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Re: I'm having doubts about my salvation again

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:32 pm
by cubeus19
Something else I keep hearing from pastors and bible teachers that really confuse things even more is the subject of "repentance". I've heard multiple definitions on the word, anywhere from meaning, feeling bad because of sin, not wanting to sin again, to successfully never committing a certain sin or any sin ever again. So, what is it then? What really is true repentance?

Re: I'm having doubts about my salvation again

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 9:35 pm
by jestes
Repentance is a tricky word. If I remember correctly, the most correct way to translate it would be to say that it is a change of heart. That basically means that to repent of your sin would mean to change your mind about the fact that your sin is wrong. Essentially, acknowledge that you have made or are doing something wrong. Just like alcoholics anonymous, the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.

While we are called to mature, we will never be sinless in this lifetime, nor will we ever get a problem completely solved. IMHO, the sooner one recognizes that the success of salvation depends on Christ and not anyone else, the sooner an empower spirit-filled life can begin

Re: I'm having doubts about my salvation again

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 6:03 pm
by Callisto
jestes wrote:Repentance is a tricky word. If I remember correctly, the most correct way to translate it would be to say that it is a change of heart. That basically means that to repent of your sin would mean to change your mind about the fact that your sin is wrong. Essentially, acknowledge that you have made or are doing something wrong. Just like alcoholics anonymous, the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.

While we are called to mature, we will never be sinless in this lifetime, nor will we ever get a problem completely solved. IMHO, the sooner one recognizes that the success of salvation depends on Christ and not anyone else, the sooner an empower spirit-filled life can begin
This was revolutionary for me, and although I'd been a Christian all my life, it didn't really hit me until I turned 22 (sooner than many though!). First you have to realize what a sinful piece of failure that you really are - and then you have to recognize what Christ did - really REALIZE it. The day it happened I think I cried, actually. It happened again in church a couple of weeks ago, I don't remember what hymn or song it was but I felt it creeping up. Thankfully I stopped before it got anywhere - I don't even want my own mother to see me cry, let alone my kindergarten teacher and everyone else. :lol:

Needless to say though, I felt the pressure of trying to do everything right and be perfect just lift off my shoulders - for a while. I still get periods of overwhelming pressure but it goes quickly when I remember that I can't be perfect anyway, that's for Christ to be.

Re: I'm having doubts about my salvation again

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:32 pm
by inlovewiththe44
I thought I had read this entire thread, but I guess I was wrong. Jestes, I just read your first post, and I can honestly say that is my situation to a T, but I haven't exactly gotten to the point of knowing where I stand, but your post gave me hope that I'll eventually get through this. It also reminded me that this pain has a purpose, and I'll be so thankful when it ceases.

Re: I'm having doubts about my salvation again

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 5:13 am
by Byblos
inlovewiththe44 wrote:I thought I had read this entire thread, but I guess I was wrong. Jestes, I just read your first post, and I can honestly say that is my situation to a T, but I haven't exactly gotten to the point of knowing where I stand, but your post gave me hope that I'll eventually get through this. It also reminded me that this pain has a purpose, and I'll be so thankful when it ceases.
Just know that it may not cease (and may even increase) until we are face to face with Christ. But that's the greatest hope of all. y>:D<

Re: I'm having doubts about my salvation again

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 7:47 am
by inlovewiththe44
I understand that pain is necessary, and I'm also willing to take hits for Christ throughout life. But the current pain I'm experiencing, if it really does continue with such intensity for years on end, I might have to just clock out. I know that's a terrible way to think about it, but it just seems like I'm getting nowhere sometimes. I'm trying to learn more and more everyday so I can solidify my faith in Christ once again and be confident that He exists and that I am loved no matter what, but it just wears me down to nothing sometimes. To the point where I am almost physically exhausted. I have to admit these forums and other books have helped me a lot, but it's just hard to stay diligent.

Re: I'm having doubts about my salvation again

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 9:41 am
by PaulSacramento
inlovewiththe44 wrote:I understand that pain is necessary, and I'm also willing to take hits for Christ throughout life. But the current pain I'm experiencing, if it really does continue with such intensity for years on end, I might have to just clock out. I know that's a terrible way to think about it, but it just seems like I'm getting nowhere sometimes. I'm trying to learn more and more everyday so I can solidify my faith in Christ once again and be confident that He exists and that I am loved no matter what, but it just wears me down to nothing sometimes. To the point where I am almost physically exhausted. I have to admit these forums and other books have helped me a lot, but it's just hard to stay diligent.
May I ask?
What do you want Christ to do for you?

Re: I'm having doubts about my salvation again

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 9:52 am
by Jac3510
To anyone doubting their salvation, I just point them to Jesus' own words:
  • "The one who believes in Me has everlasting life." ~ Jesus (John 6:47; my translation, following the TR)
So assurance is simple. If Jesus told the truth here, then if you believe in Him you have everlasting life. Your personal feelings and failings don't come into the equation. The only thing that matters is whether or not you believe Jesus or whether or not you think He lied.

Re: I'm having doubts about my salvation again

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 10:25 am
by inlovewiththe44
Paul, I'm not entirely sure.

