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Re: Is morality logical?

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 5:11 pm
by J.Davis
CeT-To wrote:Can i just ask a brief question? Can one be immoral if he/she is by themselves? For example i'm stuck in an island where i am the only intelligent life form and there is nothing that i can harm by my own doing. So if i were to hurt myself, would that be immoral? If yes, why? Is the system of morality bent on governing what is right and wrong when in a communion of people or living life forms?

thaanxx :)
Hi CeT-To! Happy thanksgiving to you and everyone here!

Yes, we can be immoral all by ourselves..

But the likeliness that you will be on an island with no life forms at all is just about zero. I will give a scenario with the most likely life and one if there is no life but you.

Matthew 5:28 but I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

All immoral acts will happen in the heart first, and that is when we break the law/sin, the moment we act on sin in our heart. Because that is when we fist give in to the immoral impulse and at the moment of giving in, we change.

Ok, so you are stuck on an island all by yourself. No matter what (unless you die), you will need food, water and shelter. There are several factors involved…

1.What life was like before you got stuck on the island?

2 What do you know about living off the land?

3 How old are you/ how good is your health?

4.What kind of physical shape are you in?

5.Were you more like God or Satan before you Got stuck on the island?

6.What resources do you have to work with on the island (food supply, wood, water, grass, dirt, rocks, plants etc and etc)?

7.How long have you been on the island etc and etc…?

Your (the person on the island) feelings and character will vary depending on the answers to these questions. And the actions you take in your heart will change you. And that change can lead you to being more like God (good) or Satan (evil). And the more you become like one the less you will feel like the other (more righteous (God) or corrupt (Satan). Each thought and physical event will produce various feelings (love, fear, greed, compassion, conceit, humility, guilt, peace etc) at various intensities and you will believe that it is more right to act on some feelings/impulses over others. First will come the actions you take in your heart because of what you feel such as honesty, dishonesty, faith, disbelief, patience, impatience, hope doubt etc. So no matter what, you will take actions based on what you feel and if you embrace the evil over the good then you are being immoral in the eye’s of God and you are moving your character in Satan’s direction and away from God’s.

So, you are stranded on the island, all by yourself, the first day you may feel fear, anger, sadness, etc (many other things). It depends on who you are more like, if you are more like God then you will resist fear, have peace or calm down and be at peace and put faith (or Hope) into action, believing that something good will happen, and that no matter what, you will have water to drink and food to eat and you will be grateful for food, water, air and the resources on the island you can use for shelter, tools and furniture (good things provided by a good God) and you will live until the matter is out of your control. If you believe and act this way then you do good in the eye’s of God because this is what he said to do.

Embrace peace, put faith into action (or Hope if you do not know of Jesus), resist fear (of all but God, unless you are perfect of coarse), and believe that Good (see above for good things) is going to have dominion in this island situation no matter what. Even if you don’t know of Jesus or the bible, it is right to do this and God will accept that as good work. If you reverse all of this and embrace Fear, put disbelief (or doubt) into action (because you know nothing of living off the land etc) and reject faith (or Hope), believing that bad (Evil) is going to have dominion in this island situation and that you will have no food, no water, no tools, no resources and that you will die living a miserable life, stranded on a stupid island, then you are being immoral in the eye’s of God and you commit an act of evil (wrong action).

It will all work the same no matter what the scenario. You can be overly greedy for the food on the island, believing that the animals will take it all and so you pick every cocoanut off of every tree you find and hide them. Well, this type of greed is wrong according to God and now your food supply will spoil before you can eat it all. Also, the animals that eat coconuts will find none on the island so you will soon have less food because those animals will look elsewhere (most likely the coconut crabs and the animals that eat them and so on) And your lack (or lack of abundance) of food will be your proof that it was wrong. You can also kill way to many animals out of fear and greed (and do evil) or maybe you will have compassion on an animal you do not intend to eat and help it out of a bad situation (and do good).

(No life forms but you) If you simply wakeup and make no effort to find food and water, because you feel fear, hopeless and sadness so you act on doubt believing that there is nothing good to live for, then you are being immoral. If you do not love yourself enough to make your best effort to live (at least look for food and water everyday until you die) then you have embraced things that are not of God, that is the only reason you would feel that way.

We can be immoral all by ourselves..

Re: Is morality logical?

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 6:07 pm
by CeT-To
LOL hey J.David happy thanksgiving to you too :)

hahaha oh silly me, i seem to have had a blank memory when i wrote that question :P

I forgot that sin starts in the heart and not in the action! Thank you for reminding me :)

LOL here is another possible silly question - Is it immoral not to excersise? as not excersising causes muscle decay.

Re: Is morality logical?

