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Re: What makes a person atheist?

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 10:15 pm
by neo-x
Thank you for sharing that testimony Neo. It sounds very scary. I saw certain things when I was a child but fortunately they were not scary. I used to see sparkles of light at night times that use to fall like rain and made incredible patterns of such beauty. But they stopped happening as I got older. I have wild theory that when we are young our perception is more naked and not filtered by our Brains - so maybe we see things with the innoncence of a child - i.e. as we are meant to see them. But sometimes we see the bad things as well. Eventually our Brain filters most of them out. that is my theory anyway. Jesus said that we should be as children...

Maybe God was answering your prayers and now has made you the person you are today with a real drive and focus and zeal for him now as evidenced by some of your writings. But whatever happened I am glad the Holy Spirit brought you back.

God Bless

Thank you Silvertusk, I'm glad God did it for me. I believe God has plans for us all and it is by his saving grace that we come out from the darkness and in to the light. I do agree with you, a child does not filter things out, he sees them more in their natural order. I can just imagine what you use to see and I say it must have been beautiful. Thank God for his wonders.

God bless you. y>:D<

Re: What makes a person atheist?

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 5:14 am
by ThePerverse
Silvertusk wrote:I used to see sparkles of light at night times that use to fall like rain and made incredible patterns of such beauty. But they stopped happening as I got older.
When i was little i used to see something similar to what you used to see!
It was during the night in my room, i would see all these small lights, almost like tiny stars, just floating and all travelling in flocks. And there were so many, they were countless, but they were there.. they werent in my thoughts, because if i moved my head, they didnt move with my line of sight. And they floated very slowly, almost like a big fleet of spaceships, and they didnt go straight, they would just wander very slowly, all in the same direction. I never gave it much concern, as i thought they were imaginary, but now i truly wonder what they were..

Re: What makes a person atheist?

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 12:36 am
by Silvertusk
MarcusOfLycia wrote:I know its slightly off-topic but it goes with everything you guys have been talking about... I was asked recently what I thought the 'greatest human emotion' was. There were lots of answers other people had, but I'm still stuck on awe/wonder. How could there possibly be a better emotion? I can't think of a better place to be... and I expect heaven to have plenty of awe. We'll be in the presence of God forever! In the presence of Him!

I think humility and love.

Re: What makes a person atheist?

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 11:48 am
by MarcusOfLycia
I dunno... I don't consider either of those to be emotions but character traits. Emotions are fundamentally feelings, and calling either one of those a feeling would not be doing them justice. Could be we just define words differently, but as far as what I see emotions being, I can't think of a greater one than wonder and awe.

Re: What makes a person atheist?

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 7:59 pm
by Jarpenguin
ThePerverse wrote:
Silvertusk wrote:I used to see sparkles of light at night times that use to fall like rain and made incredible patterns of such beauty. But they stopped happening as I got older.
When i was little i used to see something similar to what you used to see!
It was during the night in my room, i would see all these small lights, almost like tiny stars, just floating and all travelling in flocks. And there were so many, they were countless, but they were there.. they werent in my thoughts, because if i moved my head, they didnt move with my line of sight. And they floated very slowly, almost like a big fleet of spaceships, and they didnt go straight, they would just wander very slowly, all in the same direction. I never gave it much concern, as i thought they were imaginary, but now i truly wonder what they were..
I believe that's an illusion due to your eyes adjusting to the semi-dark light of your room. If you stare at this blur of particles for a long time, your brain can somehow adjust these particles to your own (unconscious) design... It's truly amazing the way God has designed the human brain.

That's what they were :P

Now for the original topic... What makes people Atheist? A variety of different reasons actually...
  • Forced Religion / Parental Rebellion - Some children who are forced to go to numerous religious activities by their parents decide to completely disregard their religion in their teenage years as a sort of rebellion against their parents. This is partially the parents' fault for forcing religion onto their children... Parents should be a guiding hand, not a harsh push.
  • "Time" Concerns / Just Lazy - Some people abandon God because they are too "busy" with other things. I mean, giving an hour of your time up each week to praise the being who created the universe is just ludicrous! That's my sleeping time!
  • Arrogance - Refuses to believe in anything more powerful than him/herself...
Just a few I thought of on the top of my head :P I can probably think of more, but you get the picture.

Re: What makes a person atheist?

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 2:33 am
by neo-x
I believe that's an illusion due to your eyes adjusting to the semi-dark light of your room. If you stare at this blur of particles for a long time, your brain can somehow adjust these particles to your own (unconscious) design... It's truly amazing the way God has designed the human brain.
You do seem pretty sure about this, how do u know it wasn't what he says they were y:-?

Re: What makes a person atheist?

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 6:44 am
by 1over137
What makes a person atheist?

It's hard to find out what is the truth. Many people lie, many people cheat, make falsificates, ..., are not honest. So, the dilemma is whom one should believe. There are many religions. Are Christians right? Are Moslims right? How can I know? The only way is to look at the Scriptures. But there are inconsistencies. (Just google "bible inconsistencies").

Re: What makes a person atheist?

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 8:29 pm
by Echoside
1over137 wrote:What makes a person atheist?

It's hard to find out what is the truth. Many people lie, many people cheat, make falsificates, ..., are not honest. So, the dilemma is whom one should believe. There are many religions. Are Christians right? Are Moslims right? How can I know? The only way is to look at the Scriptures. But there are inconsistencies. (Just google "bible inconsistencies").

I sincerely hope you looked more into the "bible inconsistencies" than what you read from a link off google. The majority aren't really issues at all, and the few that might be would take some serious thought to accept IMO.

Re: What makes a person atheist?

