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Re: Do you ever feel helpless against atheists?

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 10:41 pm
by MarcusOfLycia
Heh, no problem :)

I have had a lot of struggles with faith over the years because I didn't really have much of a foothold, but thanks to friends and some of the wisdom of members here, I've come to really have a better picture of things I think.

I appreciate the honesty people have here. Its one thing to be 'polite' and not ask tough questions, but I find here those get asked all the time, while still being pretty respectful (there are exceptions on both sides I'm sorry to see at times). I am thankful for all of it, as I'm certain its helped others besides myself grow. Glad I could be a part :D

Re: Do you ever feel helpless against atheists?

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 4:21 am
by Jonouchi Katsuya
MarcusOfLycia wrote:
Jonouchi Katsuya wrote:I am going to tell you something that may change your life. (That I tell other as well as Atheists who try to do the same thing!)

Do you like it when Atheists come here and try to convert you? If yes, then you must just like arguing with them right? Or are you genuinely interested in what they have to offer you? To them they are offering you freedom from the day in day out stresses of having to follow contradictory rules. To you they can only offer damnation in hell and such. But they really don't see it that way.

Atheists on the other hand... hate it when people try to convert them as well. They feel like you are trying to tie them down and write down in your little good deed book that you changed someone's mind. Well... crazy thing about mind changing is... it 1. Doesn't happen often and 2. Only those with an open mind... who are willing to listen to you even have a chance.

So why are you bothering with self professed Atheists? Try... people who feel they are just floating between religions. Agnostics MIGHT swing your direction though... you better watch your approach. They are typically not passionate people like you and passion will scare them off.

If you go to an Atheist with your passion... they will probably just think you are stupid for even trying and they will have a good laugh with their Atheists friends at your attempt. Just like I am sure you have a good laugh with your Christian pals (or pity party) about how dumb the Atheists are.
Why am I bothered by 'self-professed atheists'? Because I think they're wrong! I don't hate them and I don't like pointlessly arguing with them! However, some arguing is perfectly acceptable. Isn't that exactly what you were doing with your post? Arguing comes from the word 'argue', as in 'argument', the fundamental statement of logic. Unless your post was devoid of logical inferences (it wasn't), you also have come to argue. One can argue without being malicious, thankfully, and you weren't.

You left out one critical thing that Christians believe is an element of why people might change their mind: God Himself acting on someone's heart. But I've found it actually doesn't help to have 'open-minded' people. Its the ones who admit they have a closed mind like everyone truly does that are easiest to argue/debate with civilly. If people were truly 'open-minded' and held no belief above any other, you'd never get anywhere. What's there to argue when they already hold your opinions (or so they say)?

Personally, I've never EVER laughed at atheists being 'dumb' as you call them. I've cried, complained, and sometimes become depressed over it. I've lost friends to a lifestyle that is as close to hell on earth as any I've ever seen, adopting 'atheism' as their religion of choice but truly worshiping themselves. Laughter was never an option in the emotions I could have felt, and it wouldn't be. I've heard all kinds of people say some pretty stupid things, regardless of belief, and I may have laughed at those particular things. But at people themselves and the beliefs they hold? I've never had that luxury.
Thank you for the compliment. I take it with high regard for how hard it is to get your approval. I feel I am really getting to know your point of view even though I don't really agree with it, I feel it is fine that you believe the way you wish. And yeah I know I am arguing. And yes... I try to argue without malice and I really am working to understand.

Yeah, Christians are hopeful. But, I think if someone is truly Atheist, they will feel you are trying to pull them back into the very thing that gave them much grief. It is up to you to... maybe show them a happier face?

I feel bad for them too... I admit. I just hope they are wondering about something good! Cure for cancer? However, I frequently change my mind about God. I am still on the path to discovery... and I feel like anyone could be right, but I admit to having a few actual beliefs that no Christian can convince me of otherwise.

I think the most offensive thing I have seen on this site... is the comments about how animals don't have souls or feelings. I think I already knew about the other groups who believed that this group of people are wrong and such so it didn't effect me so much. But saying that animals don't have souls... as someone who was saved by animals. The raven and the rat have affected me profoundly... and I consider them being responsible for being alive today. I have a deep affinity for life... so to cast the sort of love I have felt from animals aside... it kind of hurt me. Still kinda stings.

I really had no idea that some Christians actually believed that and it is a hard belief for me to respect and react to calmly. But I am trying. I am slowly coming to terms that this belief is out there.

I am not a perfect person in no way. I admit to my faults.

Re: Do you ever feel helpless against atheists?

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 12:53 pm
by Grizz_1
Animals may have the "breath of life," nephesh (soul) in Hebrew, If they do have a "soul" that survives death, it is different from man’s. Man's soul is in need of redemption. The animals are not. Christ died to save the souls of humans not animals. Animals are innocent in the eyes of God he created them, they are his creatures so I don't see why they will not go to heaven. I know others will not agree and as with a lot of things we shall see when and if we get there. :esmile:

But I hope that animals go to heaven. Straight away. No saving needed. We are told that there are animals in heaven. Isaiah 65:25, Isaiah 11:6-9, Rev 19:14 and other passages as well. Ecclesiastes 3:18-21 raises the question. Luke 12:6

"It is pointless to ponder the question of whether your pet or favorite animal goes to heaven if you yourself are not there. The only way to be sure is to make certain you can go there. Decide today to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and have the full assurance that you can go to heaven and receive eternal life. As for your pets being in heaven or not, the only way to find out is to go there yourself. That is my prayer for you."

Remember "... with God, all things are possible." Matthew 19:26