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Re: My Personal Issue.

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 6:01 am
by ThePerverse
mandelduke wrote:
ThePerverse wrote:Hello everyone, i come here to seek help.
I have been "Christian" from the day i was born, both my parents and everyone i knew was one. My parents aren't strong christians, as they do believe in God and heaven and hell, they are very open about it. Recently, about two months ago, maybe three, not sure, I have started doubting God. Im not sure what triggered this doubt. Things got worst until i started viewing the world from the atheist point of view. I cried many times and i fell in DEEP depression, thinking of suiciding many times. I had constant anxiety and everything was dark and depressing. I recognized that without God i would not have a happy life, infact, without God i didnt want to live at all. Whats the point? If God doesn't exist, why would you even bother living, if in 70 years i would cease completly to exist, and i would not be able to remember my life experiences. It was a NIGHTMARE. In fact, life it self seemed a huge nightmare, filled with deluded people who believed in a false afterlife, and that would die and never exist again.. The thoughts were so disturbing i couldn't sleep, i loss hunger and will to go on, but i hoped someone could convert me.. i hoped i was recoverable. So i started researching arguments for the existence of God, and i got convinced some days, some days i'd fall to atheism again, and so again and again.. It seemed endless.. After a month of pure psychological agony and anxiety, the greatest girl I ever met walked into my life. I no longer even thought of the inexistence of God, as though She was a messiah. But things didn't work the way i hoped. She rejected me and i felt hopeless, but i was still in love, so i was miserable in a good way, as though God is love. Two weeks after i met her, i finally realized it's not meant to be, as swiftly as she walked in my life, she walked back out.. I felt devastated, and just 4 days ago started having atheist thoughts haunting me. I realized that the thing that is most disturbing is the possible absense of the afterlife. I prefer to be in the last level of hell then ceasing to exist completly. I couldnt go through life and seeing my family and everyone i care about die before my eyes and knowing i'll never see them again. So i decided to seek the consultation of the Ouija board, and if thats fake, anything that will give me proof of the afterlife. In good or bad, or Infernal. I aknowledge that i CANNOT live without the afterlife. This site has helped me have a hopefully non-temporary belief in God. But i still fear..

PS: also, a very disturbing fact is that atheism is rising at an incredible rate and that their very existence is highly DISTURBING and is trouble to my personal mental riot.
1. Why would a Christen love to read atheistic material and listen to atheist lectures?

2. How can your faith be shattered, when you have no faith to begin with?

3. Why do you pray for God to give you faith, when it is written, “ faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ“..
Now let my tell you the answer, you have no relationship with God! I am not saying that you are not saved, you may have salvation, But you are not free. I have loved the Lord for as long as I remember, And I can remember 47 years. God has never ask me to do anything for him.
4. If your life is not centered around Jesus, what do you think your life is centered around? There is only two options life or death, good or evil, blessings or curses.

1. I didnt say i listen to atheistic lectures
2. And so ur saying i will remain in doubt for the rest of my therefore miserable life?

Re: My Personal Issue.

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 6:02 am
by ThePerverse
mandelduke wrote:
ThePerverse wrote:Hello everyone, i come here to seek help.
I have been "Christian" from the day i was born, both my parents and everyone i knew was one. My parents aren't strong christians, as they do believe in God and heaven and hell, they are very open about it. Recently, about two months ago, maybe three, not sure, I have started doubting God. Im not sure what triggered this doubt. Things got worst until i started viewing the world from the atheist point of view. I cried many times and i fell in DEEP depression, thinking of suiciding many times. I had constant anxiety and everything was dark and depressing. I recognized that without God i would not have a happy life, infact, without God i didnt want to live at all. Whats the point? If God doesn't exist, why would you even bother living, if in 70 years i would cease completly to exist, and i would not be able to remember my life experiences. It was a NIGHTMARE. In fact, life it self seemed a huge nightmare, filled with deluded people who believed in a false afterlife, and that would die and never exist again.. The thoughts were so disturbing i couldn't sleep, i loss hunger and will to go on, but i hoped someone could convert me.. i hoped i was recoverable. So i started researching arguments for the existence of God, and i got convinced some days, some days i'd fall to atheism again, and so again and again.. It seemed endless.. After a month of pure psychological agony and anxiety, the greatest girl I ever met walked into my life. I no longer even thought of the inexistence of God, as though She was a messiah. But things didn't work the way i hoped. She rejected me and i felt hopeless, but i was still in love, so i was miserable in a good way, as though God is love. Two weeks after i met her, i finally realized it's not meant to be, as swiftly as she walked in my life, she walked back out.. I felt devastated, and just 4 days ago started having atheist thoughts haunting me. I realized that the thing that is most disturbing is the possible absense of the afterlife. I prefer to be in the last level of hell then ceasing to exist completly. I couldnt go through life and seeing my family and everyone i care about die before my eyes and knowing i'll never see them again. So i decided to seek the consultation of the Ouija board, and if thats fake, anything that will give me proof of the afterlife. In good or bad, or Infernal. I aknowledge that i CANNOT live without the afterlife. This site has helped me have a hopefully non-temporary belief in God. But i still fear..

