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Re: Flat Earth Theory

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 7:37 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
RickD wrote: I've never actually seen anything except 2d images of the earth. So, I have no actual proof that the earth is spherical.
Agreed! I think there is a worldwide conspiracy among the intelligensia to have the rest of us believe the world is ball-shaped. However, when I walk out of my house, the ground is flat. I can drive 500 miles and the earth stays flat...always flat. I've even flown airplanes over great distances and the earth is always flat. I've never once noticed the surface receding, curving down towards Australia.

The idea of a spherical world is a big lie promoted by atheists and Mormons and other wackos.

FL :swow:

Re: Flat Earth Theory

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 7:40 pm
by RickD
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:
RickD wrote: I've never actually seen anything except 2d images of the earth. So, I have no actual proof that the earth is spherical.
Agreed! I think there is a worldwide conspiracy among the intelligensia to have the rest of us believe the world is ball-shaped. However, when I walk out of my house, the ground is flat. I can drive 500 miles and the earth stays flat...always flat. I've even flown airplanes over great distances and the earth is always flat. I've never once noticed the surface receding, curving down towards Australia.

The idea of a spherical world is a big lie promoted by atheists and Mormons and other wackos.

FL :swow:
That's true, FL. I've never realized till now, I have never seen any real evidence that the earth is spherical. Everything I've seen my entire life, looks like the earth is flat.

Re: Flat Earth Theory

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 7:41 pm
by Murray

Those pesky Mormons, tricking me into believing the earth is round and all....

Re: Flat Earth Theory

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 8:02 pm
by Canuckster1127
For the record, if someone is going to put a hook in my mouth and make me eat a worm, I expect to be played for a while before he starts to reel me in.

Re: Flat Earth Theory

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 10:05 am
by B. W.
I don't get it...

How can the earth really be flat with all the valleys and mountians and bottom of the seas that make nothing really flat?

Why when flying at Maximum altitude of 45,000 feet, over the pacific ocean retuning from Hawaii (as the pilot announced to catch the Jet stream) was the curvature of the earth visable?

Also, from U2 photos showing this better at 70 to 80,000 feet?

Next, how can you get from Antarctica to say Australia or China if the earth is flat – would not the end of the earth prevent travel from that direction?

Re: Flat Earth Theory

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 2:26 pm
by Eric
220px-Flat_earth.jpg (11.61 KiB) Viewed 4009 times

Re: Flat Earth Theory

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 2:27 pm
by Eric
And again refer to ... pic=1324.0 for answers to the majority of your questions

Re: Flat Earth Theory

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 2:29 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
I have read through that site many times, and there is no evidence that makes any logical sense on that site.


Re: Flat Earth Theory

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 3:16 pm
by Murray
Eric wrote:Earth

so if i jump over the ice what happens :lol:

Re: Flat Earth Theory

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 3:18 pm
by RickD
Eric wrote:Earth
So, Antarctica is actually the largest continent? Interesting. y:-?

Re: Flat Earth Theory

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 7:04 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
B. W. wrote:How can the earth really be flat with all the valleys and mountians and bottom of the seas that make nothing really flat?
We are not talking flat like Holland. We are using ''flat'' as in non-spherical.
B. W. wrote:Why when flying at Maximum altitude of 45,000 feet, over the pacific ocean retuning from Hawaii (as the pilot announced to catch the Jet stream) was the curvature of the earth visable?
The alleged-curvature should not be visible at 45,000ft. The pilots of the now-defunct Concord - cruising altitude 60,000ft - would tell their gullible passengers that the curvature was visible at that altitude... but...honestly, if you'd just shelled-out $6000 for a $1000 flight you'd believe anything just to look cool when you told the story to your friends. I suspect your Hawaii experience was along the same lines...or, you're a member of the intelligensia and will say anything just to look cool.
B. W. wrote:Also, from U2 photos showing this better at 70 to 80,000 feet?
Two words: government conspiracy.
B. W. wrote:Next, how can you get from Antarctica to say Australia or China if the earth is flat – would not the end of the earth prevent travel from that direction?
Your ignorance is showing, friend. Get back to explaining biblical Hebrew.


Re: Flat Earth Theory

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 7:18 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:
B. W. wrote:How can the earth really be flat with all the valleys and mountians and bottom of the seas that make nothing really flat?
We are not talking flat like Holland. We are using ''flat'' as in non-spherical.
B. W. wrote:Why when flying at Maximum altitude of 45,000 feet, over the pacific ocean retuning from Hawaii (as the pilot announced to catch the Jet stream) was the curvature of the earth visable?
The alleged-curvature should not be visible at 45,000ft. The pilots of the now-defunct Concord - cruising altitude 60,000ft - would tell their gullible passengers that the curvature was visible at that altitude... but...honestly, if you'd just shelled-out $6000 for a $1000 flight you'd believe anything just to look cool when you told the story to your friends. I suspect your Hawaii experience was along the same lines...or, you're a member of the intelligensia and will say anything just to look cool.
B. W. wrote:Also, from U2 photos showing this better at 70 to 80,000 feet?
Two words: government conspiracy.
B. W. wrote:Next, how can you get from Antarctica to say Australia or China if the earth is flat – would not the end of the earth prevent travel from that direction?
Your ignorance is showing, friend. Get back to explaining biblical Hebrew.


Oh no that have sucked in FL!!!

Re: Flat Earth Theory

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 7:53 pm
by zacchaeus
Explain gravity... and how the water stays in/on the earth without falling/floating off into space... what then would be the definition of level???

Isaiah 40:22
Job 26:7
Proverbs 8:27
Matthew 12:40
Ephesians 4:9
Luke 17:34-36

Can a flat earth have a heart, lower parts or a center? Does this show yet Jesus saying there is a round earth?
Mankind in bed sleeping and others working in the fields does this show a round earth? People on one side sleeping at night while the others working in the day in the fields?
Understand the Hebrew vocabulary doesn't contain a word for sphere so the circle word is used. Since there is no word for sphere does circle imply it with the Hebrew language?

Re: Flat Earth Theory

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 8:17 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
zacchaeus wrote:Explain gravity... and how the water stays in/on the earth without falling/floating off into space... what then would be the definition of level???
Simple. If the earth were spherical, all the water would fall off: it would drip off into space. Period. As for your other point, think of NIGHT SHIFT workers. I've seen tractors harvesting at night. WAKE UP!

You round-earthers have all been brainwashed into believing a lie. :shakehead:


Re: Flat Earth Theory

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 8:35 pm
by zacchaeus
Guess the jokes on me... I said explain gravity, which answers my question about how does water stay on the earth!!!

Let me make it simpler for the simple minded since we've all here been um, duh, brainwashed geroge... :mrgreen:

Explain Gravity and center of gravity in a non-spherical Flat earth??? Do that and your a genius!!!

Your ignorant night-shift worker line is HELL-arious!!! :pound: :sleep: