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Re: Missing link

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 9:08 am
by Reactionary
RickD wrote:
spartanII wrote:My friend said that they day the "missing link" is found it'll be death blow to Christianity. What do you think about that and about our evolution?
And also this video? He said he's found a few links that critique this but i have yet to find it...

Also something really random, once Christopher Hitches says something like "why is that 99% of all animals have died out and we're the last ones left," or "each day 100,000 animals are found and die" where does he get those statistics and are they even true? I may be wrong on the 2nd quote (the number) but i know for a face he said 99% in that first quote. Where does he get that and is that true?
Spartan, when you say missing link, do you mean the missing link between what and what?
Well, it's questionable whether Lynx is indeed in existence and missing, or he is just a myth... lots of rumours have been around. More here:

I'm being frivolous, I know. Sorry. :pound:

Re: Missing link

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 11:48 am
by Murray
Evolution does not disprove god or the bible. Pope john Paul II was a believer in evolution, the archbishop of Canterbury believes in evolution. Evolution is not a "death blow" to Christianity.

Evolution is widely considered FACT, and the theory is how it occurred. Turning a blind eye to facts does not make something true.

The fossil evidence is there, we have many intermediates between us and and apes, do some research into evolution and I'm sure you'll see the overwhelming evidence for it.

Re: Missing link

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 1:05 pm
by RickD
Evolution is widely considered FACT, and the theory is how it occurred. Turning a blind eye to facts does not make something true.
Murray,naturalistic macroevolution is only " widely considered a fact" outside of Christianity, and among those who have closed their minds to the existence of the God of the bible.
The fossil evidence is there, we have many intermediates between us and and apes, do some research into evolution and I'm sure you'll see the overwhelming evidence for it.
Murray, If you really knew what you were talking about, you would know evolution doesn't even believe there are intermediates between us and apes. Evolution theorizes that since we and apes still exist today, humans and apes are different branches of the same tree. Apes and modern humans, according to evolution, both branched off from a common ancestor. If evolution were true, there would be no intermediates between apes and us. But, there would be a common ancestor. Again Murray, just because species of bipedal creatures existed, doesn't mean that those species were our and apes common ancestors. It could also mean that they were a different species created specifically, by God.

Re: Missing link

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 1:13 pm
by Murray
did god not realize that creating things that resemble us so closely would cause issues? Or did he create them just to "Test us".

Re: Missing link

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 1:20 pm
by RickD
Murray wrote:did god not realize that creating things that resemble us so closely would cause issues? Or did he create them just to "Test us".
Murray, just by creating humans with a free will, causes issues. :lol:
Murray, I suggest you do a search on "naturalism". See if it really is compatible with Christianity.