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Re: Losing Faith

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 3:05 pm
by kevdog19
Yes, the truth will set you free. I believe Satan reveils a large part of the truth. I think Satan is capable of being obediant, if Soloman could do it then I don't see why others can't. I do admit you have to be careful. Play with fire and you may get burnt. Jesus was also capable of making demons obediant as are priests that perform exorcisms. Christ was a good guy, I like him alot, I just don't think he currently has power in this realm, that's Satan's role.

Re: Losing Faith

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 3:11 pm
by Seraph
Why would you side with a force that is determined to lose in the end? In Revelations, Satan clearly goes to the lake of fire, as do people who follow him. It also seems clear that Satan doesn't give a crud about the welfare of people, so why be his ally? It seems like lunacy.

As well as that, the Bible is the source material which talks about Satan's existence, so if you don't believe the Bible then why believe in Satan at all?

Re: Losing Faith

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 3:20 pm
by kevdog19
I do believe in the bible and that atleast some of it is divinely inspired. I also recognize that Satan is portrayed two contradictary ways in the bible and I choose to look at him from a certain angle. As a final note I don't think ruling in hell as opposed to serving in heaven is such a bad thing, atleast we have the free will to choose. Hell in my view is just pure chaos and maybe alittle more interesting then heaven. I'm a good person so I may go to heaven against my will anyway.

Re: Losing Faith

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 3:30 pm
by kevdog19
In Taoist thought they'rs sha qi (or evil energy) as opposed to positive and negative qi. They also believe that an overabundance of one thing produces it's oppisite. Well Satan fills you up with so much sha qi, near to the point of death, that it turns to it's oppisite, light and the truth and supernatural power.

Re: Losing Faith

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 3:43 pm
by youngandold
You will NOT go to heaven worshipping Satan. By choosing Satan you are choosing evil. Earth is a battle of good and evil and humans choose sides daily simply in how we live our lives. People like to think there is a lot of gray, but really, no, it is mostly black and white. It feels gray when you are denying Christ. How else could you feel like you are a good person, even though you "worship" yourself?
kevdog19 wrote:I do believe in the bible and that atleast some of it is divinely inspired. I also recognize that Satan is portrayed two contradictary ways in the bible and I choose to look at him from a certain angle. As a final note I don't think ruling in hell as opposed to serving in heaven is such a bad thing, atleast we have the free will to choose. Hell in my view is just pure chaos a maybe alittle more interesting then heaven. I'm a good person so I may go to heaven against my will anyway.

Re: Losing Faith

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 4:51 pm
by kevdog19
I don't worship myself. Though that's what it used to feel like when I used to pray. I used work myself into crying frenzys and then cut myself to honor Satan but even that seems silly now. Now I just do rituals to engage the four crown princes of hell.Ritual magick is not self worship unless you feel engaging the unconcious mind in any way is self worship. You could be right, I'm unsure.

Re: Losing Faith

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 5:01 pm
by Proinsias
youngandold wrote:You will NOT go to heaven worshipping Satan.
That appears to be a moot point if one doesn't worship Satan and doesn't seem too bothered about hell, which is what I'm getting from Kevin.

Re: Losing Faith

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 5:11 pm
by kevdog19
I don't worship Satan, worshiping any deity is a waste of time, I've come to that conclusion. Worship is for someone who wants a master. I respect Satan, God, and Jesus Christ when he was on the Earth, I just think Satan is more worthwhile as it effects you more directly, and can empower your spirit, in fact it changes the state of being of the spirit, then God does. According to Christianity I'm already going to hell for watching porn and having premaritial sex with men and women so I might as well follow someone who understands my path and is more alligned with my true will.

Re: Losing Faith

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 5:38 pm
by CeT-To
kevdog19 wrote:I don't worship Satan, worshiping any deity is a waste of time, I've come to that conclusion. Worship is for someone who wants a master. I respect Satan, God, and Jesus Christ when he was on the Earth, I just think Satan is more worthwhile as it effects you more directly, and can empower your spirit, in fact it changes the state of being of the spirit, then God does. According to Christianity I'm already going to hell for watching porn and having premaritial sex with men and women so I might as well follow someone who understands my path and is more alligned with my true will.
Kevin don't you think God being the greatest being possible with all the Omni' attributes deserves to be at the top of our attention and priority, above any other thing or being? Satan may affect you more directly now but life is so short ...once its over you will be lost for eternity amd hell isnt a place where its an eternal party .. its a place where demons torture humans till the demons themselves, satan and the humans are thrown into the Lake of Fire which burns forever. Its game over. Actually your are wrong here, God does know how you feel and understands your path and God doesn't want you to be disconnected from Him for ever which is why He sent Jesus Christ (second person of the Godhead) to die for You! Kevin, why do you choose destruction and current worldly pleasures instead of eternal life and relationship with the Father,Son and Holy Spirit?

