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Re: Pretty Upset with Dr Phil Today

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 1:29 pm
by BavarianWheels
Ivellious wrote:He was encouraging her to stop playing "victim" and do something about her decisions. Why is that so wrong?
Because "Mitzy" sees it wrong for one to "accept" being homosexual...that everyone simply chooses to be homosexual...that it's some sort of switch that humans choose to turn on and can just as easily turn off. :shakehead:

Re: Pretty Upset with Dr Phil Today

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 1:43 pm
by RickD
If it's true what Mitzy said, that Dr. Phil told her to accept her homosexuality, that's so wrong. Adolescents are confused enough at that age, with all the hormones working overtime. For a Dr. to tell an adolescent to just accept being homosexual, when she may not be. That's a big mistake that can cause someone a world of trouble. My son told me of 2 jr. high boys in his school that were holding hands because they are "gay". Recently I asked him how those boys were doing, and he told me they're not "gay" anymore. Kids at that age don't need to be told they're "gay, so deal with it".

Re: Pretty Upset with Dr Phil Today

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 1:44 pm
by Mitzy
Ivellious wrote:Look, yeah, I don't doubt that some girls (probably much more often than boys) might find it fun or attractive to pretend to be a lesbian. I don't think it is particularly common, but sure, I can see it. But those girls aren't likely really doing it out of attraction or desire.

The girl on Dr. Phil seriously sounds like she did not simply choose to become a lesbian and that it caused all her issues. To me, it sounds like you wanted Dr. Phil to just say "Yes! Clearly all your problems in life are because you are gay." See, to me, she was blaming bad decisions on a part of herself (being gay) that she had not yet come to terms with. Dr. Phil was saying that rather than not dealing with her issues and just blaming them on her sexuality, she needed to accept that she was attracted to girls and then actually start to solve the problems she was having. He was encouraging her to stop playing "victim" and do something about her decisions. Why is that so wrong?
Thats what I was trying to say that she is using it as an excuse to get away with acting like an out of control teen. Dr Phil pretty much played into her manipulation and gave her a pat on the back. He did say something about wrecking 3 cars but it wasn't much. That was how I saw it anyway that Dr Phil was being too harsh with the parents and letting the teen get away with everything all because she is gay. When I said that she does have problems from homosexual behavior she does but it is still not an excuse for her actions. I thought I made it clear that was how I felt but I sometimes have a hard time explaining myself.

Please forgive me for not using the quote option I am still new at this.

Re: Pretty Upset with Dr Phil Today

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 1:48 pm
by Mitzy
RickD wrote:If it's true what Mitzy said, that Dr. Phil told her to accept her homosexuality, that's so wrong. Adolescents are confused enough at that age, with all the hormones working overtime. For a Dr. to tell an adolescent to just accept being homosexual, when she may not be. That's a big mistake that can cause someone a world of trouble. My son told me of 2 jr. high boys in his school that were holding hands because they are "gay". Recently I asked him how those boys were doing, and he told me they're not "gay" anymore. Kids at that age don't need to be told they're "gay, so deal with it".
Thank you that is what I was trying to say. It did seem like that was what Dr Phil was telling that girl. She admitted to liking both guys and girls and he pretty much told her to accept that she is gay. I find this so wrong and this is what kids are being taught in schools that if they have same sex attraction just accept that they are gay.

Re: Pretty Upset with Dr Phil Today

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 1:51 pm
by Mitzy
BavarianWheels wrote:
Ivellious wrote:He was encouraging her to stop playing "victim" and do something about her decisions. Why is that so wrong?
Because "Mitzy" sees it wrong for one to "accept" being homosexual...that everyone simply chooses to be homosexual...that it's some sort of switch that humans choose to turn on and can just as easily turn off. :shakehead:
That is not what I meant. It is not easy for them to just turn off. Once engaged in that activity it is hard it becomes an addiction. To the first comment I kind of explained already about that. I think I just did not explain thoughts right. That was what I wanted Dr Phil to do but it seemed like he just gave her a slap on the wrist.

