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Re: Heaven??

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 11:55 pm
by Tina
B. W. wrote:Illvelious, Yes there were two kids - one was in a car accident and the other not.

Just a point of reference - try to be more specific in describing whom one is referring. I thought you were talking about the boy who is paralyzed from the car accident!
Tina wrote:...I don't understand why people do that. I mean, if you're a Christian, you wouldn't lie like that to be famous. ...Losing faith in humanity
Sadly Tina, there are those out there that do these kinds of things. Jesus said, by their fruit you will know them. That also cuts both ways to us as well, how does our life shine for Christ? I lost faith in humanity long ago, so I place my faith in Christ alone.

When you understand how people desire to slay the good in the world as they did so Christ Jesus – One's faith in humanity is lost. You also see the same thing in people’s attack against Christians as well. Such folks, shout in similar contexts like this: We must Prove them hypocrites ! Their faith no better than anyone else’s, so off with their heads! Christian aren’t Good, so let’s slay them, mock them – lets write on websites and put them on trial – so we can shout Crucify!

Why do people want to slay goodness in others? Look at the occupy wall street people – if one does well – you hear them shout –Rich people are evil we need to take what they have! Does matter the charities they give too or the character – if they are decent folk – its let put them on trial and slay them and take what they have. When people desire to poke fun, mock, despise goodness, put people on trial and all that and then is it any wonder bad things happen to good Christian people? And with every false accusation, mocking, trail, etc, a greater foe is revealed so that the events of Revelation chapters 19 thru 20 will come to pass, justified, and beyond all shadow of doubt.

Keep the faith Tina, in Christ alone

Learn to examine fruit for in doing so, all the flakes are revealed...
Thank you. That is some very good advice. It just makes me so sad. I have never nor will ever understand why people act that way. I wish I could show them the right way, but I can't even get through to my friends. It is beyond my understanding. I recall something in the Bible about how few will hear......they don't hear because they don't want to

Re: Heaven??

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 12:06 am
by B. W.
Tina wrote:...Thank you. That is some very good advice. It just makes me so sad. I have never nor will ever understand why people act that way. I wish I could show them the right way, but I can't even get through to my friends. It is beyond my understanding. I recall something in the Bible about how few will hear......they don't hear because they don't want to
It makes me sad too Tina...

Re: Heaven??

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 12:07 am
by B. W.
pebbleanrock wrote:
Tina wrote: <------What do you think of this video?
I am mystified by this. First lie of the Bible, snake says "you will not cease [die]'. Solomon said the dead have NO thinking abilities. Jesus said 'David is in the ground " when asked about his where abouts. After Jesus said to Mary that he was going to resurrect Lazarus, she said ' I know he will come back at the end time Resurrection'. This infers he would be non-thinking in the ground till then.
Please take look at Ezekiel 32:20-31, Ezekiel 26:20, Job 26:5 NKJV, Isaiah 24:21-22 which speaks of a certian principle, and Luke 16:19-31, Philippians 1:23, Luke 23:43 - all speak of cognizance after death. Those verses people claim that do not, actually do. The language and how words were used to describe death in different manners and ways need to be considered.

Re: Heaven??

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 1:52 pm
by bippy123
Remember Folks people like this kid could be telling the truth. Jesus also said in the bible that the Father has prepared many different houses for his followers. This coincides perfect with each persons experience of seeing a PART of heaven the way they did. I dont think we should be at heaven being the exact same way for every person that has had a glimpse of it. As far as someone making money off the story, why is it so bad if they used the money for a good cause. Now if they used it for selfish purposes then they will have to answer to God for that one later on.

Re: Heaven??

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 1:50 pm
by jlay
bippy123 wrote:Remember Folks people like this kid could be telling the truth. Jesus also said in the bible that the Father has prepared many different houses for his followers. This coincides perfect with each persons experience of seeing a PART of heaven the way they did. I dont think we should be at heaven being the exact same way for every person that has had a glimpse of it. As far as someone making money off the story, why is it so bad if they used the money for a good cause. Now if they used it for selfish purposes then they will have to answer to God for that one later on.
Just to offer a different perspective. The verse you site is from john 14 and may not refer to heaven at all. the context of john 14 is not heaven but the promise of the Holy Spirit. the word translated "mansion/rooms" is only used one other time, and it is in John 14, when it says, "My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them." Same Greek word. So, when we hear Jesus say, "i am going to prepare a place.." we apply pre-conceived notions onto the text. The reason we shouldn't make this mistake is because thomas made the same mistake. He thought Jesus was referring to a destination. "How can we know the way?" Jesus corrects Thomas with famous v. 6.
Of course this interpretation will ruin a lot of hymns.