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 4:14 pm
by J.Davis
CeT-To wrote:LOL here is another possible silly question - Is it immoral not to exercise? as not exercising causes muscle decay.
Hey CeT-To!

No, it’s not a silly question.. But it’s still the same process as my post above..
J.Davis wrote:Each thought and physical event will produce various feelings (love, fear, greed, compassion, conceit, humility, guilt, peace etc) at various intensities and you will believe that it is more right to act on some feelings/impulses over others. First will come the actions you take in your heart because of what you feel such as honesty, dishonesty, faith, disbelief, patience, impatience, hope doubt etc. So no matter what, you will take actions based on what you feel and if you embrace the evil over the good then you are being immoral in the eye’s of God and you are moving your character in Satan’s direction and away from God’s.
The physical action will only come after the process described above (the actions you take in your heart).

So, if one believes that not exercising causes muscle decay and they feel they need to exercise because their muscles have decayed to the point where accomplishing the physical task they do on a day-to-day basis is difficult but they do not exercise because they feel hopeless or depressed etc and laziness (slothful/slothfulness) is the action they take then they are being immoral.

If one has lust in their heart and they exercise in order to be more attractive, so that their chances of successfully fornicating increases, they are being immoral.

If one has love, selflessness, humility etc in their heart and has concern for their wife’s or husbands’ feelings so they exercise to look good for them (for whatever reason) then they are not being immoral.

Exercising with love, selflessness etc in your heart because you want to look good for your future wife or husband is not immoral.

Exercising with hate and a desire for revenge etc in your heart because you want to make your X or others jealous, envious, sorry etc so that you can get even is immoral.

Exercising with fear, hate, acting on a desire for revenge or because you are afraid of someone that bullies you is immoral.

Etc and etc.. No matter what the scenario is, if you embrace ungodly attributes (things that are not in God) then you are being immoral in the eyes of God.

It all depends on what you have in your heart…

Re: Is morality logical?

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 4:47 pm
by CeT-To
Thanx J.David :)

I wasn't too sure with exercise because i thought it was something so trivial but now i understand... for some reason these days I seem to be forgetting these things and having to learn them all over again.

Oh well.

God Bless!

Re: Is morality logical?

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 8:32 am
by jlay
I began a very serious diet and exercise program several years ago. I had quit working out and was about 25 pounds overweight. In my mid 30s I was on a couple of prescriptions. Since losing 25 pounds I am totally off these meds, have more energy, and do not get sick nearly as often. And when I do the symptoms are less, and do not last as long.

Now don't get me wrong. I do enjoy the fact that I look better. But I much more enjoy knowing that I am caring for my body and mind now, so that it may prevent future health problems. Many of the people I know are suffering from self-induced health problems. Onset diabetes, high blood pressure, acid reflux, etc. All of these can be managed, prevented if not cured by proper diet and exercise. Not to mention that those health problems also contribute to more serious health problems, such as heart attack, organ damage, etc.

In fact God's law to the Israelites prescribed diet, food handling procedures, and many other things that related to health.

Re: Is morality logical?

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 10:19 am
by B. W.
jlay wrote:I began a very serious diet and exercise program several years ago. I had quit working out and was about 25 pounds overweight. In my mid 30s I was on a couple of prescriptions. Since losing 25 pounds I am totally off these meds, have more energy, and do not get sick nearly as often. And when I do the symptoms are less, and do not last as long.

Now don't get me wrong. I do enjoy the fact that I look better. But I much more enjoy knowing that I am caring for my body and mind now, so that it may prevent future health problems. Many of the people I know are suffering from self-induced health problems. Onset diabetes, high blood pressure, acid reflux, etc. All of these can be managed, prevented if not cured by proper diet and exercise. Not to mention that those health problems also contribute to more serious health problems, such as heart attack, organ damage, etc.

In fact God's law to the Israelites prescribed diet, food handling procedures, and many other things that related to health.
Yes - it feels great to lose weight. I lost mine due to illness around 28 pounds. I keep it off through diet and exercise. Most health problems are due to poor diet, over eating, excessive worrying – but there is moderation in all things too. I see people at the gym who worship their own body and in churches seen people worship the latest and greatest diet craze. IMO – we should be realist about diet and exercise to keep a balance.

Now comes the test – the Holidays and feasting to excess! I did well on Thanksgiving day – moderation is the key and a good fast done wisely once in a while is good too.

What do you think about all these church (more apt to say - worldly) inspired diet crazes that periodically sweep through the pews???

Re: Is morality logical?

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 3:25 pm
by J.Davis
Yeah, it all works the same…

Exercising with love and concern for one’s self, health and life is always a good thing. I also believe it is right to be proud of the good work you have done. As B.W said, it’s all about moderation. And Jesus is the standard for that moderation concerning the actions we take in our heart that will lead to the physical actions we take.

