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Re: World becoming increasingly atheist

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 2:07 am
by Reactionary
dorkmaster wrote:I saw a news story today about how religion is dying out in countries like Sweden, Canada, New Zealand, among others. Why would this trend be happening given that christianity can stand strong against the "science" that attempts to disprove it?
I think it has something to do with the fact that in the countries you mentioned standard of living is high, people live well, so they have less need for God. Unfortunately, a man can sometimes feel invincible when blinded by success and wealth. I've been there, in some way - when life is rosy and ideal, some people get an illusion that they are in full control of their lives, which is proven wrong sooner or later when we face hardships. Then we come back to God, however some don't learn the lesson and get back to the old lifestyle when things get better again. :?
Silvertusk wrote:Taking the OP title in point - Has anyone also noticed that it is currently the New Athiest books that are currrently topping the best sellers lists - titles such as "God Delusion", "Grand Design", "God is not Great" etc.. I have to ask the question - why are people so hungry for books that bash Christianity and not for the Gospel? As that is the way it seems at the moment.

I'm fairly convinced that ego plays a big part in that phenomenon. People just don't want to be held accountable for what they made of their lives. Just take a look at how those "New Atheists" live their lives. Immorality, adultery, infanticide, you name it. Those people think that they'll certainly end up in hell if there is one, so they try to deny the existence of God in any possible way. I don't know if they've heard of repentance and God's forgiveness, but I guess they're too arrogant and selfish to even try that.

Re: World becoming increasingly atheist

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 6:57 am
by PaulSacramento
It seems to be a crisis of Faith at times, people are losing their faith in religion, the only religion that know, and that religion is Organized religion.
The well publicised issues with the RCC are an example, as are the Islamic extremists.
Funny thing is that SOME religions are seeing an increase, even if a very minor one, Like the JW's, why?
Possibly because not every believer likes the burden of being faithful and following Christ to be on his shoulders and like being told what to do and what to believe.
I don't think we can say that it is one reason only, but a mirad of reasons.
People that have a close personal relationship with their chosen God are very comfortable in that, whereas those that are exposed to religious heirchy's and all the bad that can come from them, see the dangers and the hypocracies.
Of course for many it is far easier and far "better" for their lifestyles to be atheist.
Fact is that it is far easier to believe in nothing then to believe in something.

Re: World becoming increasingly atheist

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 8:26 pm
A recent Facebook poll was done on asking people whether or not they believe that God exists, so far 671,398 people say yes, 52,342 say no, and 43,575 say "time will tell" (or don't know). So for what it's worth, the majority are still theists.

Re: World becoming increasingly atheist

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:50 pm
by neo-x
I live in Pakistan, and living in Pakistan as a minority has its disadvantages, and let me tell you. Christianity is flourishing in the 3rd world. it is declining in Europe and in the west. but here where there is less wealth and a lot of problems, faith still stands. I agree partly to the fact that life in west is easier than here and bcuz of the freedom or speech and opportunities to pursuit what you really want, an illusion of control does blind most.

The thing is one angry aggressive atheist is as bad as a fanatic Christian (we don't have much, but atheists paint us all together) and what usually happens from such hot headed clashes is that more hatred is formed. Atheistic and Marxist ideology today has gone far beyond to their original roots, which did offer a promise of a Utopian society(at least a core of it), the very same thing that our Lord promised at end of this world. These philosophies just offered a different path, a path without God. But todays atheist nourishes his anger on the premise that Christianity has been murderous or stupid (surmising the great dark era of the catholic church, the crusades etc) what they don't understand or fail to see and what some Christians failed to grasp is that Christianity is never supposed to be the religion of the world. the bible clearly states that Christians will always be persecuted. and you can see yourself, even in America or Canada, or Europe. a lot of schools don't allow you to pray, read the bible, even teach them about evolution. it amazes me that a country where there is absolute freedom, one still finds it socially hard to be Christan. But i think the world will always hate us. they will always ask stupid questions, as Paul said about it that the message of the gospel is foolishness to the world. they will always ask about immaculate conceptions and raising dead from the grave or the the existence of God.

not to sound like a extreme Calvinist but i think if not be divine electorate, man still decides he wants to be unaccountable and thus turn towards the god of his hand.

i was reading the account of Elijah, on how his offering was answered by fire from heaven on the mountain against the priests of Baal. I wondered on this though, why those priests, even when they saw the fire come from heaven from the God 9Yahweh) of Elijah, still refused to believe and died for Baal. the god they had been praying all morning and noon that couldn't answer them. all 400 of them. died for a belief they thought was right even in light of evidence they chose not to believe. I think the same thing is happening to people all around the world but like Elijah a lot of people keep to their faiths as well.

Re: World becoming increasingly atheist

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:37 am
by rockman0
Silvertusk wrote:Taking the OP title in point - Has anyone also noticed that it is currently the New Athiest books that are currrently topping the best sellers lists - titles such as "God Delusion", "Grand Design", "God is not Great" etc.. I have to ask the question - why are people so hungry for books that bash Christianity and not for the Gospel? As that is the way it seems at the moment.

They want to live the kind of life they want and not one laid out in the Bible. They want to do this, but they're also afraid because deep down they know that there really is a God and that they will be judged for their lifestyle when the end comes. So, in order to find comfort and convince themselves even more of the lie that they keep telling themselves (that God isn't real), they read books that "reinforce" what they want to believe.

That's the only possible explanation that I can think of as to why people would be so interested in bashing a single religion in the entire world.

Re: World becoming increasingly atheist

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 4:37 am
by DannyM
Hmm, some interesting and flamboyant comments being made here. The Anglican church could vanish within a generation. Lol. Really? Being Anglican myself I have no such fear. And all man made religions are garbage. Oh well, there goes my beloved Christianity down the drain. Lol. Come on, brothers, let's not run away with ourselves here.