Re: Pretty Upset with Dr Phil Today

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 2:18 pm
by BavarianWheels
Mitzy wrote:
BavarianWheels wrote:
Ivellious wrote:He was encouraging her to stop playing "victim" and do something about her decisions. Why is that so wrong?
Because "Mitzy" sees it wrong for one to "accept" being homosexual...that everyone simply chooses to be homosexual...that it's some sort of switch that humans choose to turn on and can just as easily turn off. :shakehead:
That is not what I meant. It is not easy for them to just turn off.
I think it's exactly what you mean. You may acknowledge it's difficult, but a switch nonetheless. Try switching your own heterosexuality off and homosexuality on--Now you understand the homosexual's position.

I would caution a person to "simply accept" they are gay too...but with the premise that they are confident to being gay, one must simply accept and move on.

Re: Pretty Upset with Dr Phil Today

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 2:27 pm
by Mitzy
With Christ all things are possible. I do not think they could do it without Jesus. Even then it will be hard.

I could never be in a homosexual relationship because women are crazy and I have enough hormonal problems that I couldn't possibly deal with another woman's in that kind of relationship.

Re: Pretty Upset with Dr Phil Today

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 2:32 pm
by BavarianWheels
Mitzy wrote:With Christ all things are possible. I do not think they could do it without Jesus. Even then it will be hard.

I could never be in a homosexual relationship because women are crazy and I have enough hormonal problems that I couldn't possibly deal with another woman's in that kind of relationship.
If it's possible to switch you assert, then it's possible to switch on.

Re: Pretty Upset with Dr Phil Today

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 2:49 pm
by Mitzy
BavarianWheels wrote:
Mitzy wrote:With Christ all things are possible. I do not think they could do it without Jesus. Even then it will be hard.

I could never be in a homosexual relationship because women are crazy and I have enough hormonal problems that I couldn't possibly deal with another woman's in that kind of relationship.
If it's possible to switch you assert, then it's possible to switch on.
Through the help of Jesus one can overcome homosexuality. I would think that most Christians believe this.

I do believe Satan temps people with sin and could and does tempt people into homosexual behavior especially teens who are more easily swayed. Once they do that Satan then oppressess them.

Re: Pretty Upset with Dr Phil Today

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 3:05 pm
by BavarianWheels
Mitzy wrote:
BavarianWheels wrote:
Mitzy wrote:With Christ all things are possible. I do not think they could do it without Jesus. Even then it will be hard.

I could never be in a homosexual relationship because women are crazy and I have enough hormonal problems that I couldn't possibly deal with another woman's in that kind of relationship.
If it's possible to switch you assert, then it's possible to switch on.
Through the help of Jesus one can overcome homosexuality. I would think that most Christians believe this.

I do believe Satan temps people with sin and could and does tempt people into homosexual behavior especially teens who are more easily swayed. Once they do that Satan then oppressess them.
Then you must also hold as truth that through the help of Jesus one can overcome sin...?

Re: Pretty Upset with Dr Phil Today

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 7:50 pm
by Callisto
BavarianWheels wrote:
While I too am Christian and have certain beliefs on homosexuality, my stance is that the bible is clear that the ACTS OF HOMOSEXUALITY are sinful and not that being a homosexual is any more sinful than being a sinful heterosexual. We must be accepting of our fellow sinners. Their sin is no more sinful than our own...even heterosexual sins. It is my belief that sin has so corrupted humanity that I accept the theory that homosexuals are born homosexual...and it's not that God created them that way. God didn't create sin in any of us. Remember that.
^This paragraph exactly. Thanks for the post BW.

Re: Pretty Upset with Dr Phil Today

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 4:48 am
by Byblos
Callisto wrote:^This paragraph exactly. Thanks for the post BW.
Lol, while I agree with Bav for the most part, to avoid any confusion please do not refer to him as BW as we we have another member who's known as well, B.W.

Re: Pretty Upset with Dr Phil Today

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 7:48 pm
by FlawedIntellect
Mitzy wrote:"True. But what about adults who only feel attracted to the same sex? No one "chooses" to feel attracted to anyone. People who are gay or bisexual don't "change their mind" one day and become gay/bi."

Some do most do not I will admit that. With all the research I have done I do not believe that people were born that way. Eventhis site says it is unlikely. If what I said about demonic opression then that explain why people who are gay do not change their minds and become straight. Satan has a hold of them and will not let them go until they find Jesus.