If one is overweight and then they loss weight, looking all good and stuff, there may/will be various feelings and we should put our best effort into fighting off and not embracing and acting on the feelings that are not like God. I think it must get particularly challenging for people who have a hard time maintaining a weight close to what the media deems attractive. After a person has been under attack by media bullies and they lose the weight they might feel the need to indulge in all the attention or showoff a bit, that’s normal but it’s still best to resist if you can so you don’t fall deep into vanity and greed for more and more attention etc. I think for most people who are truly saved, the effects wear off after a bit and they go back to normal but are more happy with their appearance, they have been trained on what to resist. And those who are not saved, if they get out of hand are normally kept humble by others. Or they try to stay humble because they know someone or have suffered from the awful condition known as bigheadia before (or it takes them forever to get over themselves, if they ever do).

However, I have been blessed with media perfect size, weight and metabolism that sustains media grade physical perfection. I have been this way all my life, eating whatever I want and still, I maintain U.S.A quality media grade physical perfection. Yep, just stretching in the morning is enough to get the job done for me. I’m use to all the pretty ladies throwing themselves at me for my good looks, talent and endless attractive qualities. So I’m immune to all the positive attention and compliments, it’s not a problem for me. But all the nasty looks, judgments, hate and shallow people I have to deal with, it’s tough, but those are the cards I’ve been dealt.. :mrgreen: :P

No, seriously, Christians should not get to caught-up into worrying about every little detail concerning what is immoral. Just be happy, follow Jesus, your heart and know that Jesus cares way more about your character than he does about your sins. Just keep seeking Him and pushing for more of Him regardless of how guilty, corrupt or unworthy you feel because you keep sinning and have a hard time stopping. No matter how you feel, force yourself to pray and go to Him in your heart and in spirit. Do that and he is a happy God. And the effects of your persistence for more of him will help you live a life both you and God will be proud of.

A bit off topic but I don’t want anyone to think that they have to obsess over every detail concerning what is immoral.

Hey B.W! Great music avatar!…Now I want one… I do like my current theme…But music is so cool! I’m so torn, maybe I can find a way to mix the two.. y:-?

Re: Is morality logical?

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 5:03 pm
by CeT-To
Wowow hahaha B.W. finally has an avatar after 2394 posts and 5 years :P ~ I like it!! hahaha :lol:

LOL you are so modest J.David in your third paragraph HAHAh i couldn't help laughing as I read it :pound: . But yeah, thanks for your help Jlay, J.David & B.W. I always kinda thought that the most important thing is spiritual growth and i guess it is! but that doesn't mean i should be lazy about exercising and that its not important as well LOL not that i'm fat tho >.> :P

Re: Is morality logical?

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 6:09 pm
by J.Davis
CeT-To wrote:LOL you are so modest J.David in your third paragraph HAHAh i couldn't help laughing as I read it :pound: .
CeT-To.. I will allow your compliment and overlook the misspelling of my name.

Yes, you are correct, my humility is great… Let it be known that bother CeT-To has spoken the truth...I am humble.
CeT-To wrote:But yeah, thanks for your help Jlay, J.David & B.W.
CeT-To, why have you placed Jlay’s name before mine, alphabetical order demands that I am first…And B.W only gave one post, I see no reason they should share in my thanks. :P

Re: Is morality logical?

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 11:31 pm
by B. W.
CeT-To wrote:Wowow hahaha B.W. finally has an avatar after 2394 posts and 5 years :P ~ I like it!! hahaha :lol:

If you only knew the half of it :pound:

Re: Is morality logical?

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 12:06 am
by CeT-To
J.Davis wrote:
CeT-To wrote:LOL you are so modest J.David in your third paragraph HAHAh i couldn't help laughing as I read it :pound: .
CeT-To.. I will allow your compliment and overlook the misspelling of my name.

Yes, you are correct, my humility is great… Let it be known that bother CeT-To has spoken the truth...I am humble.
CeT-To wrote:But yeah, thanks for your help Jlay, J.David & B.W.
CeT-To, why have you placed Jlay’s name before mine, alphabetical order demands that I am first…And B.W only gave one post, I see no reason they should share in my thanks. :P
LOL forgivuness prease! >< *steroetypical Japanese English accent* LOL too bad ! Cause I'm such a nice guy i say thanks to everyone but dw since you are so humble you won't mind if i say don't say thanks next time ;)
B. W. wrote:
CeT-To wrote:Wowow hahaha B.W. finally has an avatar after 2394 posts and 5 years :P ~ I like it!! hahaha :lol:

If you only knew the half of it :pound:
:lol: Why have you been trying for 5 years to upload an avatar ? :pound: