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Re: An oldy but a goodie..............

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 8:09 am
by jlay
In human history very few things remain constantly viewed as "evil." I cannot define good and evil in the same way that I define heat and cold. That was my point.
Let's say a society, past or present defined torture for pleasure as good. Would they be right or wrong to do so?

Contrary to what you say, in human history certain things reman constantly viewed as evil. Our perspective may distort that however. For example, even cultures that held to human sacrifice, didn't view murder as good. They saw their sacrifice as serving some greater good. That doesn't mean they lived in total anarchy from day to day. We can look back and KNOW for certain, they were wrong. But how?
Same goes for those who jailed and executed suspected witches. They believed witches to be real. And if they were real, and were actually doing the things they were accused of, then they would have been right to bring them to justice.

As with any analogy, they all fail at some point. That is why they are analogies. heat is not perfectly analogous to morality. However, there would be no way to measure cold apart from a source of heat. And there would be no way to measure immorality without a standard of morality. That doesn't mean cultures don't subjectively interpret and define. They do. And they often get it wrong. But, to say a culture was or is wrong requires more than another subjective opinon to do so.
Now, I would agree with you that evil isn't simply the absence of good. It does stand on its own. Man is able to 'create' his own calamity and bring on himself and others evil. There is still an analogous correlation, as man always has the option of doing good. You could say evil results from the failure to do what is good. The Bible says it this way, "Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins." (James 4:17)

Suffering in the world is where so many get it wrong. For one, how does the Atheist account for 'suffering and evil?' In fact, how could you even rightly call it evil. The Atheist has to smuggle in obejctive morality in the attempt to impune God's goodness.
Suffering and evil are not the same. One can rightly say that if man always chose good there would be no evil. However suffering would still be an issue. But even suffering loses any meaning in a material world. The conclusion, for the Atheist, is that God does not exist, yet they are still left with a world in which suffering and evil exist. Yet, they have no objective grounds to complain or resist either. Hitler attempting to irradicate Jews can be no more 'evil' than white blood cells attacking a virus.

Re: An oldy but a goodie..............

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 8:43 am
by PaulSacramento
In short of evil doesn't exist then we can't complain about suffering and wrong doing and if evil DOES exist then we need a "good" to base evil off of, yes?
There must be an absolute Good to base a category of evil off of.
If we base things off "survival of the fittest" or "natural selection" then the "fitter male" raping a women to ensure the propegation of his superior gene is NOT evil or even wrong, just natural.

Re: An oldy but a goodie..............

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 3:14 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
Dallas wrote:
Danieltwotwenty wrote:
But is an evil action really a "lack of good"? I say no. For instance, say I go outside and kick a tree lightly. There is no good in that action. does that mean I have performed an "evil" action?
On the subject of being a neutral action, I say there are no neutral actions because every action should glorify God and if that action is not a glorification of God then the action becomes evil.
For example if kicking the tree has no purpose behind it and it is a random action, then what good is it how does it bring glory to God? It hasn't so therefore it has become evil, or conversely if that action did glorify God then it has become a good action.<a href="" class="lbsBibleRef" data-reference="1 Corinthians 10.31" data-version="nasb95" target="_blank">1 Corinthians 10:31</a>
Evil is the absence of Good like cold is the absence of heat because according to God there is no neutral between good and evil.

Evil does not come from God, evil is where there is no good.

The glorifying God statement, this is limited in a sense right? I'm asking this because if something doesn't glorify God, it's evil. I get that, but it's the next part that confuses me a little. Now,let's say I went out to kill someone in an act of war for the glory of God. Would that be good? Or is that violating "thou shalt not kill" commandment?
I don't know. I am pretty sure God doesn't want us to kill each other but I am sure there would be situations where one would have to, like saving someone else which i guess would be glorifying God.
But lets not get bogged down in hypotheticals.


Re: An oldy but a goodie..............

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 3:31 pm
by jestes
Dallas wrote:I saw this a few years ago, and yesterday on facebook. But on facebook, it said Einstein said this. Is that true?
"The problem with the internet is that all too often quotes are incorrectly attributed to certain authors" - Abraham Lincoln

Re: An oldy but a goodie..............

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 4:42 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
jestes wrote:
Dallas wrote:I saw this a few years ago, and yesterday on facebook. But on facebook, it said Einstein said this. Is that true?
"The problem with the internet is that all too often quotes are incorrectly attributed to certain authors" - Abraham Lincoln
