This may come off in a rude way and I apologise in advance but I am not sure how to word it...Tiffany Dawn wrote:A christian friend of mine told me that the moment porn is allowed in your home it opens up the door for the devil and his demons and gives them the legal right to come in and sup with the person.
I also watched a Christian Vid and it was along the same lines as what my friend had said-Although it was an enactment it showed all those really ugly demons that looked like the grim reaper surrounding the guy and his computer and they were just having a merry old time with this guy-God's word warns us not to give place to the devil. If this guy could have seen in the spiritual world, he would have seen them dancing all around him and squealing in joy that they had the right to this person's life.
I read a story about a little girl who had become sick and the doctor's could not figure out what was wrong with her-Come to find out her father was addicted to porn and had been for quite some time-
After, the porn was alleviated out of their home the little girl recovered from that sickness- The devil has to operate legally.....and something like porn was all it took.
This is the type of thing that makes non-christians think we are very, very strange.