"Coming from a straight person, this is always baffling to me. Do you care to justify this statement at all? It seriously just sounds like total bias and bigotry without cause. I don't care if you think it's a sin, but you can't justify saying that being gay automatically damages a person in any way. What about the multitude of highly successful and happy gay people? What about the straight people who aren't happy and are spiritually/emotionally struggling? This statement is just so wrong it hurts to read it."

How many of them are on anti-depresants? I never said that straight people can't have issues. I have issues but its because of how I was raised and how horrible my family is. That is why I have low self esteem. I am not being biased according to the Bible and my belief in it sexual sins often lead to demonic oppression. I believe that is why the Bible is so strict on sexual sins.

"Most? I'd question that call there if you are referring to sexuality. Sure, teens experiment with lots of things, but I've never heard of someone I know just taking same-sex relationships for a test drive on a whim. The only ones who did? The ones who were and are still legitimately attracted to the same sex. They haven't grown out of it, they didn't start because it was a fad..."

For one most do because it is a fad there was a school around where I live where most of the girls were so called lesbians. I say at least they are not pregnant but you can't tell me that every single one of them was born that way. It is fad it is a way of getting attention and teens thrive on attention good or bad. Also again once engaged in that behavior it becomes an addiction because of the demonic oppression. It is just like any other addiction. I myself and my friends and other people I know have experimented in school it was fun and especially got attention from guys. My cousin when in HS was in a lesbian relationship but that did not last and after that she dated men and the family was accepting of her.

"Homosexuality isn't forced down anyone's throats. To be honest, there aren't more gay teens, they just happen to be growing up in an era with less stigma being placed upon their sexual orientations, one that doesn't think they have a mental disorder if they come out."

Yeah I am sorry I just do not believe that. Yes it is being forced down everyone's throats. If you say it is sin you are hateful and closeminded. I do not care so much about what sexual preferance one has. What I do have a problem is people making false claims that there is proof and it is a fact that people are born that way. I also have a problem with teaching that to kids who when left alone about it would probably grow out of it. A lot of teens have same sex attraction but that doesn't mean they are gay. I used to be attracted to girls why not they are beautiful and sensual and I can still appreciate a good looking woman but that doesn't mean I am going to jump in bed with one now. One I am married and two I do know that God would not want me to do that. I have read and heard on the news how the liberals are trying to indocterinate children about homosexuality. Why not just teach them not to bully anyone for being different. They do not have to tell them that people are born that way when there is no prood. I heard of a first grade teacher taking her class on a field trip to her gay wedding. I hear that another gay teacher said how she talks to her students about gay sex and tells them details about toys and such. I hear about homosexual books in school libraries that have explicit details and pornagraphic images. A child would not even be able to buy a book like that a book store because you have to be 18 to buy certain books. This is what I have a problem with not gay people in general. I think they need Jesus but I am not going to force that on them.

I wouldn't ask you to accept homosexuality, but here's a little advice: If you hate homosexuality and think it's a sin, then don't sleep with someone of the same sex. Stop expecting everyone to believe the same way you do, because like it or not, homosexuality has been around since the dawn of civilization and it isn't going away any time soon. It's not a choice, or a fad, a game, or a result of demonic possession. The Bible doesn't support that at all, you know.Ivellious"

I usually get attacked for defending others by saying just because they believe its a sin doesn't mean they are being hateful. I also have gotten attacked by just saying that I believe people are not born that way and if some chance they are it is an abnormality or imbalance. That is coming from what I read on there own sites. They claim its a hormonal imbalance but when I say it I am hateful. Everything else you said about it not being a choice or fad or a game that is your opinion. I did not say demonic possession I said oppression there is a difference. When we sin we let Satan in and have control over that part of our lives. Now I would not say that on a non Christian site. I do know I can't expect non-Christians to believe what the Bible says is right or wrong.

About the Dr Phil show I saw yesterday gay or not that girl has issues and it did seem like she was trying to blame all of her actions on being gay. That is not an excuse to do drugs and to wreck 3 cars and to be disrespectful to her parents. She was acting like a selfish brat and to get people off her back she says its because I am gay and everyone bought into it. Oh she is gay that poor girl she is so brave. She is a manipulateive brat that knew what to say to get people off her back. I do know teenagers. I was one but I had other excuses I used to get out of trouble. Because my mother was horrible I had my counselor and the asst princible eating out of the palm of my hand. They did not want to have my mother go up there and act like trash so I got away with a lot. I could bring on the tears whenever I wanted. So I was upset that Dr Phil fell for that bs.
While yes, I agree that there are demonic forces at work, (I've noticed ya didn't use "possession" but rather "oppression." Oppression by demonic forces isn't as rare as possession, as far as I know, but I have no statistical proof to back it up.)

