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Re: What do you think God did before creating our universe?

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 5:11 pm
by Proinsias
I imagine God as a creator beyond my perceptions therefore I imagine God as creating beyond them. I have no idea if our universe even started, best I've heard is that it was once very, very small.
jlay wrote:Keep in mind that the whole idea of 'doing' is a human thing. God doesn't do, He is.
I do like this notion but it seems to jar with God appearing in human form for me. On one side I see a creative infinite God who does not do but just is, as you say, and on the other hand there appears to be a need to believe that God done certain things at certain times - being born and dying for instance.

Re: What do you think God did before creating our universe?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 6:28 pm
by bigTop
jlay wrote: The Bible says we will be made like Him.
Does that mean we'll be all powerful and all knowing also? Able to create our own universes with our own beings that we make in our own images?

Re: What do you think God did before creating our universe?

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 12:22 am
by 1over137
bigTop wrote:
jlay wrote: The Bible says we will be made like Him.
Does that mean we'll be all powerful and all knowing also? Able to create our own universes with our own beings that we make in our own images?
Hi bigTop. Welcome to this forum.

I find the following page very helpful:

Re: What do you think God did before creating our universe?

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:38 am
by bigTop
1over137 wrote:
bigTop wrote:
jlay wrote: The Bible says we will be made like Him.
Does that mean we'll be all powerful and all knowing also? Able to create our own universes with our own beings that we make in our own images?
Hi bigTop. Welcome to this forum.

I find the following page very helpful:

That page was blank..

Re: What do you think God did before creating our universe?

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 2:36 am
by 1over137
bigTop wrote: That page was blank..
Was there an advertisement? Just close the advertisement pop-up window and the page should apper.

Re: What do you think God did before creating our universe?

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 3:10 am
by CeT-To
The answer is that He had 1 thought for all eternity till he chose to create the universe.

Re: What do you think God did before creating our universe?

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:33 am
by Seraph
CeT-To wrote:The answer is that He had 1 thought for all eternity till he chose to create the universe.
What? Where did that idea come from?

I don't think that's even possible. If God had one thought for past eternity, there's no way He eventually would move from that thought to another one unless He were affected by an outside force. He would just continue to have that single thought for future eternity.

Re: What do you think God did before creating our universe?

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 9:31 am
by CeT-To
Seraph wrote:
CeT-To wrote:The answer is that He had 1 thought for all eternity till he chose to create the universe.
What? Where did that idea come from?

I don't think that's even possible. If God had one thought for past eternity, there's no way He eventually would move from that thought to another one unless He were affected by an outside force. He would just continue to have that single thought for future eternity.
hahaha. Why do you call it past eternity? Its timelessness eternity there was no past, no time. In saying what you have said in your statement arent you denying God's freedom of the will ?

Re: What do you think God did before creating our universe?

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 9:54 am
by Seraph
Well if God was only thinking one thought in his supposed static state of timelessness, He wouldn't have freedom of will either since that requires more than one thought to have. It also would require more than one thought to transition from a state of one timeless thought to multiple thoughts. Plus if it was completely timeless, He would never have more than one thought because time would never progress and nothing would ever change. Plus that would imply that God's nature changed when He entered into a state of successive thoughts like the God we see in the Bible. If there was ever a point where God had only one thought and He is timeless, He would always only have a single thought. There's a multitude of philosophical issues that come up.

Plus theres just no reason or evidence to believe that this is how God operates.

Re: What do you think God did before creating our universe?

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 9:59 am
by CeT-To
Seraph wrote:Well if God was only thinking one thought in his supposed static state of timelessness, He wouldn't have freedom of will either since that requires more than one thought to have. It also would require more than one thought to transition from a state of one timeless thought to multiple thoughts. Plus if it was completely timeless, He would never have more than one thought because time would never progress and nothing would ever change. Plus that would imply that God's nature changed when He entered into a state of successive thoughts like the God we see in the Bible. If there was ever a point where God had only one thought and He is timeless, He would always only have a single thought. There's a multitude of philosophical issues that come up.

Plus theres just no reason or evidence to believe that this is how God operates.
For the sake of not writing my ideas on this subject a too many times on this forum, Seraph find the Topic called 'God's thought in eternity' under Questions for Christians.

Re: What do you think God did before creating our universe?

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 10:29 am
by jlay
Does that mean we'll be all powerful and all knowing also? Able to create our own universes with our own beings that we make in our own images?
I've always based it on what the scriptures reveal. "Be holy as I am holy."
That is we will be acceptable unto the Lord. We will have pure worship, which is really a relationship. When we 'worship' we are engaging as best as we are able with the Lord. But no matter how close we get in this life, it still can not meaure to what heaven holds. In this face to face, we will be perfectly satisfied and renewed, not lacking anything. And therefore even the notion of sin, will be impossible.

I don't think it means we will be creating our own universe.

Re: What do you think God did before creating our universe?

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 11:36 am
by KravMagaSelfDefense
Seraph wrote:Here's a fun little question. I imagine all answers would have to be purely speculative since there is no answer based only on scripture.

What do you think (or rather imagine) God did for pre-eternity before creating our universe? Has he created, sustained, and destroyed an infinite number of previous universes before ours? What do you think?
What a fascinating concept! Perhaps the Genesis story, the gospel story, the salvation story, and the End Times have all happened an infinite number of times with different universes and different intelligent lifeforms, and perhaps there's different heavens for all of them. Who knows?
That WOULD seem to mean, however, that we are kind of, for lack of a better word, un-special, for the simple reason that God has given the exact amount of love and attention to different universes before us, and we're just kind of a speck on eternity's timescale which will quickly be bypassed by other universes to which the Gospel Story, genesis story etc. will happen.
But that's an excellent question. I really don't have a solid answer but it'll get stuck in my head for the rest of the day. Take care!

Re: What do you think God did before creating our universe?

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 12:43 pm
by Seraph
I personally think we would still be special since God offers eternal life to us. Even though our initial creation is just a speck on the timeline of eternity, our eternal life with God means we get to be part of the eternal heavenly "nation" that God is building throughout eternity composed of saved people from our universe and perhaps saved beings from others (I think Angels might fall into this category).