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Re: Hi, Fetus

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 4:04 pm
by Reactionary
Murray wrote:What's even worse is when "gansta gansta's" treat women like trash and property while talking about their "booty's"
Or even worse, the fact that there are women who respond positively to advances made by such individuals. y#-o

But if we talk about the male gender (sorry for drifting offtopic), I think there are many stereotypes around. As a young man, I often find that many look to label you as one of the two archetypes - either you're a "bad boy" (as those mentioned), or the "nice guy", the infinitely nice and shy individual who can and will get used by everyone, and will never have the confidence to make a move on a girl/woman (if the idiom I used is correct). I mean, what's wrong with being self-confident and nice? y=; It's not like those two traits are mutually exclusive.
StMonicaGuideMe wrote:Short, I agree. It's just another bi-product mentality of a self-centered, WIMPY culture. But try telling a woman to keep her legs closed (as a woman myself, I've suggested it, and I've been ridiculed).
Although that's probably the only 100% safe method, it wouldn't even be necessary - there's been a variety of birth control products around these days, and it's defeating that many people don't (or won't) use them. And since they mention the "freedom of choice", they forget that the "unwanted" pregnancy was a result of a "free choice". The fact is that people choose whether or not to have sex (unless when sb is raped, but that's another story), and it's ironic that while some try to justify irresponsible sex with our alleged primal desires that need to be satisfied, when we talk about abortion, then we suddenly do have free choice. :scratch:

Finally, Monica, you put it well, that this culture is "wimpy". Many still don't understand that to sleep around doesn't mean to be free, but exactly the opposite - it means to be a slave of your hormones.

Re: Hi, Fetus

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 4:16 pm
by Murray
It's even stranger when people ask "how many b----- you knocked off murray"?

That leads to a great conversation y(:|

Re: Hi, Fetus

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 8:32 pm
by StMonicaGuideMe
Murray wrote:It's even stranger when people ask "how many b----- you knocked off murray"?

That leads to a great conversation y(:|

Reactionary -- so true. There are so many things in Western culture where people believe they're free, but in all reality, they're only giving into their most primal needs, forgetting they are indeed rational creatures, too. But no, it's just another part of the whole "me, myself and I" aspect of our culture. I hope it implodes soon.

Re: Hi, Fetus

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 3:05 am
by Reactionary
Murray wrote:It's even stranger when people ask "how many b----- you knocked off murray"?
Every language has its specific idioms for that topic. 8)
Murray wrote:That leads to a great conversation y(:|
Well, I'm not worried about myself - my parents, fortunately, taught me the right values, but I'm worried about young people who don't have a strong character and may succumb to peer pressure. This leads teenagers to doing things that, let's be realistic, they're not mentally ready for. The most defeating thing is, I believe, that virginity is seen almost as a curse - something that needs to be got rid of as soon as possible. 18+ years old people, especially male, who don't get to "get rid" of it "on time", often start to suffer from social anxiety because of which they have problems with establishing normal male-female relationships. Shame. :doh:

What I think is another defeating thing is that we live thousands of miles apart, yet I notice very similar social patterns. :shakehead:

Re: Hi, Fetus

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 12:14 pm
by Dudeacus97
One more person exercising their right to bodily autonomy and self-determination based on what they feel is the best choice for them.
So, let me get this straight... "bodily autonomy and self-determination" is a proper excuse to kill people now? When will we legalize rape? After all, why should we infringe laws to control what men want to do with their bodies? It's not like any other ones will be harmed!

The rest of this post downright sickened me. I swear, I've seen plenty of horrific justifications for mass murder: rewriting history, crimes done by their ancestors, racial superiority, greed, not working hard enough... but almost all of the arguments I've seen tossed around for abortion have to be the absolute low. At least the people purged by Josef Stalin had something resembling a crime on their heads before they worked to death in the gulags.