If anything, though, here's the thing. Addictions are sometimes psychological, though often they can be physiological. I've read some articles online about certain addictions, and also, I've read a wikipedia article on "Dopamine" once. "Dopamine" is a neurotransmitter that is thought to be involved in learning processes. From the article, I've read that it is involved in providing a sensation of pleasure for various things, and is also partly responsible for hunger (though it doesn't cause pleasure from eating food. A different neurotransmitter does this.)

If anything, sexual stimulation is on the list of things that this neurotransmitter is listed in causing stimulation. If anything, it is possible that this neurotransmitter may be responsible for numerous addictions, including addictions to drugs, alcohol (which can be considered the same thing as drugs, depending on one's interpretation), sex, and so on.

Basically, people get stimulated and their brains become more "wired" to resume such acts. Their conscience may be guilty, but their body keeps craving more, which is one of the reasons addictions can be increasingly harder to give up. ... jjpJ-e-6ug

This link is on the negative effects of pornography specifically and has a main focus of negative effects on child development, but if anything it does demonstrate a bit on sexual addictions.

As per the discussion on homosexuality, well, if anything, my head still wrestles with some of this as a topic (though if anything, I have no doubt that it is due to saturated self-exposure to the yuri genre of anime, which since I've so far given up on). Even so, I agree with Mitzy here on asserting that homosexuality is a choice. (No one is "born" in such a way. If anything, factors that contribute to any sort of personality or social conditioning depend as much on the environment one grows up in as it does on conditions people are born with. (I have Aspurger's Syndrome and ADHD here. If anything, behavior is able to be influenced by mental "conditions", but granted, the decisive factor is still, in most cases, based on the environment one grows up in.) Culture, social interaction, personal thoughts and feelings, peer pressure, etc...)

If anything, it is a choice, though one partially influenced based on how one is conditioned growing up, as well as the people they grow up with, etc...

As per the "yuri" genre of anime and manga (depending on additional genres in play), it tends to try to portray lesbianism as this cute something of a budding romance, forming of an emotional bond, adapting to these feelings, etc... If anything, though, this can actually be a pretty misleading, but granted, I'm not really an expert on the subject... If anyone here is more familiar with the relationship dynamics of such, please feel free to take over the matter.

But eh, moving on, yeah, things are pretty confusing in this modern time, and yes, some of the things in the media do not help. If anything, those that are anti-homosexuality are often condemned as being haters who shout pejorative words and assault or speak violently toward homosexuals, and are often portrayed as Christians. While yes, there are people who are like this, it is questionable to consider such people are really Christians, and additionally, I can see how one side feeds the fire for the other side. For example, as the so-called "Christian homophobes" that are very violent go about their ways, the homosexuals panic and worry, while others are outraged. In this, homosexuals stereotype all Christians as thinking and behaving in this manner, which raises the temper of the alleged "Christian Homophobes" that are violent, as well as those that are not violent.

Self-perpetuating conflict. It will fall apart when both sides reason with each-other rationally. Unfortunately, that may not be likely.

Granted, I'm not studying psychology, so this is purely speculation.

Re: Pretty Upset with Dr Phil Today

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 8:41 pm
by Mitzy
While yes, I agree that there are demonic forces at work, (I've noticed ya didn't use "possession" but rather "oppression." Oppression by demonic forces isn't as rare as possession, as far as I know, but I have no statistical proof to back it up.)

If anything, though, here's the thing. Addictions are sometimes psychological, though often they can be physiological. I've read some articles online about certain addictions, and also, I've read a wikipedia article on "Dopamine" once. "Dopamine" is a neurotransmitter that is thought to be involved in learning processes. From the article, I've read that it is involved in providing a sensation of pleasure for various things, and is also partly responsible for hunger (though it doesn't cause pleasure from eating food. A different neurotransmitter does this.)

