Why is Porn Bad?

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Re: Why is Porn Bad?

Post by PaulSacramento »

Tiffany Dawn wrote:A christian friend of mine told me that the moment porn is allowed in your home it opens up the door for the devil and his demons and gives them the legal right to come in and sup with the person.
I also watched a Christian Vid and it was along the same lines as what my friend had said-Although it was an enactment it showed all those really ugly demons that looked like the grim reaper surrounding the guy and his computer and they were just having a merry old time with this guy-God's word warns us not to give place to the devil. If this guy could have seen in the spiritual world, he would have seen them dancing all around him and squealing in joy that they had the right to this person's life.
I read a story about a little girl who had become sick and the doctor's could not figure out what was wrong with her-Come to find out her father was addicted to porn and had been for quite some time-
After, the porn was alleviated out of their home the little girl recovered from that sickness- The devil has to operate legally.....and something like porn was all it took.
This may come off in a rude way and I apologise in advance but I am not sure how to word it...
This is the type of thing that makes non-christians think we are very, very strange.
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Re: Why is Porn Bad?

Post by Tiffany Dawn »

PaulSacramento wrote:
Tiffany Dawn wrote:A christian friend of mine told me that the moment porn is allowed in your home it opens up the door for the devil and his demons and gives them the legal right to come in and sup with the person.
I also watched a Christian Vid and it was along the same lines as what my friend had said-Although it was an enactment it showed all those really ugly demons that looked like the grim reaper surrounding the guy and his computer and they were just having a merry old time with this guy-God's word warns us not to give place to the devil. If this guy could have seen in the spiritual world, he would have seen them dancing all around him and squealing in joy that they had the right to this person's life.
I read a story about a little girl who had become sick and the doctor's could not figure out what was wrong with her-Come to find out her father was addicted to porn and had been for quite some time-
After, the porn was alleviated out of their home the little girl recovered from that sickness- The devil has to operate legally.....and something like porn was all it took.
This may come off in a rude way and I apologise in advance but I am not sure how to word it...
This is the type of thing that makes non-christians think we are very, very strange.
No offense taken-
Although, my message is truth, I knew that I quite possibly was risking a cartoon coming as a result of mentioning all the evil things- But, Hey, I took my chances.
However, most un-believer's think us weird anyway- Although if I'm not mistaken, most of them use the word "radical"------
BTW- I too as a Born-Again Believer also think most Christians to be very very strange, and I'm a Christian. Sigh
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Re: Why is Porn Bad?

Post by PaulSacramento »

I am not going to get into a discussion as to whether porn brings demons and satan into a household, causing illnesess and whatnot.
Because there is enough concrete information on pornography to show that there are real and verifiable issues for some people that porn effects negatively.
We can't say ALL people because that is not the case.
We don't need to resort to anecdotal "demonic" stories to make the valid point that porn can be very harmful and I believe that in resorting to "demons and satan" actually is counter-productive since there are obviously many well adjusted people that see porn or have seen and I perfectly fine with no ill effects.
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Re: Why is Porn Bad?

Post by Tiffany Dawn »

Although, I don't watch Oprah all that much-I found this info interesting.

According to Rabbi Shmuley, pornography is incredibly harmful and destructive to marriages. Pornography subtlety undermines male respect for women by detaching a woman's personality from her body, reducing her to a mere sexual commodity, he says. This in turn bores men and leads to dissatisfaction with their own wives and an inability to create a fulfilling, authentic sex life based on mutual respect for their female counterparts.

Rabbi Shmuley outlines the five main reasons why porn has a negative effect on marriages:

1.Porn is a drug that leads to addiction. "It gives you a hit, it gives you a high that cannot be sustained unless you have massive exposure to it," Rabbi Shmuley says. As such, he says men often consume more and more porn, which can lead to distancing themselves from their loved ones, losing their jobs, etc.

2.Porn is a form of sexism. Women are commoditized and objectified in porn, which puts them on an unequal footing with men. Rabbi Shmuley says this leads men to regard women as subordinate. "He sees breasts and genitalia," he says. "He sees the walking gratification of his material urges. So, he can't relate to that woman because there's no person—all he can do is use that woman."

3.Porn portrays all women in one of four degrading, dehumanizing categories. They're either a "greedy gold-digger," "mindless playmate," "insatiable nymphomaniac" or "one who craves pain," Rabbi Shmuley says. "It gives you the most insidious view of women," he says. This can lead to an inability to form meaningful romantic relationships and even violence against women.

4.Porn makes men get bored with their own wives. "Excessive exposure to the incredible variety of naked bodies that you see in porn makes men feel permanently dissatisfied with their wives' bodies," Rabbi Shmuley says.

5.Porn cultivates a single standard of beauty that no real women can live up to. Again, Rabbi Shmuley says this leads men to be mistakenly dissatisfied with reality as it pertains to sex.
Today's Shmuleyism
"The principle sin of porn is not one of commission but omission. All the erotic energy that should be focused on the woman in your life is being wasted. Your eroticism is being punctured, leaving your relationship boring and predictable."

Read more: http://www.oprah.com/relationships/The- ... z1g4MpyNdy
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Re: Why is Porn Bad?

Post by PaulSacramento »

Allow me to play devils advocate (pardon the pun :mrgreen: )

First off, Rabbi? seriously?

