educationreigns wrote:I did review the one about women not being able to teach and I found a contradictory statement in the article about not using drugs. The first article said that Paul had women teachers so it is OK that the bible says that. The second says you have to follow everything the bible says. So didn't Paul go against gods way by letting women teach? I put this in my other post, I know.
educationreigns wrote:Hello,
I am a questioner of organized faith and feel that god can be found from within. I know in my heart that god would not let me burn in eternal hell fire because I don't believe everything the bible says. It is not logical that you need this book. What about cave men and people that live on islands? Did they go to hell ? I don't really believe in the christian system of heaven and hell. I don't expect to go up into the clouds after I die (or to burn in hell for that matter). I try to be a good person just because it is the right thing to do, not because I'm promised eternal life in heaven. God would not be so cruel to as make me believe something that was written thousands of years ago and translated thousands of times. I love the nice verses, like about being honest and loving. But then, all these verses that sound like this: Colossians 3:18 *
18. Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord.
Timothy 2:9 - 15*
9. In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;
10 But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.
11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
15 Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.
Please don't make fun of my name because the reason I chose it is because I feel I did not receive a fair education going to California schools, and had to make up for it in college. And I think that children need quality education. I'm not saying "I'm smarter than you." I'm just saying knowledge in the most important thing you can give/have.
Okay Educationreigns,
Are you from a George Soros organization? Reason why I ask, is that they have collaborated with various leftist writers, blogsters, etc, and have begun an attack on Christian websites. The reason for this attack is the current issue that the Obama Administration imposition on the Constitutional rights granted by the USA Constitution, First Amendment clause demanding that religious organization provide birth control pills – contraceptives – free, by using the moral argument of a
woman’s right to choose issue to build a legal structure; which, later can be exploited in a way that allows Government to dictate what is acceptable for churches teach. The goal is for churches to become spokesman for a George Soros type of ideology. The goal is to destroy churches (specifically Christianity) through use of ridicule and a constant barrage of attacks designed to question people’s faith done with subterfuge and moral equivalency arguments.
The form of these constant attacks, takes the appearances of woman rights issues, sex issues, and express that love means unbridled tolerance. The mode of operation is to pose as seekers on Christian forum or website and dig up scriptures pertaining to these issues – posing moral arguments of rights, and fairness, etc – much of what and in the same format as you have posed so far on the Evidence for God from Science website. Same tactics the left uses, you are using.
So are you one of those moles? If so, that is okay, maybe the actual gospel message will penetrate your heart and you’ll become born again. So welcome to the board. Even if you are not such a mole, forgive me, but I do retain my doubts…
PS the US Constitution first Amendment right was to protect the Church from Government intrusion and control. If the left is successful in their attack on this amendment, fully watch how they built a structure from that will later be used to control church doctrine and the very conscience of Christians. The greatest threat to the Left is Christianity that is not controlled by government populist ideology.
To add to this, you demonstrate a remarkable unteachable spirit. There are answers for these that are quite logical and many have answered this way to you. So, from this, I gather, you write from a leftist perspective that fails to understand Christian theology altogether.
Prove me wrong – tell me what you know of John 3:14, 15, 16 and John 3:17, 18, 19, 20, 21c?
What do you know of Jesus and the issues of the first Century Corinthian Church?
What is the role of the Holy Spirit?
A god within not control by the only one God without is only a god of self…