Ivellious wrote:Right, everything is good to the Pope except abortions, birth control of any sort, evolution, non-Catholics, non-Catholic holidays/celebrations, sex in media, sex before marriage, divorce...and I'm sure there are plenty of other things the Pope finds distasteful or insulting and against God and Jesus. But apparently, the Olympics and the opening ceremony are not included in that category.
I was raised in a catholic school so I think I have a little grasp on the subject. Yes you could argue that, but that doesn't mean that every belief that comes out of the Catholic church is golden. The Catholic church has a history of errors...
Ivellious wrote:Also, I don't understand what pollution and weapons of mass destruction have to do with building a united world. Frankly, they seem to be tearing us apart and helping us to avoid any kind of peaceful coexistence, much less a world with one government. But tell me, why is living as a united people such an evil thing? Would not peace and universal brotherhood/understanding be a positive sign for humanity? Or is it preferred by God that we murder each other indiscriminately over resources and religious ideologies?
Yes, I answered it before but I will try again. Man is intrinsically corrupt. Just look into our own hearts.. Now it's not a bad thing to promote unity, but when man believes they are the source of unity or try to unite without the authority of G-d, watch out. It's actually very dangerous. And if it get's into the hands of a wrong person, it's a single point of failure for the entire world.