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Re: Bad couple of days

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 11:48 am
by RickD
Body building is a sport littered with corruption. People who are obsessed, not with fitness, but a twisted self-image.
I agree. Bodybuilders, at the highest level,aren't much different than anorexics.
steriod abuser by admission. Wreckless sexual deviant most of his life. Adulterer. And, I've never known of any genuine Christian testimony from this man. Where did you get your info?
Jlay, maybe Arnold kissed his cross?
And perhaps you do not realize that professional bodybuilders that compete take drug tests?
Murray, many of the major bodybuilding competitions don't have any drug testing. If they did, they would have no competitors. :pound:
I've never heard of Arnold taking steriods, I've read a ton about him and never I have ever heard anything about steroids,
Ha ha :pound: Murray, Arnold is clean. He's never taken steroids. It was probably just vitamins. :pound: And, while we're at it, Barry Bonds, Mark McGwire, and Roger Clemens are drug free too.
Sterioders are cheater IMO, who deserve no respect, and most powerlifters who earn their accomplishments think the same way.
Powerlifters, and bodybuilders who take illegal drugs, are able to work harder, and recuperate faster than non drug users. The drug users earn their accomplishments too.

Re: Bad couple of days

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 12:21 pm
by jlay
Body builders do NOT take test unless they are functioning in a drug free competition. I knew a guy who was very high up in the clean competition for the state of Tennessee (Unfortunately was struck by car and killed last year). Those guys look NOTHING like the ones you see on TV and in magazines. A person can simply NOT put on that kind of mass without supplementing protein synthesis.

YOU HAVE TO use steroids to be a professional competitive body builder.

Power lifting is a different deal, and is tested. My point was that PL is not healthy for the average person. I do apologize if I lumped those together. However, there is plenty of positive test in PL, and many know how to cycle to beat test. Plus, this doesn't even take into account HGH, which is not tested for.
I've never heard of Arnold taking steriods, I've read a ton about him and never I have ever heard anything about steroids, he made mistakes in his life no doubt, mistakes which probably haunt him. You also make the mistake of saying that only bad people fall into adutury, which is completely false.
Where did I say only bad people fall into adultery? Please don't put words into my mouth.

Arnold admitted taking steroids. NO ONE looks like that by natural means. ... 6684.shtml
You are claiming he is a Christian, and then saying you don't know much about him? Which is it? Do you have anything you can link, which provides any evidence of Arnold being a genuine born again believer?

Re: Bad couple of days

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 12:32 pm
by narnia4
I think there could be an interesting discussion on the morality of performance enhancing drugs, HGH, and steroids. Obviously if they're illegal, that pretty much settles the issue. But there is some controversy over some of those drugs and what moral stance should be taken concerning them.

And I'm afraid I have to agree that with bodybuilding you just can't keep up at the highest level if you're clean... its not possible.

Re: Bad couple of days

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 12:54 pm
by Murray
Well he's not "born again" just raised catholic and continues to practice roman Catholicism. And really he did not abuse steroids like most, he barley ever used them over a 2 year span. And honestly it wasn't even in his prime, he earned what you see.

And how is powerlifitng unhealthy?? The only possible thing it could hurt is you joints, which truly is neutralized by avoiding certain techniques like full squats.
Extreme powerlifters (the ones who look fat) may be unhealthy, but most powerlifters generally do not fall into that category. Many NFL players at one point took up powerlifting.

powerlifting does not focus on mass, it's not like you have 25 inch arms that turn to mush after 1 week of break or something. Power lifters just do extraordinarily low reps (2-4) in the goal of achieving muscle power. You do not see true powerlifters as much anymore because of this idiotic craze going around where everyone wants to look like Arnold.

And nothing from is legitimate IMO, It's mainly idiotic teenagers who flood the site in hopes of getting muscle with no dedication, commitment or hardwork; and the people there know this so they make articles about these things so they will bust out 300 bucks of their parents money on a supplement

Re: Bad couple of days

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 1:24 pm
by RickD
Well he's not "born again" just raised catholic and continues to practice roman Catholicism. And really he did not abuse steroids like most, he barley ever used them over a 2 year span. And honestly it wasn't even in his prime, he earned what you see.
Murray, it's safe to say that Arnold is where he is today, due in a large part, to steroids. I'm sure not one to say that Arnold didn't work very hard, to get where he is. But, don't be naive. He and anyone else, is able to work much harder, because of steroids, and hgh.
Murray, take a look at "Pumping Iron". Arnold is in his prime. Steroids, and all.

Murray, you seem to have a good head on your shoulders, when it comes to this stuff. You'll be fine, as long as you use common sense.

Re: Bad couple of days

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 4:07 pm
by Murray
well in conclusion

fitness + Jesus = Happy

Re: Bad couple of days

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 9:33 am
by zoeflower
oh gosh, one more post before i leave this forum for fear of my 'sanity'... to the original poster, be careful about taking advice from shiny happy church people who don't know anything about mental illness, i've been a Christian for over a decade and tho God has improved my mental state, i'm still barking mad and i'm not sure when that's going to change, and all the advice in the world from 'normal' Christians who don't have to fight thru hell on earth every day... well it doesn't help... 'oh that devil, just rebuke him in the name of Jesus!! have a nice day!!'... yeah, right... listen CAREFULLY to preachers and other Christians, dig in the Bible and find out what the great people of faith did when it all went to heck in a handbasket... nothing can take you out of His hand!!