That said:
1.Porn is a drug that leads to addiction. "It gives you a hit, it gives you a high that cannot be sustained unless you have massive exposure to it," Rabbi Shmuley says. As such, he says men often consume more and more porn, which can lead to distancing themselves from their loved ones, losing their jobs, etc.
One can say the same about organized sports or even religion.
2.Porn is a form of sexism. Women are commoditized and objectified in porn, which puts them on an unequal footing with men. Rabbi Shmuley says this leads men to regard women as subordinate. "He sees breasts and genitalia," he says. "He sees the walking gratification of his material urges. So, he can't relate to that woman because there's no person—all he can do is use that woman."
A valid point but as we know, we don't need porn for that.
3.Porn portrays all women in one of four degrading, dehumanizing categories. They're either a "greedy gold-digger," "mindless playmate," "insatiable nymphomaniac" or "one who craves pain," Rabbi Shmuley says. "It gives you the most insidious view of women," he says. This can lead to an inability to form meaningful romantic relationships and even violence against women.
Not all porn falls into these categories but even if all did, but the rabbi should get out more because more often than not these are NOT far from the realities that far too many men and women deal with.
4.Porn makes men get bored with their own wives. "Excessive exposure to the incredible variety of naked bodies that you see in porn makes men feel permanently dissatisfied with their wives' bodies," Rabbi Shmuley says.
I would think that boredom leads to porn, not the other way around.
5.Porn cultivates a single standard of beauty that no real women can live up to. Again, Rabbi Shmuley says this leads men to be mistakenly dissatisfied with reality as it pertains to sex.
Today's Shmuleyism
"The principle sin of porn is not one of commission but omission. All the erotic energy that should be focused on the woman in your life is being wasted. Your eroticism is being punctured, leaving your relationship boring and predictable."
I don't think that Rabbi KNOWS what kind of porn is out there, LOL !
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Re: Why is Porn Bad?

Post by Reactionary »

Paul, it took me minutes to realise that he talks about the effect of porn on marriages. I'm struggling to understand why a married man would watch porn to arouse himself if he has a real woman beside him, the one he married, so I assume he wouldn't have married her if he didn't find her attractive. I blame the lack of proper communication between people these days, for many it's easier to avoid relationship problems by running off to the Internet, than to deal with them.
PaulSacramento wrote:
1.Porn is a drug that leads to addiction. "It gives you a hit, it gives you a high that cannot be sustained unless you have massive exposure to it," Rabbi Shmuley says. As such, he says men often consume more and more porn, which can lead to distancing themselves from their loved ones, losing their jobs, etc.
One can say the same about organized sports or even religion.
Indeed. But to lose your job because of porn? I think he's exaggerating.
3.Porn portrays all women in one of four degrading, dehumanizing categories. They're either a "greedy gold-digger," "mindless playmate," "insatiable nymphomaniac" or "one who craves pain," Rabbi Shmuley says.
Wait... How does he know that? y:-? :o
"It gives you the most insidious view of women," he says. This can lead to an inability to form meaningful romantic relationships and even violence against women.
Reminds me of studies about violence in video games, where it was said that playing such video games can lead you to being violent. Not true for me... :twisted:
PaulSacramento wrote:I would think that boredom leads to porn, not the other way around.
I agree.
5.Porn cultivates a single standard of beauty that no real women can live up to.
I think the same could be said about TV, magazines and other media. They all portray "beauty" that is unattainable to most people, that's why many, especially youth, have been facing self-confidence issues.
PaulSacramento wrote:I don't think that Rabbi KNOWS what kind of porn is out there, LOL !
If you were referring to "beauty" in porn, then I agree - all kinds of stuff are out there... :stars:

I guess linking to such "resources" (as an example, of course 8) ), still earns you a permanent ban, right? :pound:

Rhetorical question.
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Re: Why is Porn Bad?

Post by Gman »

Tiffany Dawn wrote: *****************************************
No offense taken-
Although, my message is truth, I knew that I quite possibly was risking a cartoon coming as a result of mentioning all the evil things- But, Hey, I took my chances.
However, most un-believer's think us weird anyway- Although if I'm not mistaken, most of them use the word "radical"------
BTW- I too as a Born-Again Believer also think most Christians to be very very strange, and I'm a Christian. Sigh
Hi Tiffany... I read what you wrote and I agree with you 100 percent. I see that your spiritual eyes are open.

Thanks for posting!

Shalom :P
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Re: Why is Porn Bad?

Post by Murray »

honestly. I think that the real number is wayyyy higher than 42% . I mean the number for teens drinking is higher than that.
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Re: Why is Porn Bad?

Post by zoegirl »

It's just wrong

We know in scripture that if we look at another person we are committing adultery...can't be much clearer to that

Add to so many good things that people have said...to watch it/buy it/condone it will advance the abuse of women, so many of whom are involved in it because of pain in their lives.

Between the devaluing of sex and pornography, these two may very well be the two biggest destructive forces in our society. We may not see it in our generation or in the next, but the cumulative effects will be devastating, I believe.
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Re: Why is Porn Bad?

Post by wrain62 »

zoegirl wrote:It's just wrong

We know in scripture that if we look at another person we are committing adultery...can't be much clearer to that

Add to so many good things that people have said...to watch it/buy it/condone it will advance the abuse of women, so many of whom are involved in it because of pain in their lives.

Between the devaluing of sex and pornography, these two may very well be the two biggest destructive forces in our society. We may not see it in our generation or in the next, but the cumulative effects will be devastating, I believe.

Thanks man
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Re: Why is Porn Bad?

Post by wrain62 »

zoegirl wrote:It's just wrong

We know in scripture that if we look at another person we are committing adultery...can't be much clearer to that

Add to so many good things that people have said...to watch it/buy it/condone it will advance the abuse of women, so many of whom are involved in it because of pain in their lives.

Between the devaluing of sex and pornography, these two may very well be the two biggest destructive forces in our society. We may not see it in our generation or in the next, but the cumulative effects will be devastating, I believe.

Thanks man
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Re: Why is Porn Bad?

Post by zoegirl »

Sorry , that should read, if we look at another person lustfully...
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