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Re: Abortion clinic protester

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 8:39 pm
by RickD
Kurieuo wrote:
I've read the replies hereafter, but something doesn't add up. Why would she be sent to an abortion clinic for a medical procedure that should be done in a hospital? It also definitely is not an abortion as would be medically defined. I don't know the young girl, the story smells fishy personally.
Kurieuo, technically, it is considered some kind of abortion. When my wife had a miscarriage, it also was called some kind of abortion, on the medical report. From what my coworker said, it was a quick procedure, and being an inpatient in a hospital, wasn't necessary. And, I think she really found out the hard way, what that clinic was all about. Other than that, what's fishy about the story? It seemed pretty straightforward to me.
I also don't agree with the heartlessness of some picket protesters -- the ones I've seen in real life have been quite civil and at most just hand out brochures and seem to cop a lot of flack off the street from pro-choice people -- but I guess in America you guys seem to do things in a more irrate/extreme manner.
I've never personally seen picketers at any clinics myself, so I can't say if that's the norm. But, after seeing video of the Westboro Baptist Church, people using Christ's name to act that way, certainly doesn't surprise me.

Re: Abortion clinic protester

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 10:34 pm
by Ivellious
I've seen protesters before, on two occasions. Once, it was a very small group who just held signs and yelled at people (but didn't approach or interact as far as I saw) and the other time was a larger group that more or less mobbed everyone trying to enter or leave the facility. There was a lot of swearing coming from both the protesters and the people they mobbed. I thought the second one was wholly nasty and un-Christian, the first was ok because from what I saw they kept their distance.

I will admit though, I certainly hear about more militant and insensitive religious groups in the US than other places, but that's obviously just an observation, not a fact.

Re: Abortion clinic protester

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 11:31 pm
by Rachel
I'm very sorry for this poor woman's loss and the kind of torment she had to endure at the abortion clinic. My heart goes out to her and her husband in this sad time.

I am, however, also a little leery. I can grant the Christian clinic didn't want to perform the procedure because of their particular set of beliefs, but what was necessary can be done at a general hospital, and usually is. It's called a D&C, and it's performed after a miscarriage that can't naturally abort on its own or is taking longer than it should and putting the mother into a health risk. I have known several women who had to have this done when their little ones didn't make it, but the miscarriage didn't complete on its own. I think this sort of complication must have caused the death of some mothers before medical science gave us this procedure.

Re: Abortion clinic protester

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 5:23 am
by RickD
Rachel wrote:I'm very sorry for this poor woman's loss and the kind of torment she had to endure at the abortion clinic. My heart goes out to her and her husband in this sad time.

I am, however, also a little leery. I can grant the Christian clinic didn't want to perform the procedure because of their particular set of beliefs, but what was necessary can be done at a general hospital, and usually is. It's called a D&C, and it's performed after a miscarriage that can't naturally abort on its own or is taking longer than it should and putting the mother into a health risk. I have known several women who had to have this done when their little ones didn't make it, but the miscarriage didn't complete on its own. I think this sort of complication must have caused the death of some mothers before medical science gave us this procedure.
Rachel, I think she took the advice of her doctor, without questioning him/her. If I were in her shoes, I would have made sure I didn't have to go to an abortion clinic do have the procedure done. She was presented with two options. Go to the clinic, or go home and wait until her body removes the baby on its own. I would have gone with option #3. Find a new doctor who would have done the procedure himself. :lol: She's young, and I don't think she knew all that going to an abortion clinic entailed. After hearing her story, I don't think she'll be going back any time soon. She got to see first hand, what lack of compassion this clinic had, for all the women there. It was truly disgusting. My wife works in medical, and if she treated a patient the way my co-worker and other patients were treated at the clinic, my wife would be looking for a new job.

Re: Abortion clinic protester

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 9:04 am
by zoegirl
Yes, should have gone to another doc for a second opinion. This was handled badly from the beginning :-(