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Re: Trying to take the high road

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 5:41 pm
by RickD
Noah1201 wrote:In the world is this thread about?
Noah, it's about Ultimate777 not making any sense, then his blaming others because we call him on his puzzling posts.

Re: Trying to take the high road

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 6:32 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
RickD wrote:
Noah1201 wrote:In the world is this thread about?
Noah, it's about Ultimate777 not making any sense, then his blaming others because we call him on his puzzling posts.
RickD, you are soooooo closed-minded and condescending. I just love Ultimate's searching questions & perceptiveness! In that spirit, can any of you smart-alecks answer this question:

If God were a turtle, could He get back on His feet when He landed on His back?


Re: Trying to take the high road

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 7:29 pm
by RickD
FL posted:
If God were a turtle, could He get back on His feet when He landed on His back?
That's obviously a trick question. If God were a turtle, He would never have landed on His back to begin with. :mrgreen:

Re: Trying to take the high road

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 7:35 pm
by neo-x
you dont get it rick, if God as a turtle cant land on his back, then he is not GOD. plus that just takes the creativity out of the question. you're not saying God can't be creative, right? ;-)

Re: Trying to take the high road

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 7:39 pm
by Jac3510
Rick and neo,

You are both wrong. The turtle is just a red herring. Since God is outside of time, it follows that He wouldn't land on His back. Rather, in this scenario, we would have to presuppose that God is eternally on His back. It's a picture of God's eternal rest.


Re: Trying to take the high road

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 7:40 pm
by RickD
neo-x wrote:you dont get it rick, if God as a turtle cant land on his back, then he is not GOD. plus that just takes the creativity out of the question. you're not saying God can't be creative, right? ;-)
Neo, you may have a point. y:-?
But, I think if God was a turtle, He couldn't land on his back. Just like God can't create a square circle.
But, if you want creativity, then if God were a turtle, He'd have legs on his back, too. How's that for creativity? y[-(

Re: Trying to take the high road

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 7:43 pm
by RickD
Jac3510 wrote:Rick and neo,

You are both wrong. The turtle is just a red herring. Since God is outside of time, it follows that He wouldn't land on His back. Rather, in this scenario, we would have to presuppose that God is eternally on His back. It's a picture of God's eternal rest.

Jac, now you're saying God is a turtle and He's also a fish(red herring)?
I'm really confused now. :crying:

Re: Trying to take the high road

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 7:46 pm
by neo-x
now u went over creative with that one, Rick. That is plain intelligent design. :-P

Re: Trying to take the high road

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 8:29 pm
by RickD
neo-x wrote:now u went over creative with that one, Rick. That is plain intelligent design. :-P
Neo, God as a turtle didn't always have legs on His back. He evolved Himself into an eight legged turtle, so He could survive the occasional "flip over" problem. That's how survival of the fittest began.

Re: Trying to take the high road

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 8:17 pm
by ultimate777
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:
ultimate777 wrote:I realize that I have taken the low road here and I repent of it.
You're still on the low road: a very bad road with potholes, soft shoulders, hairpin- and off-camber gas stations, either...and unfriendly locals who will rob you if your car breaks down. Beware of falling rocks! There are cyclists everywhere and you don't have a driver's licence!

As Jac said,
Jac3510 wrote:I question every assertion you make in your post (that you've taken the low road; that you repent; that you've changed your mind about your opinions; that you will now try to take a higher road; that most people here are conservative Christians; that such is your opinion; that the responses here are either cutesy or inadequate, etc.).

In short, I question the adequacy of your entire post.
Get off the road before you kill someone!

You are sailing thru midair on the way down after having fallen off.

Re: Trying to take the high road

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 8:18 pm
by ultimate777
RickD wrote:
Noah1201 wrote:In the world is this thread about?
Noah, it's about Ultimate777 not making any sense, then his blaming others because we call him on his puzzling posts.

Re: Trying to take the high road

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 8:22 pm
by Jac3510
That's okay, ultimate. In a relativistic world, we're all falling with FL together! You are the arbiter of your truth, he his, me mine, etc.

Of course, now I'm presuming that my truth is your truth. Hmm. Is that just my truth? Or maybe Wittgenstein was right and this is all just word games anyway. We could be getting into Veatch's fallacy of inverted intentionality.