PS: also, a very disturbing fact is that atheism is rising at an incredible rate and that their very existence is highly DISTURBING and is trouble to my personal mental riot.
1. Why would a Christen love to read atheistic material and listen to atheist lectures?

2. How can your faith be shattered, when you have no faith to begin with?

3. Why do you pray for God to give you faith, when it is written, “ faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ“..
Now let my tell you the answer, you have no relationship with God! I am not saying that you are not saved, you may have salvation, But you are not free. I have loved the Lord for as long as I remember, And I can remember 47 years. God has never ask me to do anything for him.
4. If your life is not centered around Jesus, what do you think your life is centered around? There is only two options life or death, good or evil, blessings or curses.

1. I didnt say i listen to atheistic lectures
2. And so ur saying i will remain in doubt for the rest of my therefore miserable life?

Re: My Personal Issue.

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 9:06 am
by Seraph
One can most definately be a Christian and read Atheistic "material". I do quite a bit and so does the creator of this website, as can be seen in the refuting Dawkins pages. Mandelduke, you have no idea what ThePerverse's relationship with God looks like and you don't know that he never had any faith to begin with. Honestly, I can relate quite well to his concerns and many Christians probably can. One can have doubts at times without going all the way over to Atheism. The reality is that it's a real part of a relationship with God and shouldn't trated as a sign that a person is insincere about their relationship with God. It's rather pharisee like in my opinion.

ThePerverse, I would recommend reading the pages on the main website, continue to look at the evidence for Christianity, and read the Bible. I think just about everyone goes through wavelengths of doubt and assurance in their life. When you're at a low, there's no reason you shouldn't be reassured again. Plus, who knows, maybe it is just a temporary result of your accutane. I was on accutane for a while and it was rather nice once I was able to get off it. :P

Re: My Personal Issue.

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 8:14 pm
by mandelduke
“Please accept my apology for my last post” That post was meant for another thread! Brother I know what you are going through, And I am praying for you. When I used to find myself having doubts it is because I have stopped talking to God, and stopped reading his word. And sometimes in life traumatic things happen and I would be mad at God. It is always at this point, that Satan has the upper hand can fill my mind with doubt. Even after all the miracles God had done in my life. Brother don’t give up ask Jesus to help you through this. Again I am sorry for the 1st post!

Re: My Personal Issue.

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 10:15 am
by ThePerverse
Guys, these last few days have been incredible. I met someone, and my faith has been strengthen. Even though im on the verge of recovery, thanks to all of you for supporting me

Re: My Personal Issue.

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 10:51 am
by PaulSacramento
ThePerverse wrote:Guys, these last few days have been incredible. I met someone, and my faith has been strengthen. Even though im on the verge of recovery, thanks to all of you for supporting me
While it is always great to find some strength in those around us, the source of our faith and its strength can't be anyone other than Our Lord Jesus Christ.
I would caution you to not put "your faith" on anyone other then Him, NO ONE can live up to that pressure other than Christ.
While we brothers and sisters in Christ can help each other, only Christ can truly heal and strengthen in a way that is eternal.

Re: My Personal Issue.

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 12:51 pm
by Reactionary
ThePerverse wrote:Guys, these last few days have been incredible. I met someone, and my faith has been strengthen. Even though im on the verge of recovery, thanks to all of you for supporting me
It's good to hear that, I've also been feeling good for over two weeks now. :esmile:

Still, I'll have to agree with Paul - only Lord Jesus Christ deserves your full faith.

Re: My Personal Issue.

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 8:36 pm
by momof3
I have been where you are. This site has great people and is full of people who care. What I wanted to tell you was that I had a time where I just couldn't "wrap my brain" around creation, and who/what is God? I finally had to look at myself and realize that I was trying to justify everything with my head. When I FEEL christ in my heart. I have to let go of all the little things I don't know the answers to and all the questions I have. And I have a lot. I know when I actively talk to God, pray, ask for guidance that I FEEL at peace. Just that knowledge gives me the strength to wake up tomorrow. The rest will come.