( ... education/) after being linked to it from elsewhere. I read through it and it sounded like a standard atheist blog without a whole lot of new information.

Something that caught my eye though was this idea that I keep seeing more and more that was prevalent here: that Christians are basically idiots. That "Christian intellectuals" are merely a byproduct of chance and that the vast majority of intellectuals are not Christians. I have -never- seen data to back up this claim and I am only led to assume that its a claim with its 'evidence' based on the idea that the more times its repeated, the truer it becomes. I found it particularly interesting that the guy who runs the blog is apparently a history buff, but seemed ignorant on the intellectual movements in the history of Christianity (for instance, oddly enough, science). The other thing that bothered me about this guys views on things was his opinion which is basically that homeschooling is merely a way to prevent people from being exposed to other ideas. Granted, it -could- be used for that, but I've met a lot of homeschooled people and they generally reach a college-level intellectual capacity before their public school peers. It just gets tiresome sometimes to have an endless torrent of anti-Christian ideology (and its amazing how people like this find every single aspect of Christianity and religion and general to be worthless, sinister, and evil), being spewed without any data backing it up.

Just wanted to get everyone's opinion on it. Anyone have hard evidence to refute/confirm any of this?
That seems to be a terrible generalization; what right do they have to say that Christians are incapable of being intellectuals? That's a blanket statement that requires a vast amount of research, an amount which is neither practical nor even possible - what kind of research would this be? A survey called "are you a christian and an intellectual? Be honest now!"?. It is a matter of course for radical secularism to exclude Christians from intellectual circles; if Christians are blind and idiotic, at least they have the humility to compare themselves with others realistically, whereas most atheists are taught that their superior "rational thinking" places them on some sort of intellectual pedestal, which I find very sad. People nowadays seem to be on a secular crusade to rid the world of the evils of religion, but how they expect to get people to give up their religion while being such arrogant, terrible examples like this is beyond me. You cannot call someone a deluded schizophrenic idiot and expect them to change their views, that's not how convincing people works. If you watch atheists like Dawkins and Hitchens, I suppose you can find a glimmer of admiration for how well-read and intelligent they seem to be, but for me at least that's drowned out quickly by my disgust at their sort of suppressed arrogance. Here is a perfect example:
Just my thoughts, if anything atheists are not made any more admirable by lifting themselves on this "intellectual" stage and calling themselves the hero of rationality, in my opinion it only makes them seem arrogant and silly. Thanks for reading and have a good day

Re: Trying to make Christians look Irrelevent

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 5:39 pm
by KravMagaSelfDefense
MarcusOfLycia wrote:Wasn't sure exactly where to place this topic, so apologies if it doesn't fit here.

I read a blog post on an atheist site ( ... education/) after being linked to it from elsewhere. I read through it and it sounded like a standard atheist blog without a whole lot of new information.

Something that caught my eye though was this idea that I keep seeing more and more that was prevalent here: that Christians are basically idiots. That "Christian intellectuals" are merely a byproduct of chance and that the vast majority of intellectuals are not Christians. I have -never- seen data to back up this claim and I am only led to assume that its a claim with its 'evidence' based on the idea that the more times its repeated, the truer it becomes. I found it particularly interesting that the guy who runs the blog is apparently a history buff, but seemed ignorant on the intellectual movements in the history of Christianity (for instance, oddly enough, science). The other thing that bothered me about this guys views on things was his opinion which is basically that homeschooling is merely a way to prevent people from being exposed to other ideas. Granted, it -could- be used for that, but I've met a lot of homeschooled people and they generally reach a college-level intellectual capacity before their public school peers. It just gets tiresome sometimes to have an endless torrent of anti-Christian ideology (and its amazing how people like this find every single aspect of Christianity and religion and general to be worthless, sinister, and evil), being spewed without any data backing it up.

Just wanted to get everyone's opinion on it. Anyone have hard evidence to refute/confirm any of this?
That seems to be a terrible generalization; what right do they have to say that Christians are incapable of being intellectuals? That's a blanket statement that requires a vast amount of research, an amount which is neither practical nor even possible - what kind of research would this be? A survey called "are you a christian and an intellectual? Be honest now!"?. It is a matter of course for radical secularism to exclude Christians from intellectual circles; if Christians are blind and idiotic, at least they have the humility to compare themselves with others realistically, whereas most atheists are taught that their superior "rational thinking" places them on some sort of intellectual pedestal, which I find very sad. People nowadays seem to be on a secular crusade to rid the world of the evils of religion, but how they expect to get people to give up their religion while being such arrogant, terrible examples like this is beyond me. You cannot call someone a deluded schizophrenic idiot and expect them to change their views, that's not how convincing people works. If you watch atheists like Dawkins and Hitchens, I suppose you can find a glimmer of admiration for how well-read and intelligent they seem to be, but for me at least that's drowned out quickly by my disgust at their sort of suppressed arrogance. Here is a perfect example:
Just my thoughts, if anything atheists are not made any more admirable by lifting themselves on this "intellectual" stage and calling themselves the hero of rationality, in my opinion it only makes them seem arrogant and silly. Thanks for reading and have a good day