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Re: What do you think about this article?

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 6:59 pm
by RickD
The article said that not even one neighbor is on his side. That tells me enough. Also, he was contemplating a lawsuit against the city/town, and has said that they will be paying for the church.

Ain't that a kick in the teeth, for the people of his town. Not only did they not want him to build his church, now they might have to fund it?

This kind of crap really gets my goat!! :twisted:

Re: What do you think about this article?

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 8:14 pm
by narnia4
I think this is a pretty good example of why you can't be too reactionary. My natural reaction is usually something like "How can they do this? This is America!" But waiting for details is usually a good idea.

Re: What do you think about this article?

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 8:21 pm
by Stygian
This begs to question why religious meeting places are even being regulated. I'd argue that building codes and the like haven't made us any safer, to be honest. Is anyone really safer because the height maximum for stair risers have been lowered a half inch over the last eight years? Are we that much safer with required sprinkler systems (maybe if you call water-damaged property and an increased risk of flood coupled with the decreased risk of fire a plus)? It's only a matter of time that they require every house be fitted with giant sponges to absorb any water from an accidental flood caused by their mandated system of ceiling water guns.

Re: What do you think about this article?

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 11:45 pm
by neo-x
Hmmm, I do not know, I think he should abide by safety standards for the sake of other people, but then again, what are the odds of having a fire during a Bible study. We have bible study hosted at my place, around 15-20 people (my place is really small, not for 20 people anyway), once a week. But I live in Pakistan and there are no rules like you have over there, here. But we do not have any church thing going. So to me its kind of silly to arrest someone like this. Also I would like to mention that in countries like mine, home churches are the fastest growing and less problematic.

The early roman authorities banned christian services too for reasons of their own, but the believers went underground, they were breaking the law but then I would too if my govt. bans me from practicing my belief.

Although in this case I understand that the govt. is not stopping him from bible study rather that he is not following the rules. But honestly from where I live that just sounds stupid, its my place, I can do whatever I like and invite people as much as I want. If someone is concerned about his safety he should not come.

On a side note, I am sometimes baffled when I hear prayers not allowed in school ceremonies or public meetings, lol you guys over there have a life, you have so much freedom. I mean countries like mine don't even have these issues. We face physical dangers, like getting jailed or sentenced to death for speaking our christian belief. I sometimes sit back and wonder about people who are pissed off for not being allowed to pray in a graduation ceremony or something, I mean I do not even consider this an issue since we are not allowed to do public prayers anywhere in Pakistan, only in the church. I saw that pastor from america that burned a Koran on video, that video was broadcast-ed on the net and in Pakistan the Muslim mobs burned down a whole christian village in anger. So thats what I consider trouble. Anything less than that is just whining because you have been given religious freedom at no cost at all.

I am not being judgmental neither I am saying that anyone specific here is a whiner, only that what you guys say about religious discrimination, believe me, you haven't seen religious discrimination yet.

There are places in Pakistan where Christians are not allowed to bury their dead.
Outside of big cities if a restaurant owner realizes that you are a christian, they refuse to serve you food, some do but they tell you to get your own plates.
Christians are often fired from their jobs because of their religious beliefs.
No christian student tops our education institutes (one has to wonder if there are no intelligent christian students at all in the entire population)
Christians can not become head of states or higher than a Muslim authority, either in civil institutes or military.
We can not criticize any Muslim material, not even intellectually.
Christian boys and girls have to learn the basic teaching of Koran and parts of the Koran to go through school and graduate at the university.
When mobs burn christian places or Muslims stone a christian in the street, the police does not interfere, they wouldn't file a complaint unless pressed by some bishop or some higher clergy and even then the punishment is only small.
etc etc

You are in ways very lucky to be at least allowed to speak your mind openly without consequences of physical danger. A 60 day jail is nothing compared to death by hanging because a burnt Koran was found at your doorstep, which someone might have done in order to have you punished on purpose, as revenge or something. Or two of your Muslim neighbors joined hands and said falsely that you have balsephemed against Mohammed and the koran, well they do not even take you to a civil court in that case, two (false)witness are enough for a death sentence.

I know I am a little off topic but then again this whole, discrimination against Christianity, especially in the west is on so trivial things that sometimes I am amazed. I mean you guys need to be tough on this, this is nothing compared to what people face in the world for being a Christian. People who are used to have their rights privileged to them often do not cope with persecution very well.

So toughen up fellows, sorry for the sermon but I just want to say that there may be times when you have to survive on way less then you currently have, so dont always have your hopes so high that you can not cope with dangerous trouble. I am not saying your troubles are no troubles at all, just saying that compared to the rest of the world you are still way better, so chill.