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Re: Christian doctrine of creation ?

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 6:24 pm
by jon510
nonsense - the Big Bang never ever was nor could be and is not Biblical nor Christian doctrine of creation but a fudge and a fake and a con for the vital ingredient is fudged - everything was created in an instant on each of 6 x 24hr days very good[complete] and not after millions of years of evolution - come home now or make it soon - twinc
Twinc, why couldn't it have been millions of years ago? What do you think God was doing back then? Could not God have controlled the wombs of all life on earth until the fall to stop overpopulation? The big bang isn't synonymous with life arising naturally you know. That's a common atheist argument. But any rational human being knows there's more to life then meets the eye.

If you're going to attack OEC it would be more prudent to do so by pointing to man's ineptness to date rock with any real compellingly proven method. Like pointing out why is one form of dating inaccurate with objects where the dates are known but we are supposed to believe they are accurate when the dates were unknown before hand. See? That way you do not restrict God's ability while exposing man's inabilities. Understand?

Re: Christian doctrine of creation ?

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 4:37 am
by twinc
UNDERSTAND - there never ever was or could be millions of years ago or evolution over millions of years - if you dont understand why - God is outside time which started at creation thousands of years ago when life was made possible - before that only dust and ashes was possible which is how it will be again till the creation of the new heavens and earth by God as very good[complete]in an instant out of nothing including in an instant not just one body but thousands of bodies,complete and very good without millions of years of evolution - this is the faith - come home soon - twinc

Re: Christian doctrine of creation ?

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 4:39 am
by neo-x
insant creation means, 1 mere nano second twinc, by your view then if it took six literal days, then is God too slow?

I have nothing against the idea of instant creation, the question is did God do it this way for certain? This is where I disagree with proper reason
This is faith
That is actually called sticking to your opinion no matter what anyone has to say - which is fine by me, only do not make the error and confuse this with faith that saves. Faith is a much simpler, beautiful thing that we have in Christ.

Re: Christian doctrine of creation ?

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:00 am
by neo-x
What do you think God was doing back then?
errr... :whistle:

Re: Christian doctrine of creation ?

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:19 am
by twinc
back then when ?- you mean he didnt have thumbs to twiddle or need to since millions of years would be both as a yesterday and a tomorrow to the Lord outside of time - come home soon - twinc

Re: Christian doctrine of creation ?

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:27 am
by twinc
neo-x wrote:insant creation means, 1 mere nano second twinc, by your view then if it took six literal days, then is God too slow?

I have nothing against the idea of instant creation, the question is did God do it this way for certain? This is where I disagree with proper reason
This is faith
That is actually called sticking to your opinion no matter what anyone has to say - which is fine by me, only do not make the error and confuse this with faith that saves. Faith is a much simpler, beautiful thing that we have in Christ.
as the saying goes for gods sake man not for gods sake but for man sake for gods sake man - the sabbath and the six days were for mans sake - btw everything was created in an instant on each of 6 x24hr days - twinc

Re: Christian doctrine of creation ?

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:30 pm
by jon510
twinc wrote:UNDERSTAND - there never ever was or could be millions of years ago or evolution over millions of years - if you dont understand why - God is outside time which started at creation thousands of years ago when life was made possible - before that only dust and ashes was possible which is how it will be again till the creation of the new heavens and earth by God as very good[complete]in an instant out of nothing including in an instant not just one body but thousands of bodies,complete and very good without millions of years of evolution - this is the faith - come home soon - twinc
Please explain how star light fits the YEC model. ... 0710c.html

Re: Christian doctrine of creation ?

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:50 pm
by twinc
this star light star bright speed of light is old hat - gravitational time dilation means that way way back while a few days were passing on earth billions of years would be available for light to travel to earth as I read it - come home soon - it is way out,weird and wacky where you are at - twinc

Re: Christian doctrine of creation ?

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 3:19 pm
by jon510
twinc wrote:back then when ?- you mean he didnt have thumbs to twiddle or need to since millions of years would be both as a yesterday and a tomorrow to the Lord outside of time - come home soon - twinc
I understand that fact. But does that mean God can go against his nature or his own laws? Careful of the tightrope you walk. Christ gave good advice when he told us build our faith on a solid foundation.

God expects those who would freely believe in him to to so with good reason. Operative word here is "reason." That's why Paul appealed to creation as did the Psalmist in Psalm 19. So to dismiss opposing views of scripture with a "God operates outside of time" dismissal with no accompanying thoughts is tantamount to a "God of the gaps" argument. It offers no rational behind your beliefs. The cosmos appears to point us in the direction of God's longevity as well as his grand nature; and that's a good thing.