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 12:46 am
by 1over137
Echoside wrote:
I sincerely hope you looked more into the "bible inconsistencies" than what you read from a link off google. The majority aren't really issues at all, and the few that might be would take some serious thought to accept IMO.
From what I read in the past, the inconsistencies were issues. Can we start a new thread "bible inconsistencies" or is there something you would like to recommend me first? I am a newbie to the

Re: What makes a person atheist?

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 2:19 pm
by Canuckster1127
1over137 wrote:
Echoside wrote:
I sincerely hope you looked more into the "bible inconsistencies" than what you read from a link off google. The majority aren't really issues at all, and the few that might be would take some serious thought to accept IMO.
From what I read in the past, the inconsistencies were issues. Can we start a new thread "bible inconsistencies" or is there something you would like to recommend me first? I am a newbie to the
You'll probably find there are threads already up about things people question. Those types of discussions are welcome. However, it would be a good idea, if you haven't already to read our board's purpose statement and discussion guidelines here



Re: What makes a person atheist?

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 4:41 pm
by Katabole
1over137 you said:

There are many religions. Are Christians right? Are Moslims right? How can I know? The only way is to look at the Scriptures.

Buddha said: I am a teacher in search of the truth.
Jesus said: I am the truth.

Confucius said: I never claimed to be holy.
Jesus said: Who convicts me of sin?

Mohammed said: If Allah does not put his cloak of mercy over me, I have no hope.
Jesus said: If you do not believe in me you will die in your sins.

Also, Buddha, Confucius and Mohammed never claimed to be God. Jesus did.

The major religions of the world claim to be mutually exclusive and to be the only true way to God. All cannot be right.

I have spoken to quite a few people of different faiths over the years. I know very few that have read the Bible or any other holy book, while holding out that their particular faith and holy book is true. The only two Moslem people I met who read the Bible, converted to Christianity.

I know quite a few Christians, including myself, that have read the holy books of many other faiths. And I don't know any of them that have converted to any other faith. Except of course, the atheist faith.

Jesus Christ is the unsurpassed master of the art of laying bare the inmost core of spiritual truth.

Here's a lecture by John Lennox from UCLA on Apr 4, 2011. The topic is: Christianity and the Tooth Fairy.!/v/1028

Re: What makes a person atheist?

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 12:17 am
by Silvertusk
neo-x wrote:
I believe that's an illusion due to your eyes adjusting to the semi-dark light of your room. If you stare at this blur of particles for a long time, your brain can somehow adjust these particles to your own (unconscious) design... It's truly amazing the way God has designed the human brain.
You do seem pretty sure about this, how do u know it wasn't what he says they were y:-?

Exactly. It seemed pretty real to me. :ebiggrin:

Re: What makes a person atheist?

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 1:58 am
by 1over137
Canuckster1127 wrote:
You'll probably find there are threads already up about things people question. Those types of discussions are welcome. However, it would be a good idea, if you haven't already to read our board's purpose statement and discussion guidelines here


Ok. I'll come back to the topic of bible inconsistencies after having some look on other threads. I looked at the guidelines. All my life I try to be honest. The same I expect from Christians leading this forum. By the way, I am not a Christian but nor am I an atheist.

Re: What makes a person atheist?

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 2:55 am
by 1over137
Katabole wrote: Buddha said: I am a teacher in search of the truth.
Jesus said: I am the truth.

Confucius said: I never claimed to be holy.
Jesus said: Who convicts me of sin?

Mohammed said: If Allah does not put his cloak of mercy over me, I have no hope.
Jesus said: If you do not believe in me you will die in your sins.

Also, Buddha, Confucius and Mohammed never claimed to be God. Jesus did.
Yes, I agree that this is interesting. I do not understand why Jews reject Jesus being the God. Further, Moslims recognize Jesus as a prophet (or teacher?) (not God but prophet), right? But then they have to agree with what he said, and he said that he is God (where is it in Bible?). So, Muslims are inconsistent. Or, what is their attitude towards Jesus?
Katabole wrote: The major religions of the world claim to be mutually exclusive and to be the only true way to God. All cannot be right.
Katabole wrote: I have spoken to quite a few people of different faiths over the years. I know very few that have read the Bible or any other holy book, while holding out that their particular faith and holy book is true. The only two Moslem people I met who read the Bible, converted to Christianity.

I know quite a few Christians, including myself, that have read the holy books of many other faiths. And I don't know any of them that have converted to any other faith. Except of course, the atheist faith.
I would like to speak with various religion leaders, with best Christian scholars, Muslim scholars, Jew scholars and so on. I studied theoretical physics (now I am finishing PhD) so I do not need to speak with science scholars.
Year ago, I had a long email dialog with one missionare, a big leader. He was propably desperate from me. It climaxed in buying me a book by Tim Keller: The reason for God. After two weeks I sent him back my 17-pages-long comments. After that, there was a silence. We are still friends, but we are not discussing God anymore.
(So, I have this 17-pages-long document still in my PC. Any volunteer?)
Katabole wrote: Jesus Christ is the unsurpassed master of the art of laying bare the inmost core of spiritual truth.

I wish I was living 2000 years ago and had possibility to speak with him.
Katabole wrote: Here's a lecture by John Lennox from UCLA on Apr 4, 2011. The topic is: Christianity and the Tooth Fairy.!/v/1028
I'll look on that.

P.S. There is a bug in the PHP code. Do you see the /quote before the sentence "I wish I was living 2000 ...". That is my sentence. I do not know how to make it appear right.

Re: What makes a person atheist?

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 4:52 am
by Silvertusk
17 pages - Bring it on!!!!!