If anything, sexual stimulation is on the list of things that this neurotransmitter is listed in causing stimulation. If anything, it is possible that this neurotransmitter may be responsible for numerous addictions, including addictions to drugs, alcohol (which can be considered the same thing as drugs, depending on one's interpretation), sex, and so on.

Basically, people get stimulated and their brains become more "wired" to resume such acts. Their conscience may be guilty, but their body keeps craving more, which is one of the reasons addictions can be increasingly harder to give up. ... jjpJ-e-6ug

This link is on the negative effects of pornography specifically and has a main focus of negative effects on child development, but if anything it does demonstrate a bit on sexual addictions.

As per the discussion on homosexuality, well, if anything, my head still wrestles with some of this as a topic (though if anything, I have no doubt that it is due to saturated self-exposure to the yuri genre of anime, which since I've so far given up on). Even so, I agree with Mitzy here on asserting that homosexuality is a choice. (No one is "born" in such a way. If anything, factors that contribute to any sort of personality or social conditioning depend as much on the environment one grows up in as it does on conditions people are born with. (I have Aspurger's Syndrome and ADHD here. If anything, behavior is able to be influenced by mental "conditions", but granted, the decisive factor is still, in most cases, based on the environment one grows up in.) Culture, social interaction, personal thoughts and feelings, peer pressure, etc...)

If anything, it is a choice, though one partially influenced based on how one is conditioned growing up, as well as the people they grow up with, etc...

As per the "yuri" genre of anime and manga (depending on additional genres in play), it tends to try to portray lesbianism as this cute something of a budding romance, forming of an emotional bond, adapting to these feelings, etc... If anything, though, this can actually be a pretty misleading, but granted, I'm not really an expert on the subject... If anyone here is more familiar with the relationship dynamics of such, please feel free to take over the matter.

But eh, moving on, yeah, things are pretty confusing in this modern time, and yes, some of the things in the media do not help. If anything, those that are anti-homosexuality are often condemned as being haters who shout pejorative words and assault or speak violently toward homosexuals, and are often portrayed as Christians. While yes, there are people who are like this, it is questionable to consider such people are really Christians, and additionally, I can see how one side feeds the fire for the other side. For example, as the so-called "Christian homophobes" that are very violent go about their ways, the homosexuals panic and worry, while others are outraged. In this, homosexuals stereotype all Christians as thinking and behaving in this manner, which raises the temper of the alleged "Christian Homophobes" that are violent, as well as those that are not violent.

Self-perpetuating conflict. It will fall apart when both sides reason with each-other rationally. Unfortunately, that may not be likely.

Granted, I'm not studying psychology, so this is purely speculation.[/quote]

You make some very good points. I knew a little about that but did not put two and two together. There is a reason why people are creatures of habit for a reason.

Re: Pretty Upset with Dr Phil Today

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:26 pm
by mlynchrules
So I just wanted to address a few things FlawedIntellect stated. I identify as bisexual. This being said, I can say that sexual addiction or addiction to pornography has nothing to do with homosexuality. I am a virgin and I don't watch pornography so I find it difficult to believe that I could possibly be addicted to either thing. Next I want to address the whole "born homosexual" statement. I do agree that nurture has quite a bit with how a person may end up sexually. Unfortunately, then we are getting into the whole Nature vs. Nurture argument. It would be incredibly difficult for one to pick out instances from a person's childhood (or life in general) that may lead them towards becoming homosexual. First of all, how can we determine what events or conditions are "homosexuality inducing"? Obviously the best way to experiment with this would be to find twins, one of which identifies as heterosexual and the other that identifies as homosexual and figure out what events in their lives are different. This would be incredibly difficult though, because you would have to identify every single event in the two individual's lives as the person remembers the events. Plus, you run into the fact that there is something psychological that homosexual people are simply born with that is different than heterosexual people. Finally I want to address the statement that homosexual people are "oppressed" by demons/Satan. I think that this is something that you would find very difficult to prove. I think that you can find a lot of homosexual people who are very Christian and very good people. I personally consider myself to be a very Christian person. I love Jesus and God and I do everything I can to live what I find to be a Christian lifestyle. I do not personally believe that I am in any way being "oppressed" or "possessed" by Satan/demons.