Re: Christian doctrine of creation ?

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 3:43 pm
by twinc
jon510 wrote:
twinc wrote:back then when ?- you mean he didnt have thumbs to twiddle or need to since millions of years would be both as a yesterday and a tomorrow to the Lord outside of time - come home soon - twinc
I understand that fact. But does that mean God can go against his nature or his own laws? Careful of the tightrope you walk. Christ gave good advice when he told us build our faith on a solid foundation.

God expects those who would freely believe in him to to so with good reason. Operative word here is "reason." That's why Paul appealed to creation as did the Psalmist in Psalm 19. So to dismiss opposing views of scripture with a "God operates outside of time" dismissal with no accompanying thoughts is tantamount to a "God of the gaps" argument. It offers no rational behind your beliefs. The cosmos appears to point us in the direction of God's longevity as well as his grand nature; and that's a good thing.
so what exactly is your problem or point - a thousand years or more way out in the cosmos could be as a day at the centre which is earth - twinc

Re: Christian doctrine of creation ?

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 4:05 pm
by jon510
so what exactly is your problem or point - a thousand years or more way out in the cosmos could be as a day at the centre which is earth - twinc
Actually my understanding of time dilation gives us the opposite effect of what you assert. Objects traveling at light speed out in the cosmos experience far less time passing then here on earth.

But either way, you started out saying that millions and millions of years never happened. Now, whether it's here on earth or out in space, you are saying it did happen. :? Are you conceding that at least part of creation is old?

Re: Christian doctrine of creation ?

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 4:07 pm
by jon510
neo-x wrote:
What do you think God was doing back then?
errr... :whistle:
LOL, maybe! :ebiggrin:

Re: Christian doctrine of creation ?

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 4:23 pm
by RickD
Guys, have you ever heard the saying, "you can't teach an old dog, new tricks"?

I wonder if there's any truth to that... y:-?

Re: Christian doctrine of creation ?

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 9:16 am
by twinc
RickD wrote:Guys, have you ever heard the saying, "you can't teach an old dog, new tricks"?

I wonder if there's any truth to that... y:-?
not here or in this context - in fact we have the problem here exactly stated that everything, including religion must be new - truly new tricks and many have been tricked into acceptance - you cant kid me many claim who have in fact been kidded - this is the heresy of Modernism and is the synthesis of all heresies and is what is causing Christians to fall away in droves in accepting that Christianity/Bible is full of errors,lies,exagerrations,contradictions,myths and fary tales and cannot be trusted or relied on as regards history and/or science - this is the subtle creeping indoctrination via textbooks,media etc - why the hankering or urge to be seemingly/importantly updated and with it via what at best is way out,weird and wacky - turn around,look around,see where you are at and come home as I did - twinc

Re: Christian doctrine of creation ?

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 9:31 am
by Byblos
twinc wrote:
RickD wrote:Guys, have you ever heard the saying, "you can't teach an old dog, new tricks"?

I wonder if there's any truth to that... y:-?
not here or in this context - in fact we have the problem here exactly stated that everything, including religion must be new - truly new tricks and many have been tricked into acceptance - you cant kid me many claim who have in fact been kidded - this is the heresy of Modernism and is the synthesis of all heresies and is what is causing Christians to fall away in droves in accepting that Christianity/Bible is full of errors,lies,exagerrations,contradictions,myths and fary tales and cannot be trusted or relied on as regards history and/or science - this is the subtle creeping indoctrination via textbooks,media etc - why the hankering or urge to be seemingly/importantly updated and with it via what at best is way out,weird and wacky - turn around,look around,see where you are at and come home as I did - twinc
I have a lot of respect for you twinc, I really do. You sound like an intelligent human being and if in fact you are in your 80s (not doubting you, just marveling actually) I commend you for having the courage not only to stand by your convictions but to be able to defend them with such veracity.

I do have a couple of things I need to mention that I'm hoping you could indulge us with, 1) is a brief introduction about yourself and your background (in the general chit-chat forum there is a thread just for that), and 2) if I could ask you to refrain from making assumptions about others and their status vis a vis faith, God, Jesus, and home. We are mostly a Christian community here so there really is no need to close every post of yours with the now familiar 'come home' battle cry. It is really rather insulting. One's stance on the age of the planet or evolution has no baring on one's faith in Christ. Thanks and I look forward to more contributions from you.