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Re: Why does christianity contradict itself so much?

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 12:28 am
by B. W.
educationreigns wrote:So you don't believe everything the bible says? you are not a true christian...
Educationreigns, you have asked this type of question many times in different manners on different thread lines. Questions like this presuppose that any type of believing in God or the Bible means – blind faith i.e. superstitious and ignorant blind leap of faith. Then, next, this type of question is more often used in an attempt to make the opposition live up to their own standards – right out of Saul Alinsky’s handbook – Rules for Radicals.

To the first, you may be surprised that Christian do not take a leap of blind faith, nor are we ignoramus’ who need to be guided out from superstitious darkness. To the contrary, myself and many on this forum, are inclined to live the example set forth in Acts 17:11. We study the bible and understand it better than you do. Your comments so far are like a 4 grader trying to interpret an advanced college psychic’s textbook and critiquing it before a room full of Physics PhD’s.

People have answered you and the articles from the homepage of this site answer many of your questions as well – very logically I might add. So this makes me come to the conclusion by the evidence of volume from your posing this same type of question on different thread subjects on this discussion forum that you are inclined to be attempting to make the opposition live up to their own standards as the book, Rules for Radicals suggest.

Therefore, what is the true intent of bringing this question up in the manner and tone you have done?

If you are not honest here, your own moral arguments you pose and intent for posing these types of questions cannot live up to even your own standards. The reason why myself and a few others have answered you the we have, is simply that we have encountered the type of tactic you employ many times before, and simply call people out on this, publically, as soon as possible.

A true seeker of Christian truth in Christ is teachable but someone with an agenda cloaked in subterfuge is not.
1 Corinthians 2:14 NKJV