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Re: Scary Technology

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 3:45 pm
by cubeus19
I want to chime in, to me it looks like that article is blown way out of proportions. Someone mentioned pop science, and I certainly agree. If these brain studies or brain expirments were as iron clad as the article suggests, we would be hearing and seeing more about them. They would be all over the news and the scientists would be heros and recieve alot of power, money and fame for what they have done. So until this becomes more widespread all over the national and world news, I'm not buying it.

Re: Scary Technology

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 11:07 pm
by Ivellious
I agree that it's probably way blown out of proportion. Most of this mind-reading or mind control stuff is typically extremely gimmicky or the results are random and are only reported on because it worked once out of their million trials. I find it hard to believe that we're going to learn how to do such complex things to the brain when we still know very little about the brain itself. Yes, neuroscience is one of the fastest growing fields in science, but we're not close to having the degree of understanding necessary to manipulate the brain like that.

Re: Scary Technology

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 3:00 am
by BryanH
So until this becomes more widespread all over the national and world news, I'm not buying it.
Yes, neuroscience is one of the fastest growing fields in science, but we're not close to having the degree of understanding necessary to manipulate the brain like that.
cubeus19: I'm sorry to say this to you, but you need to wake up because you are sleeping. Why would you go public with a device that is capable of mind control? Now really? And by the way: a form of my mind control is already happening all around you: just take a look at advertising clips:))

Ivellious: Really? How do you know that? Same as number 1. Please wake up as well. Of course that nobody wants to go public with a device that is capable of mind control. Think of the mass hysteria... If I had that device ready, do you think that I would make it public or do you think that I would be let to make it public?

Re: Scary Technology

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 10:43 am
by Ivellious
I'm just saying that our understanding of the brain is extremely limited compared to, say, every other part of our bodies. We have a nearly complete understanding of how our bodies function, with the only exception being the brain. That's why neuroscience is such a booming field in science and why stories claiming to have the answers to the big questions of neuroscience get such big press. I was only saying that unless some isolated individual is withholding the secrets of our brain that no one else has yet to discover (possible but unlikely), we are not capable of controlling the brain outside of influencing the brain with psychology.

Re: Scary Technology

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 3:33 am
by BryanH
Ivellious we don't have a nearly complete understanding of how our organs work and the functions of our body. As long as we don't have a cure for cancer, AIDs and other terrible deadly diseases, our understanding of how the human body works, well, is still limited. I give you that since we started to have better computers and more advanced technology, the medical field did have some breakthroughs, but not enough to say we have nearly complete understanding. The brain is the part of our body has the highest degree of complexity and we still have a lot to learn, but you should know that scientists are predicting that in about 50 years, more or less, we will be able to "upload" ourselves into a computer. Now that is a scary "prophecy", at least for me it is.

Re: Scary Technology

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 7:14 pm
by Ivellious
I never said it was complete, but overall we know almost everything pertinent to our body. You can't throw out AIDS because that has to do with a completely foreign entity (the HIV virus). Most other diseases as well. Our ability to fight those diseases has to do with creating things completely separate from our body to aid our body in fighting these things, because typically our bodies cannot fight them off alone. The mysteries have to do with figuring out the workings of the foreign disease-causing entities and how our medicines interact with them, and in turn how our own bodies will react. Cancer is one medical challenge that we have yet to solve, but aside from that, what about our body (outside the brain) do we not understand yet?

Re: Scary Technology

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 2:08 am
by BryanH
Ivellious I'm just saying that medicine still has a long way to walk until we will know how our body works 100%.