Well now I've done it. I've managed to confuse myself. I guess that's the problem with trying to be rational when you start from irrational premises.

TheArbiterOfTruth wrote:No.
Who wants to make a wager on how many of us will categorically reject this claim and question the adequacy of it, thereby guaranteeing it, by definition, to be inadequate?!?

Re: Trying to take the high road

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 8:44 pm
by ultimate777
cheezerrox wrote:Ultimate, you are ridiculous. I'm pretty confident that the others who have commented in this forum are mature enough to keep this from turning into some kind of argument, but that certainly seems to be what you want. As I and others have said before, you're constantly argumentative and condescending. I've never once seen you say something loving or Christ-like here on these forums, and if you or anyone else has an example I missed, then feel free to prove me wrong.

I personally think this thread is not worth any more replies. You can say I'm not being Christ-like, or that I'm persecutivng you, or whatever, but even Jesus and Paul rebuked those who were not acting right. I'm honestly surprised a moderator hasn't removed you from the board. I don't have anything against you, and I'll continue praying for you. I hope that you're able to start interacting with the members of this board and get the answers to the questions you have. But, you'll have to change your attitude first.

The reason I'm here is I am having a serious crisis of faith. The typical answers I get to my questions are not IMHO helpful.
Many people here think they are helpful.In the abstract they may even be helpful. However to me they are not helpful.
Much could be at stake and it seems people are not even trying to understand my concerns. I could be wrong, but it is how it seems. Considering all that could be at stake this makes me terribly angry.

I have my ideas of how I want things to be, but I am intellegent to realize things are what they are. If things are not as I want I want to know it. Deep down I doubt if everbody feels the same way here.

But to me many of the answers to my questions seem not even on topic.

Were it not for my crisis I would not bother you all or let you bother me.

Re: Trying to take the high road

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 9:06 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Jac3510 wrote:Who wants to make a wager on how many of us will categorically reject this claim and question the adequacy of it, thereby guaranteeing it, by definition, to be inadequate?!?
I went to a variety store here in Maine and gave the lady a Canadian 25c to pay for my purchase. She rejected it by saying that it wasn't a quarter. I told her that it was a quarter but just not in Maine. She then ''categorically rejected my quarter and questioned the adequacy of it, thereby guaranteeing it, by definition, to be inadequate.''

Now, if God were a Canadian quarter, why wouldn't He be accepted all over the world? A quarter can buy a meal for a starving family in East Timor: why do you reject God?


Re: Trying to take the high road

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 11:20 pm
by cheezerrox
ultimate777 wrote:The reason I'm here is I am having a serious crisis of faith. The typical answers I get to my questions are not IMHO helpful.
Many people here think they are helpful.In the abstract they may even be helpful. However to me they are not helpful.
Much could be at stake and it seems people are not even trying to understand my concerns. I could be wrong, but it is how it seems. Considering all that could be at stake this makes me terribly angry.

I have my ideas of how I want things to be, but I am intellegent to realize things are what they are. If things are not as I want I want to know it. Deep down I doubt if everbody feels the same way here.

But to me many of the answers to my questions seem not even on topic.

Were it not for my crisis I would not bother you all or let you bother me.
It's good that you've come here to find answers, but your actions don't say the same thing as your words. Even if you somehow found EVERY single answer you've ever been given on these forums (which you have to admit sounds a little ridiculous) somehow not helpful at all, you don't respond with WHY the answer is unhelpful. You instead start throwing around insults and claiming that people don't even try to answer your questions, or intentionally take your questions the wrong way. Can you not admit how paranoid and unfair that sounds? And please, know that I don't say this to insult you; I want you to be able to get the answers you're looking for. The problem is that you definitely will NOT if you continue with the same attitude you've had during your time here so far.

Like I said, if you could at least explain HOW particular answers are off-topic or unsatisfactory, then people could work with you. But you don't, and until you do, you don't allow the discussion to move forward.

I'm sorry you're going through a tough time. You have my prayers, and as I said before, I hope you come to be able to find what you're looking for, whether it be through these forums or any other medium G-d chooses to use. My advice is to read the Bible, continually. Just take 15 minutes a day, and keep up with it. You may find that many of your questions will be answered.