Re: I'm having doubts about my salvation again

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 10:30 am
by PaulSacramento
inlovewiththe44 wrote:Paul, I'm not entirely sure.
When we go through tribulation in our lives, be it directly ( to due with us) or indirectly ( those we love), we go to Christ and rightly so.
If there is ONE we can put our trust in, our hope and faith, that one is Jesus.
BUT we still have to KNOW what we are asking for, what we need from Christ.
Jesus said, anything you ask in my name I will give.
He didn't say HOW mind you.
I have come to understand His unconditional love and grace and while I ask Him for so much more I KNOW that all I need is that.
We are no more or no less than any other of god's children, we live, we laugh, we love, we cry, we get angry, we hate, we forgive and ask forgiveness, we lose those we love and we die also.
Through all that Christ is with Us.
He never promised we wouldn't go through it, just that He would be with us, always.

Re: I'm having doubts about my salvation again

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 10:35 am
by inlovewiththe44
I guess when I do pray, although it's with the tiniest shard of faith these days, I ask that my eyes will be opened to the truth, so as to avoid searching for the truth in circles. I know how weak I am without Christ, and so I pray for Him to throw me some kind of lifeline so I can stay afloat in my search for truth.

Re: I'm having doubts about my salvation again

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 10:38 am
by PaulSacramento
inlovewiththe44 wrote:I guess when I do pray, although it's with the tiniest shard of faith these days, I ask that my eyes will be opened to the truth, so as to avoid searching for the truth in circles. I know how weak I am without Christ, and so I pray for Him to throw me some kind of lifeline so I can stay afloat in my search for truth.
Why do you feel you lack faith in Christ?

Re: I'm having doubts about my salvation again

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 10:47 am
by inlovewiththe44
Well, I'll start from the beginning I guess. When I went off to college, it rocked my faith... hard. I guess that I had never really had the strongest foundation for my faith. I was thrown for a loop by all the Atheist arguments. And since then, it's been a kind of up and down struggle. I keep going back and forth between believing and heavily doubting. I keep thinking "There has to be a tipping point. I'll break through eventually." But in the meantime, I've just been skimming through a lot of books and topics on the forums and stuff. One book, though, that I'm determined to sit down and actually read cover to cover is "I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist" by Geisler and Turek. I've had it since my sophomore year of high school, since I picked it up off of Frank Turek's son, who was actually my biology lab partner for a while. I don't know why I never read it when I had the chance.

Re: I'm having doubts about my salvation again

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 10:59 am
by PaulSacramento
inlovewiththe44 wrote:Well, I'll start from the beginning I guess. When I went off to college, it rocked my faith... hard. I guess that I had never really had the strongest foundation for my faith. I was thrown for a loop by all the Atheist arguments. And since then, it's been a kind of up and down struggle. I keep going back and forth between believing and heavily doubting. I keep thinking "There has to be a tipping point. I'll break through eventually." But in the meantime, I've just been skimming through a lot of books and topics on the forums and stuff. One book, though, that I'm determined to sit down and actually read cover to cover is "I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist" by Geisler and Turek. I've had it since my sophomore year of high school, since I picked it up off of Frank Turek's son, who was actually my biology lab partner for a while. I don't know why I never read it when I had the chance.
When our faith is based on something other than "personal revelation", it seems that our faith can be rocked when we don't have answers to the questions of skeptics.
I say this because once a person does indeed have a personal revelation, then faith is truly "unshakebale" - We know God because we have come to KNOW God.
But personal revelations don't happen all the time and not to everyone ( the reason is irrelevant).
So our faith MUST be based on something other than "I was brought up that way" or " I was told the bible said so".
Many skeptics know exactly what to say because THAT is what made THEM skeptics and non-believers.
What must you do?
First off you need to find our WHY you believe and if not, why you do NOT believe.
God doesn't what blind faith, he wants faith out of love and reason.
We here wll help you as best we can BUT the journey is yours my friend and Christ IS with you.
So, ask away :)

Re: I'm having doubts about my salvation again

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 11:00 am
by jlay
Something else I keep hearing from pastors and bible teachers that really confuse things even more is the subject of "repentance". I've heard multiple definitions on the word, anywhere from meaning, feeling bad because of sin, not wanting to sin again, to successfully never committing a certain sin or any sin ever again. So, what is it then? What really is true repentance?
If you want an in depth look at this, then I would suggest..... ... %20PDF.pdf

It truly is a misunderstood word and is abused terribly today. I doubt any of us understand the word better than Greek speaking Jews who translated the LXX.
The Greek word Metanoia was used to translate the word we read as 'repent' in the old testament. The Bible states on more than one occassion that God repented. So, the word Metanoia on its own can not mean in any form or fashion, "to be sorry for sin." If sin had any inherent part of the word, then it would never be used by Hebrew scholars to refer to God.

The Bible does say that repentance for man can have an affect towards his sin. I agree that for us to trust Christ as savior it is essential to know that we are sinners. It is unlikely that anyone would trust Christ as Savior, if they didn't think they personally needed saving. So, if someone doesn't think that sin is a problem, then yes, they need to repent.

44. Turek's book is pretty good. Do you go to school in North Carolina?