Re: Losing Faith

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 5:46 pm
by kevdog19
Because I've experienced demonic possesion and it gets a bad wrap, it can give you supernatural powers. And because the angels don't talk with me and I love Chaos and I love the idea of Satan being the ultimate rebel and I believe to be the true creator of the physical universe. God created the spirtual and Satan created the material and we're meant to enjoy it while we're here. God's never directly contacted me with it's appearance though I do think it created a miracle for me on one occasion (or maybe it was my guarding angel, I don't know) that was pretty cool, but it doesn't come close to the gift of Satan. Well atleast thank you for being compasionate and not so capable of ridicule like some others have been, your much more christ like and for that, again, I thank you.

Re: Losing Faith

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 6:09 pm
by CeT-To
kevdog19 wrote:Because I've experienced demonic possesion and it gets a bad wrap, it can give you supernatural powers. And because the angels don't talk with me and I love Chaos and I love the idea of Satan being the ultimate rebel and I believe to be the true creator of the physical universe. God created the spirtual and Satan created the material and we're meant to enjoy it while we're here. God's never directly contacted me with it's appearance though I do think it created a miracle for me on one occasion (or maybe it was my guarding angel, I don't know) that was pretty cool, but it doesn't come close to the gift of Satan. Well atleast thank you for being compasionate and not so capable of ridicule like some others have been, your much more christ like and for that, again, I thank you.
Kevin can i ask you a question? If for example you die like all of us do one day and you go to hell like you wanted ... you will be tortured, raped and assualted continuesly by probably the same demons you contacted with until you are thrown into the Lake of Fire for ever ... How can you love chaos and the idea of satan being the ultimate rebel after knowing what they will do to you after you die?

Also, did you follow any religions before becoming a theistic satanist?

Re: Losing Faith

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 6:19 pm
by kevdog19
yeah I was Christian from 11 to about 16 then I became a Taoist (which I still hold dear) until I was 20, then Satan possesed me and showed me true power. I just don't think hell is that bad and probably alot more interesting then heaven. I'd rather have a conversation with Hitler then Ghandi to put it bluntly, not to imply I'm anti-semetic.

Re: Losing Faith

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 6:40 pm
by luke-10
You sort of remind me of someone. But that is besides the point. I don't think you are trolling here (ok, maybe a little). Correct me if I am wrong, but I really think you are being honest. Don't forget you came here. What led you here? What keeps you coming back? Is it the thrill of the attention you receive for your differing views (honest or not)? Is it the lively debate? Is it boredom? I think you know something is missing. Since you don't care about eternal damnation - how about this - love? Do you care about love? God's love is unending and Mary's love too. You will never get love from Satan. You should know you have always had two fathers and two mothers. When you are going through hard times, like you said you have, you can talk with them. Honest prayer is not about what you can get out of it, it is about consulting with the higher-ups, like you would with someone you trust. So I don't see how prayer is selfish or in any way self-worshiping.

You find you derive your artistic inspiration from pain? I think I know what you are talking about, but the only pain that is motivating pain is the pain that is not deserved. If I know I sort of had it coming, I become demotivated by the pain. The creative process is pretty interesting and hard to pin down. But there will always be pain (that is how you know you are living), even when God is in your life, maybe especially when God is in your life. The difference is how you handle the pain. You mentioned you became self-destructive - that doesn't seem productive. Just sayin. I wish you well and I hope that the sincerity of the other board members inspires you to invest some time into finding divine grace.

Re: Losing Faith

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 6:48 pm
by kevdog19
Well I was a Christian for 5 years, but I just couldn't hold onto the faith that Jesus was the son of god, he just was an enlightened man, with miracolous powers. I don't feel like I'm trolling, I'm not that familiar with the term but wouldn't that be like if I was attacking people, which I'm not, if anything alot of people attack me to try to provoke a response. I simply state my beliefs in a non-aggresive way.
I hope Jesus comes into my life but I just can't accept it and have faith like when I was a kid. Faith doesn't cut it for me. I believe in god and Satan because I've directly experienced them, Jesus has never made himself known and I'm not going to base my belief off a book written by man, I'll take the divine Akashic.

Re: Losing Faith

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 7:00 pm
by luke-10
You are trolling - look it up. Jesus rose from the dead. Historically, this fact is irrefutable.