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Re: Case for Christian Theism and it's proper use in debates

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 1:46 pm
by jlay
Wait a minute! Don't accuse me of basing my entire faith on the big bang.
Derrick, I directly quoted you. Here is the context of it.
Well I know that if all of them get disproved or certain ones like the resurrection of Christ were disproved I would be forced to give up Christianity and if the cosmological argument were disproved I would have to give up all forms of theism.
This is a quote directly from you. Here is a link ... =3&t=34928
Just what am I missing? When you use the word "I" are you referring to yourself? Since you have referred to Christianity numerous times as Christian Theism, I am assuming that this is included when you say, "all" forms or theism. Have I misunderstood? Please explain?

Re: Case for Christian Theism and it's proper use in debates

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 4:43 pm
by zoegirl
I am locking this topic temporarily to give everyone a chance to cool down. Let's remember, everyone, that we are not out for blood here and that we can reason together as Christians.