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Re: Christianity and Islam

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 12:22 pm
by Katabole
Well done Neo. :clap:

When the final rebuttal turns out to be personal insults, you already won the debate and you evidently struck a nerve. You gave very good responses. It's great that you planted a seed with them, but I wouldn't in Jesus' words, throw any more pearls at swine. Fine new ground to plant.

Re: Christianity and Islam

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:35 pm
by Murray
thanks for taking the time to write all that neo, very well thought out.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Re: Christianity and Islam

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 10:03 pm
by neo-x
Thanx Guys, I was sick and tired of seeing all the propaganda so just thought to gave them a reality check, you know what happened after the last post, they have shut down the comments feature on it. lol. In my personal xp. I have seen that Muslims do not change much even if you evangelize them about Christ, not often atleast, the point is that they are taught from a very young age that the Bible has changed and Christians and Jews are enemies. That is why they stick to their immoral practices, polygamy, injustice, dictatorship, promises of sex and fantasy lands, food, alcohol. killing people in the name of honor, blasphemy, etc etc and say that since the Bible is changed it cant be used. Most muslims do not even know that the quran does not have complete geneologies. Like Jesus, they also have a geneology of Muhamad that they trace back to Abraham, what they do not know that Ishameal geneology is from the Bible. The only way arabs have those names is because it is in the old testment. if they regard the Bible as unathentic why take info out of it that means something to them. :lol:

So I posted it here for all of us to share. :wave:

Re: Christianity and Islam

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 10:12 pm
by kmr
They honestly shut down the comments feature after the arguments? :pound: Nice job, sounds like you really showed 'em where it's at!

Re: Christianity and Islam

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 11:23 pm
by neo-x
They honestly shut down the comments feature after the arguments?
lol true, this is what the it says now below the post and already made comments


guess they shouldn't have allowed me in the first place. y*-:)

To be honest, the argument was not going bad as long as both sides were following general ethical rules of a debate. The original poster allowed my post even when I was directly hitting them (respectfully, facts, nothing else. no personal insults or stereo typing). But when the rest saw that their position was being blasted they just kind of formed a mob mentality. That is when I backed out. Because then they started makeing absurd comments and asking all sorts of cliche' questions, the authenticity of the Bible, etc etc, one even tried to resemble the sex and women promises in quran to the promises of some Pirate treasure in Matthew with mansions that Jesus promised y:-/ and I asked him where the hell did he get the
thingy. It was absurd. When it didn't make any sense, best thing was to leave and I left.
Nice job, sounds like you really showed 'em where it's at!
my family is a third generation converts from Islam to Christianity, in my teenage I had all sorts of comparative studies available, so I just kind of grabbed everything I could learn. I have 13 qurans at my home with a hundred year old as well, I keep them to study and show Muslims that unlike to what they claim, there are differences in the qurans. The most modern qurans use a much soft and liberal vocabulary than the old ones which are quite harsh and brutal. Islam is trying to modernize itself but you can't do it, honestly, you would have to change almost 99% of the entire quran to meet modern standards.

Re: Christianity and Islam

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 7:46 am
by DannyM
neo-x wrote:about women and sex
Some of the surrah”s are filled with promises of women and sex for those who enter paradise, please read the surah’s about women and alcohol and teenage boys in paradise. read about the promises of 70 women, and then please tell me, what do you expect to do with these 70 women in paradise, in the presence of God, drinking alcohol. you surely wont be playing cards with them when one man is given the sexual stamina of 70 men or 100 men. if you are talking about newness than perhaps this is the only newness I found was that such sexual activity will be done in heaven, right under God’s nose. This is far from holy or moral.
...having sex and drinking alcohol in presence of God with 70 women, certainly is (an immoral stance)... It is what is you are promised. so do not try to say that it is only just because we have something similar. no sir, we do not have anything similar like this and thank God for that. God is holy. You can’t have sex in a place of worship on earth. How in all eternity do you plan to do it in the presence of God.

Tell me Do women also get 70 men in heaven or just one?

About Muslim expansions, it is in your own book, you do not need to rely on my lying teeth to know the truth, just open a history book, even of your own historians, and read. Do not rest on what they teach you in the standard text book, go beyond a little, so that you can assimilate more knowledge about your past, which might be true rather than fantasy fabricated accounts.
about polygamy
you have polygamy in your religion built in and encouraged, Christians don’t. of course we say it is unjust and immoral. it is not my teaching but my book. you obviously do not expect me to support polygamy. first it is unjust to women, second it creates problems. but you justifying polygamy is simply because you revere the man who had 13 wives, so I would say that it is natural that you defend it. but polygamy is not just and not ok, ask a moral woman, she will tell you better.

I mean your book allows a marriage for one night. on what grounds do you say it is more moral. Now the so called guardians of the faith and the book like the suadi’s even allowed and legalized a marriage for one night. and do not counter it with western examples of vulgarity and marriages and divorce because they are not from religion neither do they have any support from them. but the marriage for one night only is actually supported from your religion not from secular laws. we are not talking about people who follow their whims but what a religion teaches.

Neo, that was superb!

I noticed the ad hominem at the last, which, my friend, is as good as a declaration of defeat!

Re: Christianity and Islam

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 10:49 am
by neo-x
I noticed the ad hominem at the last, which, my friend, is as good as a declaration of defeat!
:) . I agree. it was kind of sad as well, I usually do not engage in "muddying the issue" but I had no choice here. Islam doesn't have that kind of margin available. I mean a marriage to a six year old by their prophet and later he married his son's daughter (the son had divorced her), these were fine examples and those which I couldn't help but point out. Moral!... puff. :shakehead:

Re: Christianity and Islam

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 3:08 am
by DannyM
neo-x wrote:
I noticed the ad hominem at the last, which, my friend, is as good as a declaration of defeat!
:) . I agree. it was kind of sad as well, I usually do not engage in "muddying the issue" but I had no choice here. Islam doesn't have that kind of margin available. I mean a marriage to a six year old by their prophet and later he married his son's daughter (the son had divorced her), these were fine examples and those which I couldn't help but point out. Moral!... puff. :shakehead:
That they even questioned the bible's authenticity shows their desperation, Neo. I mean, go join the back of the queue behind the atheists with that one! :D

Re: Christianity and Islam

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 3:25 am
by neo-x
That they even questioned the bible's authenticity shows their desperation, Neo. I mean, go join the back of the queue behind the atheists with that one!
:pound: very true LOL.